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  1. fluffykitty12

    Possible Respiratory Infection?

    She's about 3 years old. Poop is very pasty yellow/white, little to no brown. I felt her vent area to check for swelling/internal laying, she felt normal. Her crop is very watery and bloated, but honestly, I think it's because she's been drinking constantly. She's nearly emptied the quart...
  2. fluffykitty12

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    Sounds like an impacted crop. This is just something I've heard a couple of times, but perhaps a spoonful of olive oil would help lubricate up what's left inside his throat and help it move?
  3. fluffykitty12

    Possible Respiratory Infection?

    I noticed one girl sitting alone, feathers puffed up. What really got me was how pale her eyelids were. On the second day I pulled her out and isolated her. I believe it's a respiratory infection. She's got pale eyes, a bit of poo around the vent (whitish', and a lethargic, puffed up stance...
  4. fluffykitty12

    My chicken is dying!!!

    When she vomits, is it liquid brown and yeasty/beer smelling? Sounds like sour/impacted crop to me. Basically, a yeast infection of the crop. Give her gatorade- no solid foods- for 24 hours. You'll need to empty the crop, which is scary, but doable. IF THE CROP HAS SOLID IN IT, THIS WON'T WORK...
  5. fluffykitty12

    Sick chicken with large crop, constantly vomiting.

    When she vomits, is it liquid brown and yeasty/beer smelling? Sounds like sour/impacted crop to me. Basically, a yeast infection of the crop. Give her gatorade- no solid foods- for 24 hours. You'll need to empty the crop, which is scary, but doable. IF THE CROP HAS SOLID IN IT, THIS WON'T WORK...
  6. fluffykitty12

    Chicken making strange sound! Help please!

    Sneezing, maybe? The second sneeze is a little louder, but sometimes my girls get corn stuck up their nose and it makes them sneeze. She eating/drinking okay?
  7. fluffykitty12

    Worming treatments?

    I'm pretty sure some of my girls have worms. I thought it was just due to getting old, but the abrupt stopping in egg production in my smaller coop, as well as how skinny and somewhat lethargic a few seem, points to worms. Even if it isn't worms, I'm still like to de-worm as a preventative...
  8. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    I'd rather just let her be. I think it was a case of sour crop that went on too long, and that she grew too weak. Hard to tell, but I'd rather just let her be. :(
  9. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    It might have been sour crop. When I went out to sit with her IO found her crop had a small amount of fluid, and managed to make her vomit a small amount of thick, yeast-like fluid. Maybe she was starving herself because of the sour crop, and that's why I couldn't recognize it. Regardless, it...
  10. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    It's possible. I feel a large mass between her legs, and when In squeeze it, part of the uterus balloons out the vent. How would I go about treating this without causing her more pain?
  11. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    Her crop is totally empty. Nothing. I've seen and smelled sour crop before, and she doesn't fit the bill. As for lash egg- I'm not entirely sure what that is? Regardless- she seems to be fading. She's laying on a towel, head forward on the ground, eyes closed, salivating a little. When I...
  12. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    She wont touch food, and when I got some water into her she vomited. nothing is coming out of her vent except the small amount of poop when I pushed. Maybe it's a soft-shelled egg? I've lubed and massaged chickens before- she just presents really differently than any egg bound I've seen before...
  13. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    She's been like this since last night. I just assumed she was bed down to keep her feet warm, but this morning is when I found her. This has all happened in the span of a few minutes. I've got her resting in the garage with the space heater on and foot/water in reach. She just lays there.
  14. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    Any suggestions? I've considered pushing out the large mass under her vent- it would prolapse, of course, but then I could gently clean it and push it back in. I don't want to cause her much more pain than necessary, though, as she already seems to be miserable. I'm on the fence about just...
  15. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    I have a 2-3 year old hen, red sex link, nothing special. I nticed ehr bedded down in the coop last night and checked under her for eggs, and when I found nothing, I just assumed she was keeping her feet warm. This morning, she wouln't leave the coop. She can barely stand on her own. I...
  16. fluffykitty12

    HELP - I messed up trying to syringe into hen and she jerked her head and I think she aspirated liqu

    Take a deep breath. I've had to drain the crops of many chickens with sour crop, and syringe fed many chickens and had them choke a little. They'll open their mouths and make a strange honking noise. Just set her down for 10-20 mins to get her get her wind back, and she'll most likely be fine...
  17. fluffykitty12

    Sick Bernice

    Found another thread with this same issue. Apparently, according to user my three chickens, it's called flystrike. Here's the thread.
  18. fluffykitty12

    Silkie can't walk

    Might also be bumblefoot as well. It's unlikely, and I'd expect the vet to check for it, but you never know.
  19. fluffykitty12

    Does this sound like coccidiosis?

    Alright- yesterday I went out to find one of my birds acting strangely. She's a 2 year old red sex link- I noticed a lot of diarrhea/poo on her vent area, and that she was hunched, droopy, and walking low/ waddling. I picked ehr up and found ehr crop was very bloated- I figured she had sour...
  20. fluffykitty12


    Whoa there, deep breath. It's probably just some stones/pebbles she's eaten. Hens don't have teeth- instead, they eat a fair amount of stones and dirt and keep it in their crop, and use it to grind up the vegetation they eat. Sort of like a blender. As long as she's interested in eating/drinking...
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