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  1. krackowpolish

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Regina Argentum (Silver Queen in latin) my SLW
  2. krackowpolish

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    i just started a silkie farm! i have four so far and one half silkie. here they are: truffles my black cock (hopefully) Blizzard my white pullet . Snowball my white hen (the rooster pecked out her pom-pom) Black Pearl my black half-silkie hen and Juliett my grey or blue hen
  3. krackowpolish

    Can a broody hen stimulate another hen to go broody?

    it is true, one of my hens went broody then my silkie went broody, then my silkie mix decided to join in the fun!
  4. krackowpolish

    merecs disease free

    i read online that if a hen survived merecs disease and had a baby, the baby would be unable to get it. is this true?
  5. krackowpolish

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    we live in the country and had a guy come to our house and complained,"i have waking up to a rooster every morning for six months." hes said,"i saw you had chickens and just wanted to tell you." i say,"where do you live?" hes like," up palamar."(which is about 14 blocks away, and my chickens are...
  6. krackowpolish

    NO eggs :(

    are they loosing a lot of feathers? they could be molting
  7. krackowpolish

    6 hens one sick chicken, are the eggs safe to eat?

    just in case, i would throw away the egg
  8. krackowpolish

    Roosters and eggs do they mix?

    of coarse! just as long as there are no embryos.
  9. krackowpolish

    Mouth breathing & walking like a penguin

    she could be egg bound, i had a hen that lasted a WEEK with egg bound. to be on the safe side you should: separate her in wire cage or box, you can give her electrolights, sometimes i give the sick ones medicaded chick food. you can also soak her bum in really warm water for twenty mins and then...
  10. krackowpolish

    Strange Silkie

    i had a silkie roo that never crowed, never bred, or anything except eat and drink. he also slept a lot and when i pick him up he would tip his head to one side. he was very sweet though, and just died recently. just wanted to know if this is a disease or something else. thank you!
  11. krackowpolish

    Curious about my pullet

    probably a SLW/EE mix
  12. krackowpolish

    Roo or Hen?

    anyone else?
  13. krackowpolish

    Could this be a Rooster or a Hen?

    roosters get there tail feathers later then hens. there legs are thicker then hens, and they have an upright posture. a few others are red combs/wattles, saddle feathers, (sometimes) different colors/patterns.
  14. krackowpolish

    Roo or Hen?

    how old would you say 'he' is?
  15. krackowpolish

    Baby Bantams Please help me identify!!!! Updated Pictures

    so cute! that cochin is definetly frizzling here are mine:
  16. krackowpolish

    Feather Legged Bantam - What breed?

    could be a coachin. but i am no expert.
  17. krackowpolish

    3 Roos?

    yeah i think those are roos. those wattles are way bigger then my polish hen's
  18. krackowpolish

    my new silkie

    i just checked on her today and the bubbles are gone! this keeps happening. its there then its gone for a couple of days then its back again.
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