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  1. weirdmuse

    Chicken Swap in SW Ohio

    I'll be there. I'm hoping to find some heritage turkeys. Preferably Royal Palm. Anyone bringing any?
  2. weirdmuse

    Coffee's ready...

    Sissy, your rain is now here! Pouring now and should continue most of the day. I just finished one cup too many and need to go burn off some caffeine so I'm going to build a small coop for our guineas. I'll build it inside the barn where it's dry and then move it out later. Living in...
  3. weirdmuse

    Don't feed fruit to layers????

    I think if my ladies didn't receive their breakfast of warm apples, grapes and oatmeal on cold winter mornings they would hunt me down. Mine get either apples or grapes almost every day (treat portions, not food portions) and have consistently given me almost an egg a day all winter. They also...
  4. weirdmuse

    Coffee's ready...

    Congrats on the good news, Carl! We'll keep your dad in our thoughts The feeding and watering is done and now to a second cup of cofee. We, as of a few days ago, now have chicks in the bathroom! This is where we brood them until it warms up a bit outside. We have 10 speckled sussex, 10...
  5. weirdmuse

    Winedocks, Asterlops & Coo Coo Maroons

    Quote: recipe?
  6. weirdmuse

    How to feed tankage?

    seems like they're picking at the wound rather than protein deficient. I wonder if just treating the scratches on the few hens with bluecote would stop the problem.
  7. weirdmuse

    So we ate our first chicken........ ewww

    Quote: That actually made me salivate.
  8. weirdmuse

    One Problem Left!

    You should be able to use drip edge or flashing. Is there any way you could post a photo?
  9. weirdmuse

    1 New 6 caharms Turkey Bracelet

    I, too, would be interested in a rooster bracelet if one comes up for sale
  10. weirdmuse

    can anyone tell me why this leg is this way

    Maybe try splinting the leg until it's a bit stronger. Here's a good link on how to do that:
  11. weirdmuse

    Does anyone regret getting chickens?

    I agree with silkydragon! You can get a good, cheap small coop plan from purina at:
  12. weirdmuse

    Does anyone regret getting chickens?

    Quote: Around here, a quick post on craigslist and by the end of the day, no more extra chickens.
  13. weirdmuse

    Check your Feed bag tags UPDATED

    Quote: How's this: I've never had problems with pellets on any size of adult chicken, whether bantam or large breed. I prefer pellets cuz it seems as though there is less waste and much less dust to cause breathing problems.
  14. weirdmuse

    Does anyone regret getting chickens?

    Quote: No regrets at all! ever! Even when we lose one to age, illness, or predator, it's still worthwhile. To answer your concerns: Smell shouldn't be a problem even in hot GA summers with a bit of proper maintenance and good ventilation Just like any other animal, you know if you have a...
  15. weirdmuse

    Hen Died in My Arms This Morning~No Idea Why~Help Please

    I have no help to offer, just wanted to pass along my sympathies.
  16. weirdmuse

    On day 22 (Sat.) and long should I wait?

    Ok, I had my first chick hatch on day 22. Left the other eggs alone. Was about to give up and had 2 more hatch on day 23. Now at day 24 and feeling more concerned. So you're not alone!
  17. weirdmuse

    Hatching 911! Newbie needs help.

    You might try putting the egg on a heating pad with a thermometer and keeping the heat as close to 99 degrees as possible. Or in a box with a lamp the would keep the temps up near the 99 to 100 range. Humidity may be less important since the egg is cracked, but I'm sure others on here will...
  18. weirdmuse

    Coffee's ready...

    Good Morning, folks! Just got back in from plowing open the driveway, shoveling a path to the coop and feeding the ladies. I'm ready for spring. I'm even ready for MUD! Really tired of the snow. Time to pull out the crock pot and put in a roast along with some carrots, potatoes, onions and...
  19. weirdmuse

    Merck Veterinary Manual 7th edition

    The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) has served veterinarians and other animal health professionals as a concise and reliable animal health reference for over 50 years. The first MVM was published in 1955 and introduced at the annual meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association in...
  20. weirdmuse

    Coffee's ready...

    Good Morning, BYCers! 5 fresh inches of snow so far and still coming down good. It's supposed to continue until tomorrow evening. Just got back from the egg trek that produced 14 eggs. I have several late day layers so should be close to 20 for the total today. 1 sick hen with what I think...
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