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  1. eldorado


    Hi Carole, My friend and I started and administer We started it as a free service to the poultry community. We ask that anyone who has an interest to register, and utilize our site whenever possible, so we can continue to offer it. Thanks very much to all that...
  2. eldorado

    Will a bird dog be safe around my chickens???????

    Hi, I don't think the breed matters so much as just the nature of the dog. We have two Boykin spaniels that could care less about chickens (at least now that they are older). However, we have a dachshund that would run a mile just to get a chance to view a chicken.
  3. eldorado

    What's the best Incubator?

    Andi, As others have stated, a hen is the ultimate, but their are still a few reasonable alternatives. A styrofoam incubator with a turner and forced air can actually give good results, and will cost a little over $100. They are best used indoors with the room temperature kept fairly...
  4. eldorado

    OT-Satellite internet???

    Hi Miriam, If you are unable to get any other forms of high-speed (DSL from your phone company, or cable), it is probably your best bet. It's not as quick with uploading, but downloads should be a lot faster than dial-up. Good Luck & Welcome to the 21st! Regards, Joe Come see us at...
  5. eldorado

    Golden Polish Wanted

    Hi Crystal, Thanks for the information! I will check them out. Regards, Joe
  6. eldorado

    Fox Killed all my Golden Polish

    Thanks very much for your help. I think it may be under control now. I up a solar electric fence charger, and put three strands of wire about a foot apart starting at the ground around all the pens. I have not lost any more since. Thanks again. Sincere regards, Joe...
  7. eldorado

    Fox is wiping out my flock

    Thanks to all for your responses. I think I have him contained with an electric fence around all of my pens. So far, no more losses. Thanks again. Joe
  8. eldorado

    Golden Polish Bantam Pictures

    Does anyone have any pictures of Golden Polish Bantams they would like to share? Any pictures or history of the breed is appreciated. Regards, Joe Salyer
  9. eldorado

    Fox is wiping out my flock

    Thanks to all for your help. I have since installed 3 strands of electric fence around all of my pens. So far, I have not lost any more. Just got to remember to turn it off when I feed.
  10. eldorado

    Fox is wiping out my flock

    Hi, I would like advice on how to catch or repel a red fox that is pretty much wiping us out. We are loosing 1-2 birds each day. He gets in by digging under the pens. Any advice is apppreciated. Regards, Joe
  11. eldorado

    Fox Killed all my Golden Polish

    Had a fox wipe out all my Golden Polish Any ideas on how I can stop or catch him?? Thanks joe
  12. eldorado

    Golden Polish Wanted

    Looking for some Golden laced polish pullets, or chicks. Had a fox wipe out all I had this week. Don't have to be show quality, but better than hatchery birds. Preferably in the Southeast. Thanks Joe Come see us at !!
  13. eldorado

    check this out!!!!!!!!!!! (update)

    Definitely Grade "A" She should get a special treat every day! Joe
  14. eldorado

    Diatomaceous earth--- Really that harmless?????

    DE is actually some pretty bad stuff. You definitely should not breathe it in. It's not something that should be in your lungs. It looks like little mini snowflakes under the microsope, and works by irritating and cutting up the worms and parisites in the intestinal tract of the bird. I used...
  15. eldorado

    Chech out this poultry auction site

    Hi Carole, Thanks for registering. Hopefully as time goes on, people will use it more and leave feedback on each other to give everyone a clearer picture of each other. As far as payment goes, it is best to pay by paypal, or by paypal with visa. This offers you the most protection in the...
  16. eldorado

    Chech out this poultry auction site

    Thanks! My partner and I started this site to offer everyone an alternative for buying and selling. We are working hard to try and make it a success. Thanks very much for your support. Without users, we could not continue. Regards, Joe & Gordon
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