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  1. FenikT

    Hen with a bulgy, lumpy bottom - ascities, hernia, or other ailment?

    I had an EE who developed a waddle over a few days. When I finally looked at her, she had a softball sized water balloon lump similar to what you and others described. I gave her a bath and took the opportunity to really feel the area and map out its margins. After a bit of trepidation, I...
  2. FenikT

    Who has purchased eggs from ebay ? and what was your hatch rate ?

    I tried a batch of BCM eggs off EBay. 0 for 8. Three were infertile, cracked one while candling (was an early stage dud anyhow), and the rest were mid stage failures or blood rings. Not impressed.
  3. FenikT

    Most humane way to put a chick down?

    If blood isn't your forte, place the chick in a covered deep Tupperware plastic container and place in the freezer. 30 mins at less than freezing is sufficient.
  4. FenikT

    DIY incubator - recommendations?

    You can do it under 20$. 7G styrofoam cooler 5$ 20w candelabra kit (socket, cord, plug) 12$ 20w candelabra light bulb pack 3-5$ Roll of duct tape 3x5 picture frame glass Bottled water Install kit midway up on short end of cooler through wall, secure with duct tape on outside. Install glass in...
  5. FenikT

    Can grass seed be spread in a chicken yard?

    It's a bit late in the season to plant grass. Best bet is to overseed in late summer or early fall with rye grass, 1# per 100sq FT. It's best to seed after the birds roost else they will eat it as fast as you drop it. Water everything down well. Don't toss hay over the seed because that only...
  6. FenikT

    I have a delicate situation here! VIABLE abaondoned 23 day egg + Heating pad = What now!!

    Since misfit is at the end of the line time wise, continue w whatever you're doing to keep him at near 99 deg. For future endeavors, you can build a hillbilly incubator for under 10$ with a small 5-7G styrofoam cooler and a 20w candelabra light pack & bulb. Cooler can be had at the mini mart or...
  7. FenikT

    Egg bound calcium dosage

    For a subcutaneous injection, 0.5 to 0.75 CC once daily is sufficient. SC is preferable to oral, as use of a calcium & vit E supplement like Walmart Wellnesse formula can be given at a rate of 1 CC orally (use syringe minus the needle). A drench has vitamins but insufficient calcium for the...
  8. FenikT

    Pullet huddled with tail down, picture included

    She might be trying to pass a her first soft egg. Some will recommend warm baths right away. IMO, try calcium supplementation first. Several methods include crushing up a calcium pill and giving with yogurt, 1cc of calcium gluconate subcutaneously, or force fed 1cc calcium drench supplement...
  9. FenikT


    If the neighbors cat is running around loose, I won't lose any sleep over by-catch. There's no such thing as an "outdoor" cat. There's a name for that. Feral.
  10. FenikT


    220# conibear bucket trap setup. YouTube it. Got one coon just a couple hours ago with one. Bait was part of a PB sandwich. To hell with live trapping and the chance of getting scratched, bit, etc.
  11. FenikT

    Flies, Flies, Flies, and MORE flies!! Please help

    I tried the gold "marlin" as you call it. Its more of a pain trying to find a place to deploy it which the chickens don't have access to and therefore is safe from eating it. I also tried the disposable trap from Tractor Supply which comes in the plastic dome. I thought it was safe from...
  12. FenikT

    mites, mites, mites

    Save your $ and avoid DE. It's useless once wet and is expensive to boot. Ash does just as well and is free for the making and taking.
  13. FenikT

    chicken ate poisonous toad HELP???

    Don't worry too much. The toxic dose for bufotenin is rather considerable, well beyond the amount found in one small toad native to NC. If you we're in S. Florida, the cane toad is a different story. That particular toad's bufotoxin can kill animals larger than chickens when ingested. Keep your...
  14. FenikT

    Absolutely furious - neighbor's dogs killed my birds

    Idaho Code 25-2806 - Liability For Livestock And Poultry Killed By Dogs, covers you as far as protection from liability and suit for shooting the dogs. It also mandates restitution for lost poultry. Don't fall for the sob story of being broke. If she has $ to pay the rent, gas up the car, and...
  15. FenikT

    Raccoon killed my chickens!

    First and foremost, don't relocate. Bird killers are conditioned and have a penchant for chickens now. Unless you manage to take it to a place where no one else has chickens, you'd only be giving it a free ride to kill elsewhere. I'd recommend a 220 conibear bucket trap. You can YouTube it. It...
  16. FenikT

    Prolapsed Vent for 3 days - Where to go from here???

    Old farm remedy for prolapsed vent is sugar. Somebody mentioned honey, which is inline w/ this thought. Clean vent and prolapse, apply sugar to prolapse (coat), and gently replace prolapse into bird. As for the gleet, there are two trains of thought. You could go the probiotic route (e.g...
  17. FenikT

    Extreme Cranial Swelling-Graphic pics

    What is your cephalexin dosage? As others have indicated, you probably should call your local Cooperative Extension office for guidance. Perhaps your roo's case would rustle up interest @ WVU. Your bird could get some free care out of the deal...
  18. FenikT

    Extreme Cranial Swelling-Graphic pics

    My only two thoughts would be cellulitis or hydrocephalus. It appears the swelling has spread down the roo's neck and prescapular, however doesn't directly involve the wattles or comb. Since domestic birds don't have lymph nodes like mammals, this swelling is not lymphatic. Cellulitis can be...
  19. FenikT

    How to stop a raccoon!?!?

    I concur w/ the Dukes can trap. On that note, do yourself a favor and dispatch any trapped critters. If you're going to spend the time, effort, and $$$ live trapping and relocating, you might as well make a TV show about it. You're not doing any favors per se by relocating. Once a predator has...
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