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  1. Yokohamas Chicken Breed Information Pictures

    Yokohamas Chicken Breed Information Pictures

    The Red Shoulder Yokohamas................and also the White................. . This Is a very interesting breed, I fell in love when I seen a book, "Extraordinary chickens" . You will find all kinds of problems here. Weak, leathel genetics, poor international agreeable breed standards, and my...
  2. dragon

    who has the best STANDARD cochins ????

    thank you all, It's my friend who LOVES Cochin...... and she just shows at local county fairs........she was wondering who to order from. I doubt she would be interested in big $$$ birds.......and yeah ~ the judge was commenting on her great looks.....but small size ! well.........thanks for...
  3. dragon

    who has the best STANDARD cochins ????

    Thank you, do you think he could send day old ckicks to my post office ??? (mn) IF Not . . . . what would be the best hatchery? anyone ?
  4. dragon

    who has the best STANDARD cochins ????

    for show quality birds ?
  5. dragon

    where is the Long tail Show ! ?

    c'mon long tail owners!
  6. dragon


    common male India blue
  7. dragon

    Horse people- need advice

    yeah i would say call your local farrier and ask about any rescue farms in the many horses go in and out different breeds, age, experience etc. you would find something......
  8. dragon


    too many NEED TO be gelded but are not.... yes somebody will do it. He will still be your love. Lots of studs have gone through the auction to be bought by people who geld and then *poof* newish horse.
  9. dragon


    OHHHH..... its always so sad......I just dont know why people bring in animals ....... You all know where they go if nobody bids right.........I went with my friend who does rescue work. Basicly buys what can be saved and put to a long good productive life. They saved 6..... Anything young...
  10. dragon

    For all the horse people....

    HAAAA !!!!!
  11. dragon

    Does ayone have standard blue frizzle cochins

    well hey why not ! *I would love some as well!
  12. dragon

    Yokohamas & Malays

    ohhh HOW EXCITING!! I've been waiting like a year lol, I wanted to have a friend to talk to about chickens like mine Go see my page there is a little info. on them. Well let me tell you that it has been below zero degrees F this past week. (like -40 with wind chill) I have had no problems...
  13. dragon

    •• BYC Personal Pages Contest - Chicken Breed Page Contest

    23 diffrent breeds huh. well looks like we are doing good........could be better
  14. dragon

    •• BYC Personal Pages Contest - Chicken Breed Page Contest

    I would like one on buttercups.......anyone have those? ! moose antlers......
  15. dragon

    horses / MN well..............
  16. dragon

    meat rabbits

    a slit neck is most humane for killing right? [-no blows to the head] sorry
  17. dragon

    Chickens Proud of Their Eggs?

    they really dont want ya messing with the eggs, but seem to forget moments later..........phebee "sings" b4 laying....
  18. dragon

    whats toxic to eat

    thats good to know........ *onions huh ?! Are avacado bad and chocolat*another post* other things ? they really do eat anything it seems
  19. dragon

    Been gone long time/any yokohama lovers out there?

    ?????????? I fell of the planet for awhile. wanted to keep on touch
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