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  1. jmantoo1

    ducklings being hatched by hen

    baby ducks need plenty of water to eat they are messy i have raised them to gether
  2. jmantoo1

    question about baby ducks

    can the tell the sex of a baby rouen duck by the color ?i have 4 with black bodys and light feathers a little.i have one that is brown like a rouen hen. anyone know about ducks?
  3. jmantoo1

    when do chickens lay

    i have 15 rirs pullets that are 20 weeks old. i thought they would lay soon but i read it takes 24 to 26 weeks is this true/ whitch is right:he
  4. jmantoo1

    A Silly Question about a piano & a chicken! :)

    you can teach them by putting corn on the keys.they will get used to the feed there and also its playing the piano.remove the corn and it will still peck for corn lol playing the piano cool huh?:yiipchick
  5. jmantoo1

    Prospective Chicken Mom: Can you give me the basics on care?

    your best bet is to buy a book .there are quite a few good books on chickens .they will tell you all about chickens. reading the post here is a good sourch of info :th
  6. jmantoo1

    Chickens allowed in Sugarland, TX

    call city hall or the county
  7. jmantoo1

    first eggs laid by chickens

    they sometimes do that with there first eggs.are you giving them any oyster shell for calcuim:th
  8. jmantoo1


    i have a snake that ate a golf ball and 2 fake eggs if this does not make him stop how can i kill him or move him
  9. jmantoo1

    missing eggs

    how do you get rid of a snake
  10. jmantoo1

    missing eggs

    i went out to my chicken house to get my eggs and my 2 fake eggs are gone any ideas where they went
  11. jmantoo1

    goose setting

    my goose started sitting today what a joy there are 5 eggs in the nest im so happy i have 2 eggs that are about 4 days old i was going to incubate can i put them under her
  12. jmantoo1

    what age do you

    what age can i put my chicks in with bigger chickens i know to put them in a cage for a couple of days just dont know at what age
  13. jmantoo1

    Table food to chickens???

    i agree with Southern28Chick no potato skins and no salty foods you can make them regular oatmeal for a treat and they will think they are in heaven i treat mine with oatmeal and eggs that are extra
  14. jmantoo1

    baby chicks

    i just hached 16 out of 28 eggs the ones that hatched .they hatched early on the 19 th day and no more hatched yet but today is only the 21 first day i plan on leaving them in there for 2 or 3 more days i had this happen last time only about 50% hatch this time i put a sponge and let then stay...
  15. jmantoo1


    anytime you put a new chicken in they have to get thier pecking order together you have a hen that was boss now the roo is it will take a while just give them a little more time
  16. jmantoo1

    How Did You Discover BYC?

    i have been around chickens as long as i remember. my uncle said that when i was little if they didnt know where i was they would look in the chicken pen. i just moved from dallas tx to peeltown. pop 123. big change. i found this site by using google and typing in chicken forum. it is number1 in...
  17. jmantoo1

    baby chicks

    i just hached 16 out of 28 eggs the ones that hatched .they hatched early on the 19 th day and no more hatched yet but today is only the 21 first day i plan on leaving them in there for 2 or 3 more days i had this happen last time only about 50% hatch this time i put a sponge and let then stay...
  18. jmantoo1

    ordered my sticker

    ordered my sticker today i will show it proudly:cd
  19. jmantoo1

    Bad experience

    chickens are a big responsabilty.and if you can not take care of her at home and you cant put her in with the other chickens she will be better off where you got her give her a chance to live a good live hope this helps you
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