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  1. FeistyPeepers

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    "Almost a crazy cat lady, now it's chickens!!" That IS SO ME WAS a crazy cat lady, now it's chickens
  2. FeistyPeepers

    Review by '' on item 'Brahma'

    We started off with 3 Dark Brahmas (penciled) but at 2 weeks old they all became ill, as did our 3 Light Sussex, 3 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte & 3 Gold Laced Wyandotte. The survivors are 2 Sussex, 1 GLW (barely), 1 BLRW, & 1 Brahma. My sickest were the BLRW & Brahma. I held them for hours each day...
  3. FeistyPeepers

    New pics Added!! Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster or Hen?

    Hi, I have a sweet 14 week old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte whose comb & waddles are turning quite red over the last few days, making me wonder if it's a cockerel. The brat refused to stay still to take pics LOL. Hopefully these are good enough. Sorry the pics aren't better.
  4. FeistyPeepers

    Comment by 'FeistyPeepers' in item 'Barred Rock'

    Our very 1st chicks that caused us become chicken math victims (LOL) are some of my favorites! I agree with you they're awesome. Our hens are the sweetest & honest;y only our 2 light Sussex hens are as calm as our Barreds. We have not had even one minute problem with them. We have 2 roos...
  5. FeistyPeepers

    eye problem in mille fleur

    Hey Cathy, I wonder if trying to give her some yogurt with her dry feed sprinkled on top in a shallow but wider in diameter bowl would help her to eat easier. The contrast in colors in the bowl might help. We have 2 chicks that are my special babies because they both nearly died at a week...
  6. FeistyPeepers

    cochin hen does sideways shuffle and then attacks my blind mille fleur

    Cathy, For her safety I'd keep her separated. We lost a very sweet EE just this past Sunday evening She was brutally pecked to death & she wasn't weak per say, just docile & what's worse is that everyone grew up together in the same coop & are only a week difference in age. She was OK & then...
  7. FeistyPeepers

    Review by '' on item 'Plymouth Rock'

    I can't say anything negative about the Barred Rocks. We bought 8 straight run in March and ended up with 6 pullets & 2 cockerels. I love my boys! They're the sweetest babies. In my albums I have pics of my boys & my pullet Sweetness, they love to snuggle with me & stretch out their necks, put...
  8. FeistyPeepers

    Comment by 'FeistyPeepers' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    Yes, that's one of them. It's Hawk (Hawk Eyes) she looks like a hawk even more now. She chitters a sort of cluck when I hold her but Chitchat, her almost twin, just talks my ears off.
  9. FeistyPeepers

    Review by '' on item 'Easter Eggers'

    I love this breed. They are by far the cutest birds with their little puff cheeks & beards. They are affectionate and smart. I'd recommend this breed, they are great.
  10. FeistyPeepers

    Comment by 'FeistyPeepers' in item 'Wyandotte'

    We bought 6 straight run SLW from our local Rural King (1st time children owners) and wound up with 3ea. As chicks they looked like pics we'd seen but at about 4 weeks they looked so goofy that I wondered how the hell they'd EVER look right! Their feathering looks very SLW now at 9 weeks. Hope...
  11. FeistyPeepers

    Comment by 'FeistyPeepers' in item 'Serama'

    Do you use chicken diapers? If so, what ssize?
  12. FeistyPeepers

    Can an Easter Egger's tail length indicate gender?

    Here's a secondary pic of Twitch showing the comb
  13. FeistyPeepers

    Can an Easter Egger's tail length indicate gender?

    Here are a few of my babies, please share your wisdom I like learning from other's experience. 8 weeks old name depends on gender Twitch, also 8 weeks old, my skittish baby the poor thing is so tore up on the back from being pecked so badly. If you move your hands too quickly she reacts...
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