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  1. PrairieChickens

    White crested black silkies? Can it be done?

    Batch #2 just hatched, and one looks like a white-crested-black. A couple look like they might be white-crested blue, and another one looks like "Gori", the super interesting chick from the first hatch (who is feathering out silkied, by the way). I also have some that hatched out maybe...
  2. PrairieChickens

    I just started it back up again. My rooster was killed early on and I thought that was it for my...

    I just started it back up again. My rooster was killed early on and I thought that was it for my experiment, but I happened upon another WCB polish/silkie cross rooster at the fair and bought it. :) My hens have managed to survive this whole time, so I put them together and started hatching out...
  3. PrairieChickens

    White crested black silkies? Can it be done?

    Hello, apologies for disappearing. My rooster was killed by a predator and I thought that was it for my experiment, but fate apparently wasn't finished with the polkie project. This past summer, I was at the fair when I noticed one of the roosters there to be rehomed looked an awful lot like a...
  4. PrairieChickens

    Announcement April's Fools 2018 - New BYC Cryptocurrency: ChicKoin

    Perhaps you have the wrong breed of Prairiechickens. ;)
  5. PrairieChickens

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    Alright, here are our two entries on behalf of my husband and me: "Biker Chick" White Crested Black Polish, born Feb 2017 2017 "Civa Tateo" "Chicky Chat" White barnyard mix chick, born February 2017 2017 "Civa Tateo"
  6. PrairieChickens

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    May I submit a photo on my husband's behalf? I tend to be the chick wrangler while he's the one behind the camera, so the photos are technically his.
  7. PrairieChickens

    White crested black silkies? Can it be done?

    The first generation of crosses has reached point of lay in the girls, and I have collected five eggs so far. My rooster has a great deal of red and gold in his feathers that--while lovely--will need to be bred out as I work. So far the only hint of a white crest is on Yoru, the hen pictured...
  8. PrairieChickens

    Topic of the Week - Feeding table scraps to your flock

    Chickens survived for thousands of years on forage and kitchen scraps, so I don't worry too much about "how much" they're getting. I have a sort of compost bin set up inside of the coop, and I just dump everything in there and let the chickens pick out what they want. Neighbors have even...
  9. PrairieChickens

    Topic of the Week - Aggressive Roosters: What is the best way to handle them?

    A rooster who is good to the hens will keep a watchful eye out for predators, find treats and share them, and only mate when the hen he's interested in gives him permission. Roosters who run down and grab hens against their will get culled from my flock. :)
  10. PrairieChickens

    Topic of the Week - Aggressive Roosters: What is the best way to handle them?

    I host classes of small children at my house to teach them about chickens, so I cannot have a rooster with ANY human aggression. In the past, I have successfully taught aggressive roosters to respect me, but I can't force them to respect other people. Once they demonstrate a willingness to...
  11. PrairieChickens

    Turning a bread proofer into an incubator--an adventure in incubation!

    Day 3 Development of the embryo is now visible. The incubator is running on the cool side right now, between 96.6º and 98.4. I had to leave it unattended for the day, and didn't want to risk it creeping above the "danger zone" while I was gone, so I deliberately let it run cool for the...
  12. PrairieChickens

    Turning a bread proofer into an incubator--an adventure in incubation!

    48 Hours into incubation... 2 days in, here is a photo of an unincubated egg (left) next to one that has been incubating in the proofer for 48 hours (right). Note the darkening yolk of the developing egg.
  13. PrairieChickens

    Turning a bread proofer into an incubator--an adventure in incubation!

    24 hours into incubation The eggs have been incubating now for about a day. Although I haven't candled all of the eggs, the ones I have taken a look at are already showing the first tiny signs of development. The yolks are darkening up, and a tiny dot is visible where the cells are beginning...
  14. PrairieChickens

    Turning a bread proofer into an incubator--an adventure in incubation!

    Earlier in the summer, I was attending an auction with my parents when I spotted something very interesting: an old proofer, probably from a convenience store. I had recently tried and failed to build a cabinet incubator using materials I already had at home, and this proofer looked like a...
  15. PrairieChickens

    White crested black silkies? Can it be done?

    Alright, hatched out several polish/silkie crosses, a fox got some, but I do have two females and one male still. I will probably put the girls in with a silkie rooster to breed back in more of the silkie traits. So far, the girls are solid black with no sign of a white crest, and the male has...
  16. PrairieChickens

    White crested black silkies? Can it be done?

    The first polish egg quit early, but I've put several more in. The only problem is, out of necessity, I had to put another white layer in with her--a golden campine who escapes any other structure I put her in--so I'm not sure which white eggs are polish and which are campines. I should be...
  17. PrairieChickens

    White crested black silkies? Can it be done?

    My polish hen has just started to lay! I have put one of her eggs in my incubator to see what develops. I haven't seen her in the "act" with the silkie roosters yet, but they're the only roos in with her, so if it's fertilized, it's going to be one of theirs. I am starting with just one of...
  18. PrairieChickens

    Chicks dying en masse, no symptoms!

    That's one way of putting it! The doctor sent me to the hospital for an "overnight" stay that ended up being four nights... Just in time for my shipped chicks AND incubator chicks to arrive. The timing for me to get sick was just awful.
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