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  1. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    Well thank you all. Now I'm reaaaaallllly wondering where the beard and muffs came from. Not all of Simon & Hazel's babies had them, of course, but this is probably the 4th little guy that did. And I've hatched several dozen. I also had 1-2 girls that had it too, but they had the calico...
  2. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    Oh. The lady I got them from told me they were mille fleur crossed with Cochin and that's why Hazel has the mille fleur look. She said this was her second (?) generation from them and not to be surprised if I see the mille fleur in their babies. Simon and Hazel were hatched at Easter this year...
  3. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    Don't you get calico cochins from originally breeding a Cochin with a mille fleur? The same as when you breed splash birds, you can get gray or splash or white. If they are made by crossing a mille fleur with a white Cochin there will be mille fleur that come out in some occasionally. Right? (I...
  4. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    My pairs/trios are all kept separate and the eggs are marked as they taken from each pen. They are definitely from these parents.
  5. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    My chickens don't have the chance to cross, and I no longer had mille fleurs when these eggs were done. This is the little pair I chose to keep.
  6. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    This is Simon & Hazel, my parents. Bantam cochins start laying eggs at right around 4 months. I have hatched many of their eggs, they are just turning 8 months old. I have one pair of their babies for sale now.
  7. CrzyChcknLady

    This Cuckoo Marans IS a boy, right? updatd pictures

    From everything I can see in the pic I would say "she" is definitely not a boy! Lol
  8. CrzyChcknLady

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Hello. I would like to dearly thank you all for posting this info about Johnstown!! I have thought about driving up there to get birds from this guy, but I (as you all do too) have enough problems without this type of headache!! From the pictures I have seen on CL, I have not been impressed and...
  9. CrzyChcknLady

    Comment by 'CrzyChcknLady' in item 'Old English Game Bantam'

    I am so excited for people that discover the joy of chickens!! They are great entertainment, and serve a purpose. As a plus, they each have their own personality. I have around 70 chickens of all different breeds (not including that we hatch around 30 eggs every 3-4 days). I prefer having the...
  10. CrzyChcknLady


    My name is April, I live in Dayton, Ohio. I have been raising chickens for 5 years now. I still have one of my very first chickens, this is her in the picture with me. She will be 5 in August. We started out by buying eggs off eBay. The auction was for 12 eggs, but the person had extra at the...
  11. CrzyChcknLady

    Chicken Nugget poorly

    I have a Buff Orpington hen who went through something similar earlier this year. She was running through the yard fine one minute, and simply fell down on her next step! She got back up but was limping horribly. I assumed she had sprained her leg, but there were no injuries. I took her in the...
  12. CrzyChcknLady

    HELP! my 5 day old chicks re dying!

    TSC (and most other smaller feed stores) have a small envelope-type package of medicine called Sav-a-chik. I have never used it, but I have heard many many many people say fantastic things about it. You may want to wander over and read the package for more detailed info (or simply look it up...
  13. CrzyChcknLady


    You can also use SEVIN dust, yes it's the same dust for vegetables! It is recommended that you use a rubber glove on your hand, pour some Sevin dust onto the glove, and thoroughly pat the hens belly and especially around her butt. The lice bugs are more commonly found around their vent (this is...
  14. CrzyChcknLady

    Comment by 'CrzyChcknLady' in article 'Hope'

    Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you! It is soooo exciting (and tiring) to incubate & hatch eggs. It can be frustrating and stressful, but well worth the work when you are finally successful. Congratulations again!
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