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  1. phalenbeck

    5 months - how to cook?

    No problem at 5 months. I am eating my 6 month dark Cornish--excellent
  2. phalenbeck

    Feeding for Flavor?

    Flavor to my thinking is free ranging, older birds, getting dual purpose over cornishX. I just finished dark cornish that tasted gamey, and of course dark meat breeds.
  3. phalenbeck


    I harvested my last 2 red meat birds at 1 year. One had been laying, and the other hen not much to none. Both were tasty, and not tough. I kept them that long because I was too lazy to process. I usually process when they become a nusance, and these 2 fit in well with the layers, were...
  4. phalenbeck

    Turning my roosters into meat birds

    It is possible that the reference is to not feeding them 12hours + before processing. One does not want the poop when processing, you want the bird 'Clean"
  5. phalenbeck

    Broody red meat chicken

    I had them on the girls only side, but will transfer the non broody to the Big Langshon roo side. The combination wiould make a big bird. I assume the two big birds should 'work' O.K.
  6. phalenbeck

    Broody red meat chicken

    I kept a couple red meat birds from last years batch, because they were doing fine, and I was not in a procession mood. They are likely coming up on a year old. One has gone BROODY, and is mean and protective of the 6 eggs she is on. I thought that hybreeds had this breed out of them. She...
  7. phalenbeck

    12 Cornish Rock hens eating and pooping around the clock...need help!

    My last batch was on a screen floor. A couple of blocks for food and water. They pooped through the screen floor, and hosed excess to the ground. I moved is a few times, and put leaves and mulch on the ground. Worked well.
  8. phalenbeck

    Slaughter: ladies, what's your favourite method/tool? I'm still figuring mine out, looking for ideas

    I have been using a cone for a couple years. No flopping around, no mess on me no problem. I have taken to a kitchen sissors, or a knife to cut the neck viens depending on my mood. I have used chicken in a burlap bag, to prevent flopping with a axe in the olden days, and hung them by there...
  9. phalenbeck

    A better breed than Cornish Cross?

    I do not remember the feathers as being more that a touch harder.
  10. phalenbeck

    A better breed than Cornish Cross?

    I raised about 20 lasy year. For some reason they resisted leaving the coop for the pen..They did eat/drink/poop more than layers, but nowhere near the stink, and no health issues of CX. Boys went to camp about 4 months/girls at 5 and 6. 2 have stayed around and are now normal low production...
  11. phalenbeck

    Processing Meat Birds In Southern Wisconsin

    First, do it yourself, it is not that hard. Next find a independent feed store and hang out and ask. If you have Amish, or Menonites that could be a source. Older farm ladys, immigrants, mexicans are all a source. When you finally deciede to do t yourself, do it over a few days--biggest...
  12. phalenbeck

    Free-range meat chickens in fenced city yard?

    They eat more, poop more, drink more, climb ramps poorly, and have few survival skills. Yard should have shade, shelter more clearly available than layers. I do raise mine in the yard, and some batches forrage better, and fun around pretty well. The batch I had under a broody did very well...
  13. phalenbeck

    Meaties in the city

    I am processing some red broilers, and langshan roosters tomorrow. When they get big enough, or start to crow, or are mean to the girls they get frozen. I do not see a problem if your processing is flexable.
  14. phalenbeck

    grow out time

    I do mine when the Roosters become a pain, or are big enough. This could be 6 + months. I never have to do the flock at one time, just the bigest/pain in the ***, and repeat monthy till done. Older birds taste better, and slow cooked are mostly not tough.
  15. phalenbeck

    North Carolina joins the band of Controlling Back Yard Chickens

    N.C. now wants us th reqester our flocks, so they can find us in case fo bird flu. No matter that bird flu is, from all I have seen, part of large operations and NOT much of a issue for little guys. N.C. has also joined tha AG-GAG states, that it you rat-out conditions on a factory farm,or...
  16. phalenbeck

    equipment for small scale processing

    I use a cone, a drill/plucker mounted on a board, a propane camp stove, a cooler, a yard hose, and a shower courtain for on the ground, a few bags. Pretty much stuff that is lying around. I do 4-6 at a time, mostly by myself. I usually grow a batch of 15-20 for a grand total of 50 a year...
  17. phalenbeck

    Broody-raised broilers?

    The Silkey raised birds got to size just like past batches, not faster. or slower.
  18. phalenbeck

    Broody-raised broilers?

    I just had a silkey raise 25 Cornish X. She seemed to try to get them to forrage, and act more like Chickens.
  19. phalenbeck

    Not sure I am thrilled with the hoop house/tractor model

    I used a tractor with a wire mesh floor. Poop went through, or was washed through, and moved every so often. I do not want to use ground tractors with meat birds again.
  20. phalenbeck

    Lighting question, any advice?

    I never use lights, but understand large scale operations give quite a few hours of light to speed growth, (note understand vs know). Meat birds certainly do not need lights to my experience.
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