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  1. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone!! I know it's not a broody patch but I am glad to know about them (broody patches that is.) City Chook: We call our girls monkey butt chickens also. My problem started all because I was giving them too much scratch in the winter. I was trying to be nice but in...
  2. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    Thank you all for your replies. I guess I will wait until their first molt and see what happens then. In response to one question, I am sure it is not sunburn (their coop has a roof over the whole of it) but rather more likely the result of being exposed to our cold temps up here. I hate that...
  3. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    Yeah, January was not fun....or Feb, March...we have beautiful summers though.....well that's what I keep telling myself in the winter anyway.
  4. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    Mudhen, Do you really think their feathers will grow back after molting? Their skin seems rather tough and of course it's red/pink when the breed I have is supposed to have white skin ( I have Buff Orpingtons.) I hope you are right. Someone suggested that the follicles (sp) could have been...
  5. LittleHouseDreams

    Does Blue Kote EVER come off?

    I used blue coat on my "girls" back in feb/march can't recall exactly but one of them still has blue coat on her feathers (it's a pale purple now.) To stop the picking I separated her till her wound healed and the use of Hot Pick (a hot pepper like spray) each morning (on the feathers not the...
  6. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    They have always had a wide board to roost on and I'm worried about them remaining healthy all winter long, day and night. We got 40inches of snow just for January this year. The bald area on my hens is not exactly underneath them but rather behind them just below their vents and little...
  7. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    Hello, I have two hens who feather picked in winter. I got them to stop picking each others feathers and the wounds to heal but the great bald behinds will not fill in with feathers and its been over 4 months! I believe they got a bit of frostbite from being bare ( I could kick myself for not...
  8. LittleHouseDreams

    frostbite and feather regrowth???? Could someone please help!!!!

    I do not think they are picking any longer and I check them regularly for any signs of picking. I thought the reddened skin was the frostbite could it be something else? What kind of parasite could cause such a problem?
  9. LittleHouseDreams

    frostbite and feather regrowth???? Could someone please help!!!!

    Does anyone have a thought to my problem? If I need to cull them I need to know so I can get more hens for the one that does not have any problems.
  10. LittleHouseDreams

    frostbite and feather regrowth???? Could someone please help!!!!

    No, there is no sign of broodiness and I do not think they are self plucking. Their skin is red where the feathers are missing and it should be white as they are buff orpingtons. Any ideas?
  11. LittleHouseDreams

    frostbite and feather regrowth???? Could someone please help!!!!

    Hello, I hope someone can help me with this potential problem. Two of my three hens feather picked in late winter and got bare behinds because of it. Well I worked tirelessly to get them to stop picking feathers,which they did, however I failed to prevent frostbite in the area that was bare...
  12. LittleHouseDreams

    Please Help ...New to chickens and I don't know what to do!

    Thanks for your responses. The bare areas are underneath between legs and around the vent. I feed them layena and give them scratch but the scratch I have does not have sunflower seeds in it. Do I need to wash them/clean up the bare spots before I spray Blu-coat? Can I leave my bare...
  13. LittleHouseDreams

    Please Help ...New to chickens and I don't know what to do!

    Hi, I hope someone can help me, I have 3 BO hens that are about 7 months old and just started laying a few weeks ago. Now I have one hen who is picked bare underneath and a bit bloody and nasty and another hen is starting to look the same and the 3rd seems fine. They are not broody and I...
  14. LittleHouseDreams

    BO with scabby bare spot and vent is sort of purplish....what do I do?

    Lynne, Thank you so much for your response! I will watch and see if what you suggest is in fact what is happening. Can a first time layer go broody so early? Thanks again, Noelle
  15. LittleHouseDreams

    BO with scabby bare spot and vent is sort of purplish....what do I do?

    Hi all, I noticed today that one of my three hens has a bare spot underneath her with some scabby places there and also around her vent seems sort of purple. She just started laying a few weeks ago and I really am not sure if she did this herself or if the other two did this to her? (I've not...
  16. LittleHouseDreams

    Two eggs and two bloody beaked hens....what's going on?

    Hi, yesterday two of my hens laid their first eggs and they both have bled out of a nostril onto their beaks. My theory is that the stress of laying their first eggs was stressful enough to have popped a blood vessel in their nostrils. Can this be true? I have three hens total and I've never...
  17. LittleHouseDreams

    Dogs killed all my chickens

    So sorry for your loss.
  18. LittleHouseDreams

    Pea family photos

    I can't see them either!
  19. LittleHouseDreams

    When do you worm chickens?

    Thank you for your responses. What wormers do you all use and how is it given to the chicken?
  20. LittleHouseDreams

    When do you worm chickens?

    Do you worm them only if they have worms or do you worm them as a precaution? If so, at what age do you worm them and how often do you do it (i.e. once a year, every 6 months?)
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