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  1. Lady J

    Hens Stopped Laying

    I have confined all birds to their pen and check it multiple times daily for eggs. Yesterday, 0 eggs. The day before, 3.
  2. Lady J

    Hens Stopped Laying

    Not providing extra light. All birds still appear to be fully feathered. Hot in Arkansas is anywhere from mid to upper 90s to low 100s Checking for eggs under broodies multple times a day. Nothing. I have found random eggs in odd places from the other birds, but no central nest. I now have them...
  3. Lady J

    Hens Stopped Laying

    I had noticed a significant reduction in egg production prior to the snake encounter. I had not seen the snake and wasn't aware I had a snake until I found the shed skin. I am generally at their pen more than once a day just because I enjoy being around the birds and never saw the first sign of...
  4. Lady J

    Hens Stopped Laying

    My 12 hens, all English Orpingtons, have suddenly stopped laying. Up until now, they have been extremely strong layers that didn't hardly slow down in either hot or cold weather. They are now 3 years old. After 3 years, I literally just had my first snake encounter when I noticed a shed snake...
  5. Lady J

    Bumblefoot Questions

    Bumblefoot Update as of 7.26.20: This little hen never did fully recover from bumblefoot. The foot appears to be fully healed, but she continues to have a significant limp. Thoughts out there?
  6. Lady J

    Rooster Treading-Lacerations on Hen's Back

    Treatment of the wounds is under control. Thanks. This is the third time I am dealing with this injury on this hen.
  7. Lady J

    Rooster Treading-Lacerations on Hen's Back

    Y'all, My rooster's claws are digging into the backs of two of my hens and causing deep lacerations. I have healed one of them more than once and just purchased a chicken saddle to try to help protect her. It was an epic fail. The fabric just flipped over and exposed her bare skin. I am tweaking...
  8. Lady J

    how to manage maggots in the coop?

    I put down ag lime to help dry it out and control the odor in their pen. So far, so good. I am pleased with the result. One 50 pound bag gave pretty good coverage in the 15x30 enclosure. I even had enough left to do a light dusting in their house.
  9. Lady J

    Bumblefoot Questions

    Bumblefoot Update as of 6.3.20: The hen has laid an egg. Is this a sign that she is feeling better? She still continues to limp heavily of the impacted foot. I am not putting her back with the flock until the chicken saddle comes in to better protect her from the rooster. I ordered it off Etsy...
  10. Lady J

    How do I worm my flock?

    Actually, no, I don't know if they have worms. For a long time, my hens had clean bottoms. Lately, their bottoms are very poopy looking. I took this to mean either they are wormy or have mites/lice. I know for sure they had a mite infestation. I pulled back the feathers near their vents and...
  11. Lady J

    How do I worm my flock?

    Thank you very much. Stay safe out there.
  12. Lady J

    how to manage maggots in the coop?

    My chicken pen is a 15x30 enclosure under a leanto of my barn. One of the 30' sides is hardware cloth. The ground under the enclosure stays damp most of the time just due to the nature of the soil. Rain blows in too. I have been keeping their feeder in there on the ground. The spillage has...
  13. Lady J

    How do I worm my flock?

    I have heard pumpkin seeds too. Who knew?
  14. Lady J

    How do I worm my flock?

    Exactly how do you worm your flock with Ivermetrin or other horse wormer? I have 13 hens & 1 rooster all English Orpingtons. Are we talking a tube of the paste or other? Once the flock has been dewormed, do the eggs need to be discarded? If so, for what period of time? Thanks so much.
  15. Lady J

    Bumblefoot Questions

    Yes. It is like pine tar. Has a very strong pine odor. Thanks for the reminder.
  16. Lady J

    Bumblefoot Questions

    Bumblefoot update as of 5.29.20: The infected area on the bottom of her foot seems to have healed. The purple thumb has developed either a scab all the way around the thumb or it is dead/dying tissue, not sure which and is still swollen. Anyway...I was able to either simply peel it away from the...
  17. Lady J

    Rooster behavior

    I have noticed two of my hens missing feathers on their backs and having deep cuts around their wings from the rooster's claws. He and I have had a couple of showdowns where he has attempted to flog me. He backed off after I got in a couple of good licks with my rubber boot. No issues since...
  18. Lady J

    Bumblefoot Questions

    OK. Two more questions. 1. I am thinking the swollen, purple thumb is now her primary source of pain and the reason she is still not wanting to put weight on her foot vs the original bumblefoot wound. A friend suggested lancing it. What do y'all think? Would this help? 2. I put the bumblefoot...
  19. Lady J

    Bumblefoot Questions

    I am learning so much from y'all. Always appreciate the good advice and guidance.
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