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  1. nthehunt


    Since posting one of the hens has died, i tried vetrx, want tylan 50 but nobody close by carries it
  2. nthehunt


    I recently bought a seemingly healthy trio of oeg bantams, 2 days after i get them home, both pullets are coughing and their eyes are swollen shut and bubbly, one keeps stretching her neck out and shaking her head. The roo seems to be fine and has been separated.these are in a coop above ground...
  3. nthehunt

    Spotted an opossum, how much of a threat?

    is it just the city you are in, or is the whole state of California backwards?
  4. nthehunt

    Stupid cat! HELP!

    NEVER release a cat else where, they are the ultimate predator and take there toll on everything from song birds to rabbits. If it is indeed a stray or feral cat what's the use of taking it to a shelter it will never be tame. Everyone is quick to say kill a possum or coon but stray cats are way...
  5. nthehunt

    New predator

    just curious why would you rather use poison over trapping?
  6. nthehunt

    Spotted an opossum, how much of a threat?

    possums are def a threat, adults,chicks and eggs are all fair game as well as feed. Good news is they are by far the easiest varmints to catch. Set cage trap and dispatch. Use sardines, tuna or any smelly scraps.
  7. nthehunt

    Will a chihuahua kill a chicken?

    The thing you've got to understand about chihuahuas is that they don't realize they're small dogs*. They have all the same instincts as a big dog and since they think they weight 130 pounds and are 3' at the shoulder, they're going to act as if they were! Now, whether they could PHYSICALLY...
  8. nthehunt

    Great Horned Owl hunting my chickens during the day!

    about 15 years ago, about this time of year, one afternoon after Sunday dinner @ grandma's house we all heard a lot of commotion coming from the chicken pen which was tucked away at the edge of the woods. When we went to investigate there were 2 barred owls in the trees. One of these owls...
  9. nthehunt

    What did this?

    the fact that you havent caught anything in your trap, also screams fox to as they are really trap shy. have coonhunted and trapped for 25 years and have one caught one fox in a cage trap and that one was a youngen.
  10. nthehunt

    Swiper, No swiping!

    don't want to hijack thread but is your avitar an American Guinea Hog?
  11. nthehunt

    Is this cheating? Need to vent

    absolutely not worth the pain and heart ache you cause to someone who loves you, even though our relationship is stronger than ever, the fact that I hurt her so badly will always be my biggest regret
  12. nthehunt

    Is this cheating? Need to vent

    I have been there, in his shoe( no want ads, just cheating) he will be mad about the emails, I was but not at her for reading them,but at myself for being so stupid. When confronted I lied and got really defensive. There are many definitions of cheating, but in my opinion any time spent in...
  13. nthehunt

    Swiper, No swiping!

    I don't get the title???:/
  14. nthehunt

    What did this?

    I was judging the track size by the openings in the chain link, I think its def canine, to pointed for dog, not big enough for coyote
  15. nthehunt

    Dogs INSIDE my coop! Compensation?

    this sounds just about right
  16. nthehunt

    Missing eggs from under a broody hen

    YEP! Totally forgot about rats
  17. nthehunt

    What did this?

    tis the season for young critters, fattening up for thier upcoming babies
  18. nthehunt

    What did this?

    that's a lot of foot traffic, looks like fox tracks
  19. nthehunt

    Missing eggs from under a broody hen

    ah, didn't think about where you were. That would prob be too cold for snakes to move much unless you have heat in your coop/hen house. I'm stumped. As for keeping snakes out you would have to seal every crack from top to bottom with wood and replace chicken wire with hardware cloth wire.
  20. nthehunt

    What did this?

    can you post pics of tracks? That's the best way to determine what did this with out seeing the animal
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