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  1. A Large Coop Attached To Back Of Existing Storage Shed

    A Large Coop Attached To Back Of Existing Storage Shed

    We had an existing large storage shed and we added the coop to the back side. The coop has a sloping roof of 2x6 pine rafters attached with hurricane straps and a corrugated tin roof with 1 clear corrugated polycarbonate roof panel to let in light. Framed out with 2x4 studs placed on concrete...
  2. hippieheart

    New in Mansfield Texas

    Hello, I found this site with Google and I am happy to be here! My husband and I have recently built our coop and we have 6 barred rock pullets, 4 buff orpington pullets, 4 RIR pullets (I hope because a couple have big combs and blackgreen tail feathers) and 1 RRI Roo (this one already crows)...
  3. Default


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