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  1. Sandra Lee

    How hatching works under a broody? Newbie help please!

    Since this thread is fairly new and I am having trouble finding the answer, may I have some help as well? (I am sure this has been posted multiple times but I'm not sure what to search!) I am also trying to hatch eggs under a broody hen, hoping they will hatch the end of this week or weekend. My...
  2. Sandra Lee

    Dog barking at chickens

    Thank you all, you have all been so helpful!!! She is a very well behaved dog and I do believe I am pack leader. She is perfect in the house and for the most part outside but she does bark at rabbits, the chickens, the kids across the street when they are playing outside, etc. She does not...
  3. Sandra Lee

    Rhode Island

    Hi from Little Compton :) I just got a new flock (I have had a flock containing a RI Red, Buff Orpington, Black Coppers Marans, Easter Egger, Red Star and GL Wyandotte in the past but have recently started new). This time around I started with a Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex and Barred...
  4. Sandra Lee

    Dog barking at chickens

    Hi everyone, I have searched the forums on this and haven't found a thread but please direct me to one if I am wrong and missed it. I have seen several threads about training a dog to avoid attacking chickens but I would love to know how best to train the dog to not bark at them every time...
  5. Sandra Lee

    Rhode island? Ocean state, anyone else out there?

    Hi everyone...I haven't been on here in a while. I'm from Little Compton, RI and we have 5 hens...1 RIR (Rosy), 1 Red Star (Milly), 1 Easter Egger (Yolko), 1 Buff Orpington (Coral) and a Black Copper Marans (Jade). We had a gold laced wyandotte named Amelia as well but she turned out to be a...
  6. Sandra Lee

    Purina Mills Coop By me.

    No, we didn't put posts in the ground. We did dig down around the whole thing though to make space for an extra foot or so of hardware cloth to deter digging predators. Otherwise, the whole thing is very sturdy.
  7. Sandra Lee

    Purina Mills Coop By me.

    I just realized I never posted the final cost...and at this point I have no idea what it was! I know it wound up being waaaay more...but mostly because of the run we built. Anyway, came out great, here's some pictures... Makes me so happy to look in my back yard and see this...
  8. Sandra Lee

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Anyone near Rhode Island want a GLW cockeral? He is not breeder stock, was a sexing error from MPC. I still think he's handsome....he's 1 year old, not too aggressive but not overly docile either...takes good care of his hens but he is a little too much for just 3 hens. I want to get rid of...
  9. Sandra Lee

    Rhode island? Ocean state, anyone else out there?

    If anyone in RI wants a handsome, 1 year old, Gold-Laced Wyandotte rooster let me know...I am looking to get rid of mine so I can get a couple more hens :P He's a good boy, looks after his ladies, lets them eat treats first, etc. Not real aggressive but not too docile either...he was a sexing...
  10. Sandra Lee

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Anyone live near RI and want GLW cockerel??? I got one last year through a sexing error and would like to give him away to get a couple more hens. He's from MPC, not a breeder, but he's pretty...will post a pic if anyone's interested.
  11. Sandra Lee

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    Hey everyone, glad to read up and see everyone is doing well :) I'm 37 weeks pregnant today so baby boy is officially considered fully developed! It's definitely getting pretty uncomfortable to take care of my chickens being so large, the baby so low, and it being so cold outside though! (it...
  12. Sandra Lee

    RIR Breed Thread

    Does anyone know how long it takes for a production RIR to perfect their egg laying skills?! I have a RIR that is almost 34 weeks old (born in April this year) who is still laying really small eggs. I can't remember exactly when she started laying. Some of the eggs are shaped a little funny...
  13. Sandra Lee

    Hens dropping eggs from roost

    I have 3 hens and 3 nest boxes! Haha. I ordered some nest pads to try because they just kick all of the wood shavings out every day, we'll see if she likes the fake grass stuff better. Otherwise, I may try hanging a curtain to see if she likes that better. Picky hens, who knew! Will update...
  14. Sandra Lee

    Hens dropping eggs from roost

    Yeah same here, she lays every day...big gorgeous dark brown eggs. So no complaints there. It's just hard to keep them out of all the poop from that night! So I was hoping there was some sort of solution...especially since she was laying in the nest box every day for a while.
  15. Sandra Lee

    Hens dropping eggs from roost

    One of mine is doing the same thing! I have 3 hens and they are still young (25 weeks old) and the one that is laying off the roost was the first to lay (she's a Red Star hen). She started laying in the nest boxes on the second or third day and continued to lay in the nest boxes until the last...
  16. Sandra Lee

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    I don't have a gender preference...but I know my hubby would like at least one boy (and we are only really planning on having 2 kids...3 max), so a boy would take the pressure off. Haha I have been teasing him saying it is definitely going to be a girl...
  17. Sandra Lee

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    Congratulations everybody I am also pregnant with my first...due January 24th. We have our big ultrasound today...hopefully finding out the gender of the baby! reveriereptile - as far as I have read it is fine to paint when you are pregnant, just make sure the room is well ventilated and...
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