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  1. WildchildT

    Show off your baby chicks!

    Husband started out by getting 10....then came home a week later with six more ("because 5 wouldn't be even")...then showed up today with four more "to make an even 20". We now have more babies than adults. Well at least it'll eventually give our three big Roos something to do and give our...
  2. WildchildT

    Just brought home 3 new chickens: Need help with breed and sex (hopefully all hens!)

    Got these three (hopefully) gals yesterday at a farmers market chicken swap. They all look very healthy, albeit on the small size next to my big girls. Age is estimated 20-24wks. Owner, I think was Menonite, said they are: Americauna, Americauna hybrid (the one who's pic is first), and Blue...
  3. WildchildT

    Sand in the coop

    Sand in the run but not in the coop. I would think sand would be really messy and damp in the coop. I did a TON of research online including this forum of the "old timers" who all nearly 100% recommended shavings in the coop and sand in the run. We have a truck and loaded sand in by the ton...
  4. WildchildT

    Need Advice ASAP on Silkie Roos Fighting- HELP

    I have seven chickens, 2 of which are Silkies all about 5 months old. A few days ago one (Copper) started crowing and looking very roo-ish. We have dealt with the crowing as his behavior is docile and pretty much hangs off on his own. The second Silkie (Agnes) had me pretty convinced she was a...
  5. WildchildT

    Comment by 'WildchildT' in article 'Colorado Coopenhagen'

    Joan- thanks! I will ease up considerably:) Not that I really give him much of a hard time seeing as this is mostly his perfection being displayed, I just assisted!
  6. WildchildT

    Agnes The Silkie

    Agnes is a Silkie I purchased at our local Chicken Swap. I went to "browse" and ended up high-tailing it out there with two baby (1 week old) silkies, a blue and a partridge, tucked in the bottom folds of my shirt! I wasn't guaranteed any sex so I'm crossing my fingers that neither of them are...
  7. Colorado Coopenhagen

    Colorado Coopenhagen

    As newbie chicken owners, we scanned BackYard Chickens for all sorts of coop designs for our 7 young chickens (five regular-large breeds and two silkies). At first we were going to go with a moveable chicken tractor but as we started building, we realized the project had taken on wings of it's...
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