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  1. CoopDeViIIe

    Converting yard to chicken food plot

    Earlier this fall I decided to mow down my front yard and overseed it with a wildlife fall seed mix from the local feed store. It is made for deer, but has lots of things chickens love like alfalfa, white clover, crimson clover, winter peas, etc. Here was the yard in September. And heres...
  2. CoopDeViIIe

    Non existent customer service from MT-DI hatchery

    I ordered 50 meat chicks about a month ago from MT-DI with a ship date of Oct 2nd. They don't take credit cards so I mailed them a check. The day before they are supposed to ship I call them, because my check hasn't been cashed yet and I wanted to make sure everything was ok. He assured me...
  3. CoopDeViIIe

    Red Ranger raising from start to finish (in pictures)

    I ordered a batch of Red Ranger meat chicks back in May from Moyer's. They were all cockerals. Here is their week to week growth in pictures. Subject A at 1 week old. Subject A at 2 weeks old Subject A at 3 weeks old. Subject A at 4 weeks old. Subject A at 5 weeks old...
  4. CoopDeViIIe


    Some holes on the sides wouldn't be a bad idea. And honestly you will prob need to lock them up in there for a couple days to clear their memory and make them associate it with home or else they won't go to it at night.
  5. CoopDeViIIe


  6. CoopDeViIIe

    Meat Birds Cornish Cross are way under weight - Hatched 5/20 - 7 Weeks old now

    I'm not sure where you bought them from, but honestly I don't think they gave you Cornish X. Those birds should be 1.5lbs by 3 weeks. By 7 they should easily be 5-6lbs. They could be eating just about anything and be heavier than that.
  7. CoopDeViIIe

    Setup suggestions for 15 red broilers needed

    They will all huddle together at night to sleep, so you don't need much space at all. Mine are in a tractor, and it has a 4'x4' covered section, and they all huddle together under that at night. They don't need a roost or anything, just a covered area.
  8. CoopDeViIIe

    Help!!! I think some of my Cornish Cross are too small!

    Your feed was fine then, maybe you have some sick birds. Mine were much larger than that at 5 weeks. Cornish X leaving a full feeder? Unheard of!
  9. CoopDeViIIe


    Meat birds really don't need a coop. Hell I'm not sure they would even roost. They just need an enclosed area on the ground to sleep and get out of the weather. This is why tractors work well. Whether your area is suitable will also depend on how many birds you plan to have.
  10. CoopDeViIIe

    Help!!! I think some of my Cornish Cross are too small!

    What is the protein % of your game feed? How much are your birds eating? When I had a really small bird, it had this build up of fluid in its cavity, it barely ate, and just sat around looking sickly.
  11. CoopDeViIIe

    MT-DI Poultry

    Can you give us an idea of what they charge per chick and what the shipping charges were like?
  12. CoopDeViIIe

    Pasture vs Feed

    The Red meaties seem to be very good foragers. I think they will do well on pasture, and a true seeded and maintained grass pasture would be very beneficial.
  13. CoopDeViIIe

    Freedom Ranger Grow Report.

    These Reds really seem to love foraging. I wish I could get more land, because I think they would do excellent out on pasture with feed as only a supplement.
  14. CoopDeViIIe

    Operation Tasty Bird

    My Reds are 7 weeks old now and their growth really seemed to ramp up the last couple weeks. I have a few of the bigger ones weighing in at 4lbs now. I hope to process them at 11 weeks and get some decent sizes. The Cornish definitely got fatter, but they ate ALOT more feed than these Reds do...
  15. CoopDeViIIe

    Cornish X mortality rates - my personal experiences

    If you are processing them at 6 weeks, your mortality rates are naturally going to be better than the rest of us. I think alot of ppl grow them out to 8-10 weeks, and that is a period when the heart and leg problems can really ramp up. All my losses were at week 8, mere days from processing.
  16. CoopDeViIIe

    Where to order?

    and you looking for Cornish X or some Red meaties?
  17. CoopDeViIIe

    Freedom Ranger Grow Report.

    Interesting. I am doing a similar batch now. I have 25 Red Broilers from Moyers that are 7 weeks old today in a yard tractor. How I eliminated most of the waste is by fermenting the feed in buckets. They spill pretty much nothing. I used a piece of house gutter as a feed trough in the tractor...
  18. CoopDeViIIe

    Cornish X red ranger cross project

    Looking pretty good, how old is that now?
  19. CoopDeViIIe

    Operation Tasty Bird

    What was the size difference between your Red Broiler and the Cornish X? I have my first batch of Red Broilers going right now at 5 weeks old and they are quite noticeably smaller than the Cornish X were at the same age.
  20. CoopDeViIIe

    Cornish X red ranger cross project

    looking pretty good. What type of chick is that in the picture with it?
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