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  1. Forest_Nymph

    Winter water?

    Years ago I purchased a water heater for a bird bath and have used it for years for both the ducks and the chickens. I need to add that I usually separate the birds during their winter confinement. For the ducks, I used a thick rubber sheet under their water container(shoebox tote with...
  2. Forest_Nymph

    design concept

    Ok, good ideas... Perhaps if the inside was framed and covered with washable wallboard? Just to make that "outbuilding/coop" be a cute landscaping conception.
  3. Forest_Nymph

    Okay, Coop Is Finished! Whaddya think? *PICS*

    I LIKE it! Surfing this site for designs etc. because I will soon be building another coop!
  4. Forest_Nymph

    design concept

    I was wondering if this could possibly be an ideal design for a backyard chicken coop. It looks like it could be made of that spray foam that many use to make homemade coolers. Or, start with the standard framing and round it with spray foam...(after placement of windows, doors and ventilation...
  5. Forest_Nymph

    Forest Nymphs Page

    Spring is in the air... Welcome to my world! My backyard is the center of activity around our home. Chickens wandering around the yard is like having animated lawn ornaments! I can sit for hours just watching their activity while they are free roaming. Here in Maine, there are limited...
  6. Forest_Nymph

    I have disturbed the dirt

    Very cute!
  7. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Thank you ALL! Shellyd2008 for great support and info. Froggie for light and temp tips. Dances with ducks for a great thumbs up! Duck keeper for more tidbits of info. ...and many more with positive thoughts and feelings:yiipchick This whole site has the greatest people in the world!!! Now can...
  8. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Just one more for fun!
  9. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Here is a couple pics! Nana's bragging rights, I guess! LOL They have a stuffed toy to snuggle with and a mirror to talk to... I refer to them as "Chilly Willys" They're quite the lil scrappers! More active than their parents when I got them as ducklings, go figure.
  10. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Quote: Thanks for the input! I'm watching them closely. I doubt I sleep much tonite either...! I've still keep a dry paper towel over them (lightly) because their skin looked so red and it looked like they were sun-burned? Is that normal? Also noticed they're shedding that dusting of dry...
  11. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Here's my duo! All settled into their brooder with the grandkids cuddly (I'm sure they won't mind!) to snuggle into. Their bellybuttons were treated with iodine and are nearly all healed. Keeping them in this tote under a lightbulb @ about 100-102 degrees. Is that about right? Also, have an...
  12. Forest_Nymph

    My BABIES are here!!!!(updated pics-5 wks old)

    They're adorable!! Hatched 2 calls at noontime. They're drying off and resting now. Can't wait to get them up and running like yours!
  13. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    I desparately want to settle them in a dryer place but letting them rest. the second one is less developed I think... keeping them warm til they dry off. 1st one is out of shell... waiting for the other to catch up into that to follow...
  14. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    hoping this pic works... they're really talking now!
  15. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Ok, I'll take that advise, thanks.
  16. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Thanks, this confirmation helps me focus on getting these critters out safe and sound. I was up every 2 hours last nite just to keep the shells moist. this morning the distress signals demanded I intervene. The end shells are open and they talk to me and even saw one yawning. Currently...
  17. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    It sure is nerve wracking! I broke the shell and can see their bills. They seem calmer and more responsive. they're still squirming. Removing some more shells very carefully and keeping them moist with q-tips. I dissected the embryo that expired and its bellybutton was nearly closed. I...
  18. Forest_Nymph

    I'm amazed!?!

    Update! The egg that was pipping has expired. I nicked the large end to see its bill had made it through the slanted air sac. There is no life in it... The 2 remaining eggs were screaming and are still active. They sound distressed. What do I do? I suspect the shells are hard... Need...
  19. Forest_Nymph

    Sitting in the nest on a beautiful day!

    I believe she has gone broody on you! She wants to be a momma! Good luck with that.
  20. Forest_Nymph

    Duck Tipping too!
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