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  1. Capt. Crusoe

    Capt Crusoes Page

    November 7, 2008 In the event any of you readers are thinking of raising Wild Turkey Poults - Be ready for lots of hours, heartbreak, tears, love and joy. Last spring my wife and I came across a Wild Turkey on her nest in our back woods, each day we would pass at a distance to see if she was...
  2. Capt. Crusoe

    Can chicks eat basil?

    I'm with Kipper, Chickens will eat almost anything and I for one love basil so basil flavored eggs sound great!! During the winter months when snow is covering everything that was green and the birds are always scratching at the snow to see what they can find underneath I will stop at Sam's Club...
  3. Capt. Crusoe

    Putting Faces With Names (Submit Your Mug Here!)

    My wife and I adopted the poults (Eastern Wild Turkeys) but as it turned out - I think we were the ones adopted by them. The photo was taken in their favorite tree and the game they invented was to see how many poults could climb aboard without getting shoved off. We truly fell in love with...
  4. Capt. Crusoe

    Turkey Gene Info Needed

    Just a quick thank you to Birdaholic for this posted question. I have had similar questions in the past but never posted them. Lagerdogger - thank you for the great explanation and quick response. Sure gives one something to ponder.
  5. Capt. Crusoe

    Worried about raccoons, what do you think?

    Great job with the coop – Looks like you have plenty of hours incorporated into the fence and coop - that should keep the ring tailed killers out!! We had a huge problem with coons and ended up adding a small electric fence around the perimeter (bought everything we needed at the local farm...
  6. Capt. Crusoe

    New Member ..Hello

    Welcome Roosterdog! We are on our way to a million members and you are now one of the flock!! Some great people with unlimited knowledge within this site - so enjoy all it has to offer. Thanks again for joining.
  7. Capt. Crusoe

    Bronze turkey poult died tonight

    Where they starting to range at all? We had a couple of poults get into jimson weed which killed them. Here is a little about the weed and other names it has been given. Jimson Weed is a common weed along roadsides, in cornfields and pastures, and in waste areas. Datura stramonium comes from...
  8. Capt. Crusoe

    Our Old Friend "Chief" Passed Away

    Our old friend "Chief" Passed away in my arms and we are heart broke. Nearly 15 years old and has truly ruled our roost his whole life, taking full ownership and warding off any who dared cross his yard. We noted the last couple of months he was taking mid-day naps - something he had never done...
  9. Capt. Crusoe

    Wild Turkey Video - Wildlife in my backyard

    Great Video!! There are Wild Eastern Turkeys in our woods and they have been putting on a show for the last couple of weeks. They dance, strut and chase each other across our prairie. My granddaughter (age 3) asked what they were dong and I explained, the boy turkey wants to give the girl turkey...
  10. Capt. Crusoe

    What do i do with all the poo?

    We are planning to start a compost pile too. Does the compost pile need to be in direct sunlight to work or can it be in the shade of a tree?
  11. Capt. Crusoe

    Fox help!

    I use 3 strands of electric fence around my coop and run. Before purchasing it, I had lost eight birds – two on the first attack and 6 on the next. I was nearly sick over the loss of these birds and very upset too. I was tempted to setup a blind and shoot whatever came near my birds. It was not...
  12. Capt. Crusoe

    Crowing hen?

    Yep, You got a genuine "Easter Egg Roo"! I have one just like him and he crows all day long and sometimes at night. He can also kick up those neck feathers to form a full ring around his neck (making him look twice as big as he is and he is big to start with) when he faces off with something...
  13. Capt. Crusoe

    A white owl

    WOW! Great Eye and Nice Photos! I thought they were nocturnal – In your photo, the sky was very blue – looked midday! YIKES!! I best keep an eye out during the day as we have a huge barn owl (or so he/she looks) but have only seen him/her from dust til dawn. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Capt. Crusoe

    He won't stop crowing!!! He just keeps crowing and crowing and.......

    I have an old rooster that crows the second he walks out of the barn and crows all day long. He does crow in the barn at night but no one can hear him more than 50 yards away do to the closed doors and window. When we were on vacation and had a "bird sitter" drop by to feed and water him - he...
  15. Capt. Crusoe

    predator attack!

    Quote: I feel every fowl owner should have at least a couple of live-traps just for cases such as this. I personally own three different sizes and a total of five traps - but I have to admit - I live in a rural area on the Northern Boarder of Illinois. I keep the traps set and check them every...
  16. Capt. Crusoe

    Crickets crickets, no where....

    You can purchase crickets at a local bait shop or pet shop but I found them to be very expensive. Last spring/summer I ordered online - 1000 crickets a week for 15 Eastern Wild Turkey poults until grasshopper season arrived here – Then there was plenty of free grasshoppers to keep the kids fed...
  17. Capt. Crusoe

    predator attack!

    Infection is what you want to prevent. You really need to clean the scratch and or puncture wound with soap and water. You'll need help so get a family member or friend to help hold her while checking her over and cleaning the scratches, wounds or cuts. It may start bleeding again but that will...
  18. Capt. Crusoe

    hi from Illinois

    Welcome to the flock from way up here on the Illinois Northern Border! BYC – Where the “Chicks” are cute, the Hens are layin and the Roosters – Well, they’re just Roosters.
  19. Capt. Crusoe

    Putting Faces With Names (Submit Your Mug Here!)

    Tree Training – Some of the kids and I in their favorite tree. Flight School: On the approach and in the glide path.
  20. Capt. Crusoe

    Dead Guinea, I thought

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