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  1. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Believe me I'm in the same boat....think of all the different animals you can have!!!
  2. liz9910

    California - Northern

    So I had 4 Buff Orp cockerels and got rid of them in less than 24 hours on that's a new record. Lucky lady who took them lives on a 20 acre ranch and she says she can have all the chickens she wants...that would be very dangerous for me lol
  3. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Thank you.
  4. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Awwww ducklings!! How cute.
  5. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Hi there, do you sell hatching eggs? I currently have a closed flock. Thank you.
  6. liz9910

    California - Northern

    That's good. At least you got some new babies other than chicks :)
  7. liz9910

    California - Northern

    I bought some super expensive Serama eggs from eBay, only one made it out of the egg and then died. I feel your pain!! Sorry that happened to you.
  8. liz9910

    California - Northern

    I'm sure it's possible that I missed areas, my coop is kinda hard to get into/maneuver around. The way it's built I'm not sure even paint would be able to get in all the hidden areas. Sigh. A plastic coop is sounding good right now. No wood for mites to hide in.
  9. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Do you mean spray the chickens 3 times in one week?
  10. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Is it possible to get rid of mites for good? I treated all of my coops (sprayed the heck out of them) and my chickens with the Elector PSP and I still got a mite on me after picking up one of my chickens. I am really grossed out by the bug thing. Please advise
  11. liz9910

    California - Northern

    I'm going at them full force tomorrow. No wood, perch or chicken will be left unsprayed lol. I have a broody who is going to be less than thrilled when I pull her off the nest. (no eggs don't worry)
  12. liz9910

    California - Northern

    It was an emergency situation just a small amount on a Q-tip. Poor baby was being eaten alive. I got my Elector on this website: it's expensive but it's worth it to me not to get crawly things on my arms ****shudder****
  13. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Thank you Ron. I actually did order Elector PSP after researching mites. Ewwww. I think the mites must be the red variety as there aren't large build ups of them on the chickens. But the ones I do find crawling on me aren't red, perhaps they're newly hatched ones. I treated a poor Serama chick...
  14. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Great, that's what I ordered. What do you use to treat the mites on the chickens?
  15. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Thank you! I'll pick one up along with some masks and a new sprayer.
  16. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Ok so wild birds have given all my coops/chickens a disgusting severe infestation of mites. They're everywhere!! On the eggs, the chickens, perches everything. I am planning a mass spray of all the wood in the coops and the chickens on Saturday. Just the thought of touching anything in the coops...
  17. liz9910

    California - Northern

    Congrats! That is beyond cool!!!!
  18. liz9910

    Pecking order gone wrong?

    I wouldn't add them together until they are the same size, that can help too. Good luck to you.
  19. liz9910

    Newbie here

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