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  1. Ribbit

    Vaccinating Purebreeds?

    I know this is not very common practice, other than cost is there a specific reason behind why people don't vaccinate traditional/purebreeds ? Would it be perfectly alright to keep unvaccinated free ranged where we have a lot of wild birds coming in or would the risk of disease/mortality be...
  2. Ribbit

    Comment by 'Ribbit' in article 'Kristin's Chickens: The Silver Sebrights'

    My eyes are all teary now ; . ;
  3. Ribbit

    Diatomaceous earth (mirical in a bag)

    I honestly wouldn't have thought it would be that great for internal parasites. Sure it contains calcium but also silica and lacerates and dehydrates parasites. That's kinda why I don't see why it'd be helpful for poultry, more like irritating the digestive tract. I personally wouldn't use it...
  4. Ribbit

    Mean Kids

    Best way that I've found to get rid of bullies is to either be insanely friendly to them or joke along with them. The least expected is the most effective. I've always had trouble with racism and it just got to the point where I'd end up turning around to the racist idiots and telling them that...
  5. Ribbit

    Suggestions for attire in this situation?

    If you want to look fairly smart but not overdressed and have clothes that can take a bit of a beating then I'd recommend a polo shirt, below knee wellies (matching wellies with jacket colours always looks nice), semi waterproof trousers and a fleece jacket. All should be fairly easy to find in...
  6. Ribbit

    How big is your pop-hole?

    I was just saying to my friend I think I was going a little chicken crazy x) She thought I was being rude with my title hahah
  7. Ribbit

    How big is your pop-hole?

    Sorry about the late reply Q vQ ;; Do you find that's more than enough or just right for your chooks? D:
  8. Ribbit

    Missing chicken found buried in flowerbed

    Pretty weird, I was thinking maybe some person decided that they might let their dog off the the lead, dog kills bird, owner is like 'oh sh--' and buries the bird to dispose of evidence. But it's probably a simpler explanation or the wing would've been covered. CSI TIME.
  9. Ribbit

    How Do You Protect Your Animals/Yard?

    Having hybrids helps, I don't know why anyone would want to steal 2-3year old hybrids. Asides that we don't tend to advertise having chickens, our neighbour is pretty quiet and no crime I can think of. We have fields with fairly large cows in surrounding us in fields that go on for miles so a...
  10. Ribbit

    Sneaky Fox steals breakfast

    Foxes are clever, very clever. Trying to trap it wouldn't really work, either shoot it or get a rhea, emu or llama. (emus and rheas can deliver kicks that will kill foxes, and break your ribs if you're not careful, from what i've heard they're very hostile towards foxes) They're very good guards...
  11. Ribbit

    What is this? Found it dead thankfully!!!

    Though it could be that American weasels & stoats are different to British ones so maybe the differences between the two are not so obvious and great, idk at least we know it's of that family haha
  12. Ribbit

    What is this? Found it dead thankfully!!!

    this is a polecat: notice the bandit like mask covering it's eyes, and how the under coat is lighter. they're usually darker than the domestic ferrets seen with these markings. (and also bigger) this is a ferret: pretty sure it's more common for ferrets to have lighter noses too. this is a...
  13. Ribbit

    What is this? Found it dead thankfully!!!
  14. Ribbit

    Are dogs a danger to chickens.

    Not all dogs are threats, but it's near impossible to know which ones are. It's never a great idea to take risks when your chooks are involved. Heck, our next door neighbours dog could've easily clear our fence and did at one point, found her lying down in our back garden with our chooks...
  15. Ribbit

    What is this? Found it dead thankfully!!!

    Looks like a stoat to me, not a weasel, notice the black tip to the tail. (Stoats are larger than weasels) I highly doubt it's a ferret, not quite the right body shape.
  16. Ribbit

    Hen with bare "shoulders" from mateing

    I'm not sure but are you much of a knitter? You could try to make an 'extension' to cover her baldness c:
  17. Ribbit

    Broody Pen Design?

    NAMING Q u Q;; //got a little excited there names of jupiter's moons: -Callisto -Leda -Themisto -Himalia -Elara those are my faves c:
  18. Ribbit

    How big is your pop-hole?

    Just measured mine and it's 10x12 inches, just a quick question for owners of Brahma and Orpington (and similar sized breeds) is is this sufficient enough room for them to get in and out? I'm interested in getting some bigger breeds this time round :)
  19. Ribbit

    Well uh, hi there c:

    Thank you redsoxs > u <
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