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  1. 2009_03081NEW0016.JPG 

    2009_03081NEW0016.JPG GL BIG MOMMA

  2. BroodyChknMomma

    Is this what they mean by a "favorite nest box"? :)

    Great photo! I had a Buff Orp called "Ole' Bitty" who would wait everyday for my other Buff Orp "Phoebe" to go inside a nest box and then she'd kick her out or try to lay her egg in with her. Chickens are characters!
  3. BroodyChknMomma

    Review by '' on item 'Hatcheries, Day Old Chicks'

    Several years ago I ordered 15 chicks from Cackle. They all were healthy, and thrived after being shipped all the way to NNY. Their Dominiques are from an old successful show line and I got 2 show worthy hens in my order. I also had their Buff Orps, SL Wyandottes, GL Wyandottes. I was extremely...
  4. BroodyChknMomma

    Red Sex Link Hen Having Goopy Vent Problems

    Yes, definitely, check for the maggots if your hen has been outside the chances are almost 100% for maggots, especially this time of year.
  5. BroodyChknMomma

    Red Sex Link Hen Having Goopy Vent Problems

    If you could get ahold of a syringe just open the vent and insert syringe into the vent a little bit and spray the peroxide up there
  6. BroodyChknMomma

    Red Sex Link Hen Having Goopy Vent Problems

    Yes, luckily we have a wonderful avian vet who advised me on all my chickens health. I would check for maggots.
  7. BroodyChknMomma

    Red Sex Link Hen Having Goopy Vent Problems

    Well, you could try it without the antibiotics, though, I gave my hen antibiotics and added powdered avian probiotics and nystatin to her scrambled eggs while treating her with the antibiotics to treat any secondary bacterial infections.
  8. BroodyChknMomma

    Red Sex Link Hen Having Goopy Vent Problems

    My hen just stunk terribly, I never did see any maggots in her poop. If it smells like decay, more than likely she has maggots inside. Especially, if she has been outside in hot weather with all the flies around. It's a nasty job and it might take 30 minutes to an hour to get them all out if...
  9. BroodyChknMomma

    Red Sex Link Hen Having Goopy Vent Problems

    I had a hen like that, if it stinks she may have maggots inside her vent from the mess on her feathers and flies getting to her as one of my hens did, that had an egg break inside her. You need to trim all the feathers, put her in a bathtub and take a syringe and squirt some peroxide up inside...
  10. BroodyChknMomma

    Can anyone tell me the breed, and sex?

    The only breeds I know of with black skin are silkies and sumatras and easter eggers have grayish legs.
  11. BroodyChknMomma


    It won't hurt him. I had a hen that was limping like that for seemingly no reason and I just massaged Neosporin ointment all over her leg and the joint and she stopped limping after a few days.
  12. BroodyChknMomma

    Survivor with small wounds. Tips to keep her healthy and comfy.

    I'd also try to find a way to keep them safe from whatever predator is getting them. Sounds like you have a fox or a raccoon.
  13. BroodyChknMomma

    Survivor with small wounds. Tips to keep her healthy and comfy.

    I'd cut or trim the broken feathers around the wounds and disinfect them with peroxide and put some neosporin on them. It wouldn't hurt to put some hot pick on her as well.
  14. BroodyChknMomma

    Help! young hen just died

    I had a rooster who did that once and I had an autopsy done and he had Marck's disease (this was before they started vaccinating baby chicks). Though, the causes could be anything with your hen. The only way to be sure is to have an autopsy if you can afford it to find out if it's something you...
  15. BroodyChknMomma


    Are the joints on the leg swollen? Have you checked the bottom of the foot he's limping on for any abcess or swelling such as bumblefoot?
  16. BroodyChknMomma

    Can anyone tell me the breed, and sex?

    umm I don't know, it's marked like a buff brahma. Perhaps it's a crossbreed.
  17. BroodyChknMomma

    Can anyone tell me the breed, and sex?

    Does it have feathers on the feet? It looks like a buff brahma.
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