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  1. Cluckingham Palace Chicken Coop Tractor

    Cluckingham Palace Chicken Coop Tractor

    Cluckingham Palace Our coop has been officially named!!! A big THANK YOU to fellow BYCer The Chicken Lady for suggesting it. On to the Construction. Here is our coop in a finished state. First thing I have to say is we are true backyard chicken keepers. We live smack in the middle of town, a...
  2. Jarhead

    King Coops has BYC member's coops photos posted on their website...

    It took 2 emails, but finally they removed my coop picture and the entire description of the product. If they are going out of biz why not just close the site?
  3. Jarhead

    King Coops has BYC member's coops photos posted on their website...

    I am in contact with him now about this. I asked him to remove the picture, and offered to sell him the design and the picture Hopefully he does the right thing. He was very defensive in his email back to me. Here is the email if you guys are interested. Thanks for letting me know Like...
  4. Jarhead

    Building a Duck Coop/Pen

    Ours is 12x18 and opens like yours. Usually we only open it to about 12x12 and even our biggest muscovy male can walk right in and out just fine. Hope that helps
  5. Jarhead

    Does anyones ducks ever consistantly use nesting boxes?

    We only have Muscovies, but they use the high nest boxes in the coop right along with the chickens. Never had a stray egg.
  6. Jarhead

    Duck Pond Pump questions

    Tetra makes a debris handling pump, that should hold up well. It chops things up as they go through it.
  7. Jarhead

    Austrailian Shellduck

    I see them at our local zoo. Which is Little Rock, AR. They have some that are outside year round, and some in a greenhouse aviary. Both groups seem to do fine. So I am sure they would be fine outside year round in the south. Trick is finding some - I was looking for them awhile back. You...
  8. Jarhead

    TAKEN - Day old Muscovy Ducklings approx 25 Free

    These have been claimed. These guys hatched (and are still hatching) today under 2 broody Muscovy ladies. Currently there are 28 total with 3 more pipping - so if all goes well there will be a total of 31. We live in suburbia and the ducks are our backyard pets, so there are way too many for...
  9. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    How many eggs (per day/week) do ya'll expect to get during the darkest part of winter (without an artifical light sorce). We do not do artificial light at all. We average about the same all year long, never much of a slow down (unless molting). It depends on breed though. Just the ones we...
  10. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Nikki there is one more option with chicken wire. Use 2 layers and overlap them so it makes the holes smaller. If done properly the holes will be 1/2" instead of 1". It is more work, and you need twice as much. Still it's cheaper than hardware cloth. Heck you could do 3 or 4 layers and...
  11. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Nikki, You are in a neighborhood in Sherwood, right? Do you have a privacy fence? Do you see coons, foxes or stray dogs in your yard where the coop is? If not you would probably be OK with regular chicken wire. If your yard is open and you see these predators then that is when you really...
  12. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I shut the windows in the coop (but leave the roof vents open). It really is not cold enough here to worry about all that stuff. As long as they have a place to stay dry and it is draft free, and they have a wide enough roost to stand on they are good. Ours still go outside from sun up to...
  13. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I had the H1N1 last week, not sure where I got it. Thankfully in my case it was no big deal, I was over it in a few days, I pride myself in my STRONG immune system. Weird thing is Steph did not get it.
  14. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    That is false - it is illegal to keep poultry in the city of NLR without a permit which only cost $1 a year. With a permit you are legal. In the code below it says a health inspector will come out, but they no longer do that, it was changed at a city council meeting a few months ago, but the...
  15. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Quote: My thoughts exactly. Let's just hope it's not the one who tortures all the cats
  16. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    lol... we are central
  17. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Sherry, We just try to live right I will let you know if one of them looks like a little girl, I have always found with cochins it is a little hard to tell since those combs look the same for what seems like a long time. Most of the other breeds we have raised it is easier to tell earlier...
  18. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    The cochins are mainly blue/black/splash. It's a little too early to decide who is a boy or girl yet. They are all standard size. As of right now none are up for sale, maybe when they are a little older and we can tell exactly who is who and what is what. All the EEs are standard size as...
  19. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Yes we can swap birds in the parking lot of the store right outside the park, but they have to stay in the vehicle while inside the park. Here is a link to the meetup with info:
  20. Jarhead

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hey Very Cherry guess what I found at walgreens. A Jelly Belly jello called very cherry. As soon as I saw it I chuckled Why does everything remind me of chickens or chicken people? Are you going to the meetup, and do you still want that BR hen? She is still yours if you want her. She lays...
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