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  1. feather13


    @rosemarythyme Thanks so much for your detailed response! I really appreciate it. I'm going to make 100% sure that it's the RIR laying those fragile eggs and mix up the calcium and fermented feed for her. This is the first year (in ten years of keeping chickens) that the molt has been so rough...
  2. feather13


    Hi friends! Our hens are all molting and I've been seeing some odd egg shapes and textures. One of the Sex Link's eggs today had weird stripes on it that looked like she was carving some kind of hidden message to me. The Easter Eggers eggs all have some weird bubbling stuff on the ends. And...
  3. feather13

    Roosterish hen

    Hi all, Our Crevecoeur is a mystery. When I first posted photos of her on here, most of you all thought she was a rooster because she's very upright and had more spiky feathers on her head compared to the other Crevecoeur, who had a more rounded head. She also acted like a rooster--very...
  4. feather13

    Missing toenail on broody hen

    Thank you for your message! There was so much blood all over my hen's face and chest and I panicked until I realized it was her toe and, while it's still bleeding a bit, she doesn't seem to be losing a dangerous amount of blood. She keeps pulling the bandaid off and I keep putting Neosporin...
  5. feather13

    Missing toenail on broody hen

    Our Phoenix often goes broody (so annoying) and has been so for over a week. It’s been hot here, so I’ve been trying to take her out regularly to get water and food. Our chickens normally free range, but had to stay in their big run and coop today. When I went to check on them, I noticed that...
  6. feather13

    Missing feathers & shabby appearance

    Sorry to hear this! I’ve been waiting to respond to this thread because I still don’t know what’s going on. All of the birds in the top 50% of the pecking order had weird feather loss (bald tummies, throats and one of them had a partially bald back). So maybe molting? The others on the junior...
  7. feather13

    Missing feathers & shabby appearance

    Thank you! I checked the roost area this morning and didn't see anything, so will check the chickens tonight after dark.
  8. feather13

    Egg boxes smell like death

    Thanks, everyone, for all your advice! She doesn't seem egg bound and I've checked her crop, breath, vent and underneath for wounds and other issues. She seems better now, although she's developed an odd bump where her wing connects to her back that is featherless. Someone suggested I check...
  9. feather13

    Missing feathers & shabby appearance

    I hadn't thought to do that. Thank you!!! I'm going to check out some videos to see how to do it/what I should be looking for. Our chickens free range during the day, so I'll have to see how to tell the difference between the dust and debris they like to roll in and what a mite looks like.
  10. feather13

    Missing feathers & shabby appearance

    I know, right? Not only did the chickens look threadbare, my daughter somehow managed to kill off half of the plants and trees, some of which were 15+ years old, in our all-native yard. How is that even possible?!? 1) We do not have a rooster 2) I haven't and have never inspected for...
  11. feather13

    Missing feathers & shabby appearance

    Hi! I went out of town for three weeks and my daughter took care of our chickens while I was away. When I came back though some of them were missing feathers and look kind of shabby. One in particular is missing feathers on her neck and head and has a bare patch that seems inflamed/has a hard...
  12. feather13

    Egg boxes smell like death

    Thanks for the advice and details for treating a hen that might be egg bound. I'll try this today and see what happens. We've never had an egg bound chicken (that I know of), so I'm glad to know what to do if this ever happens in the future.
  13. feather13

    Egg boxes smell like death

    Thanks for this advice! The chickens have been getting scrambled eggs once a week with the shell mixed in, but I'll offer her some oyster shell today.
  14. feather13

    Egg boxes smell like death

    Thank you! She was active this morning and eager to get out of the chicken run (I had isolated her last night so that no one would pick on her and she could get some rest). I'll feel her crop now.
  15. feather13

    Egg boxes smell like death

    Thank you so much, LofMc, for your reply! The Black Sexlink doesn't smell, but this evening she had really started to self-isolate in a corner of the coop and wasn't moving much. She was sitting on another hen's egg (she didn't lay her own today) and there was some kind of awful smelling yellow...
  16. feather13

    Chick ate earring

    Nope. But she's still alive!
  17. feather13

    Egg boxes smell like death

    While I was out of town for three, my daughter took care of our chickens. But when I came back yesterday, the chicken coop smelled like death, mostly in egg box area. It was so bad I could smell it from a distance. We have two plastic egg boxes in a small coop (where we live it's hot most of...
  18. feather13

    Tiny red balls in poop

    Thank you, @Starburst and @NatJ ! I have another long trip coming up, so ordered some hopefully fun things to keep the hens from getting bored and have my eyes open for logs and other things to put in the run. I'll also try feeding them some birdseed for the next few days to see if they have...
  19. feather13

    Tiny red balls in poop

    Thanks! I'll order that grit and see if they try it, especially when they stay in their coop and run for longer than normal.
  20. feather13

    Tiny red balls in poop

    Maybe this will solve the mystery! The chickens are in a completely different part of our yard, but we do feed wild birds birdseed that looks like the photo you sent. The red spots in their poop look slightly like the birdseed. Maybe it's blowing into the backyard somehow? I don't feed them...
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