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  1. Grace Boyer

    Rooster lost spur-bleeding, painful

    Thanks, y'all! Glad it's not something serious.
  2. Grace Boyer

    Rooster lost spur-bleeding, painful

    Hi y'all, The other morning before I came to feed the chickens, my rooster somehow lost HALF of his spur, and it had been bleeding, but was mostly dry by the time I found him, so I let it be, hoping it would heal itself. But today, when I picked him up and pressed on it a little bit at the base...
  3. Grace Boyer

    Finally got the video uploaded of Flapper

    Sorry, I have never seen anything like what you described. Your thread won't be taken over by political debate. Only if your democratic chicken started posting would it take on the form of debate. Chickens can have their parties, too. ....And to decide the pecking order...
  4. Grace Boyer

    How do you call your chickens?

    Mine come to their names. If that doesn't work, I get food, and say, ' here (insert name) , food, (insert name)' and they all come. Sometimes they come to each other's names, and if they see me out when they're free ranging, they usually come without being called. Every time we have a cookout...
  5. Grace Boyer

    Tell me about you older hens, please

    My hens are two years old (actually that one's a guinea, but she's still part of my laying flock), one that's four years old, and one eight years old. I usually get two eggs a day, although sometimes only one, and now and then three. I don't know how long chickens will live when they're allowed...
  6. Grace Boyer

    Sensitivity and Internet Forums

    Hey, don't dis Andy Griffith. It's one of the coolest shows there is. Right up there with Walker Texas Ranger. Maybe even better, because it's cleaner. (I know you're entitled to your own opinion, but that doesn't change the facts) So why don't you like it? Just the lack of action? I never heard...
  7. Grace Boyer

    Any other homeschooling families here?

    I am home schooled, too. This year there areonly four of us still school age, and I am graduating this year. (Hopefully, but I'm not supposed to until next year,so we'll have to see. I think I can, though.) My brother will be in ninth grade, and my two sisters in sixth and third. All the others...
  8. Grace Boyer

    Revenge was mine today GRAPHIC PICS PLEASE BE WARNED

    My hen had wound very similar to the one yours has, same place and everything. I used a little rubbing alchohol on a cotton ball, and there must not be many nerves there, because she didn't seem to feel it. She's back to normal now, so your hen will probably be just fine. I wish I was as good a...
  9. Grace Boyer

    I can't stand the waiting!!! *UPDATE*

    I'm very sorry about your cousin, I've never lost one, but I know it must be hard. Especially when you can't do anything. I lost my seventeen year old brother when I was five. I was closer to him than I was to any of my other brothers (I was one of the youngest, so he spoiled me rotten), and of...
  10. Grace Boyer

    So How Was Your Week?!

    My Great Aunt's air conditioners went out while we were visiting her a few weeks ago. Which doesn't bother me too much-uncomfortable, yes, but it wasn't unbearable-but she was on oxygen, and not allowed by her docter to be in weather over eighty degrees. She finally got it fixed, after several...
  11. Grace Boyer

    Crowing hen, anyone? Experts, please confirm she IS a hen please?

    She looks like a hen, but I wouldn't qualify as one of the 'experts'. And I haven't had chicks in several years, so I don't know exactly what an eighteen week old should look like. It does look like a hen for now, though.
  12. Grace Boyer

    If two roosters........

    I don't have a lot of experience with more than one rooster at a time, but I think it depends on the the individual rooster and the number of hens they have in with them. As far as I know, they don't usually kill each other, just fight until they establish dominance. I don't think growing up...
  13. Grace Boyer

    Crowing hen, anyone? Experts, please confirm she IS a hen please?

    A crowing hen will still lay. I had a hen that crowed and she was one of/the best layer for a long time. I don't think crowing has much to do with laying. She also had a comb so big it flopped over to the side.
  14. Grace Boyer

    Well I guess Colonel Bok Bok has the pox!

    My rooster Franklin has those, too, but I think there are just insect bites. I see gnats on his comb all the time and he's not at all sick. My last rooster Chicklen had them too, so maybe it's just a rooster thing? The hens come and peck them off, and he puts his head down where they can reach it.
  15. Grace Boyer

    spurs/ and damage from

    You might try filing the spur with a finger nail file. I've never used it for spurs, but if the roosters are tame I'd think it would be worth a try.
  16. Grace Boyer

    Can old chickens give good eggs?

    I have an eight year old hen that still lays well. Not every day, but every few days. In fact, I think she lay better than the four year old. I think chickens lay and live longer if they're tame, but I don't know if that's scientifically correct. The quality of the egg seems to be as good from...
  17. Grace Boyer

    Help Please?? EXPERTS NEEDED!!!

    Try layering the roosts. Start with one about 2-3 feet off the ground, and add another at an angle (as in further towrd the back of the chicken house, like stairs) a couple feet up. Keep doing that until they are far enough to keep other animals off, but so the chickens can still fly up.
  18. Grace Boyer

    Dogs & chics? Flock dog?

    I think any dog can learn not to hurt the chickens if you train them when thy're small. I have a Bloodhound (not generally considered the smartest dog in the world), and a Lab/Chow mix that have both learned, with a little help, that the chickens aren't to be bothered. Also my brother has a...
  19. Grace Boyer

    How do you???!!

    I can't really remember how to do it with untamed chicks. Mine go back in when I tell them to usually. Ocassionally I have to call them and tell them I have food (only when I do, of course, wouldn't do to trick them), but usually I only have to either call them to me and put them in or just tell...
  20. Grace Boyer


    panner123 What is said simple test? What does it entail and how do you do it?
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