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  1. etammy


    I have learned a lot about humans watching my flock. Chickens are not stupid. My hens know their name and people are always saying "no way". I wonder if chickens say that humans are stupid?
  2. etammy


    See how smart your hens are, they want in that coop at night so the things that bite don't get them...seems smart to me.
  3. etammy


    How exciting! Soon your kitchen will be full of eggs. Loved my first eggs.
  4. etammy

    Swollen around eyes

    Hi, I have an 8 year old hen with what looks like swollen rim around her eyes, the red skin that would be close to her eyes, seems a little saggy too. No discharge, no smell, eye ball looks fine. She is eating well. No respiratory symptoms. Any ideas. She has been healthy her whole life.
  5. etammy

    Chicken Walking funny, but still laying

    Does it seem like it is her legs are weak? If yes, think about some B vitamins, added to the water. Chickens can have leg issues if they are vitamin deficient. She sounds normal otherwise right?
  6. etammy

    Bird Flu Outbreak 2016

    How can we just keep killing birds. Do we kill all birds? How about finding which breeds(chickens, turkeys) are resistant to the disease and let those birds live. We can not just keep killing these animals. Nature will provide a natural immunity by having some survive the disease, just like in...
  7. etammy

    Rooster has no balance

    You can try some Vit B12, if they are deficient they can not walk on their own. It takes a few weeks to get them better. You could try some electrolyte solution form a feed store too.
  8. etammy

    Sick Chicken - Vet has no idea

    My option is not to worm her, she is weak and the wormers can make them sicker. Sometimes chickens just get sick and die. I have found around 2.5-3 years is when I begin to loss some of my hens to whatever disease...they stop eating and waste away.
  9. etammy

    Sick Chicken wih white watery diarrhea

    You may be right. Some of these wormers and dust people use are quite strong. I would not worm her, if she is weak it could make her must worst. Seems like she is getting a crop issue. I would limit her food to feed for a few days, massage her crop, it may help to move any plug that may be in...
  10. etammy


    Could be a few things such as Marke's disease or a Vit. B 12 deficiency. Get some chicken electrolyte solution from the feed store and put it in the water. Or add Vit. B (liquid form) in the water, a few drops. This may help. it helped one of my hens, but it took 2 weeks before she could walk...
  11. etammy

    Hen suddenly got paralisec

    Being deficient in B12 can cause sudden leg paralysis. Get some molasses and put a small amount in the water if you can not afford nutria drench/ electrolyte solution for hens. It will give them some nutrients, but like the last post stated, they need chicken feed too to have a balanced diet...
  12. etammy

    Hen laying Huge eggs that get stuck and break

    I had a small hen that laid huge eggs too, the shells where often soft. She would howl when laying. I see you are already giving them oyster shells, she may need more calcium to harden the shell, make sure she is eating it. If she is low in the pecking order she may be challenged to get feed and...
  13. etammy

    Chicken lying on side, but still eating

    Mareks disease is everywhere from what I have learned on this forum. So ridding your life of Mareks may not be possible. I started with 8 hens, 4 seemed to get sick, many showing neurological issues in the end and died between the ages of 2-4 y/o. My vet assumed Mareks. The other hens are now...
  14. etammy

    Pea Sized Hard Lump in Hen's Throat Above the Crop Below Wattles

    Not sure what it might be. But people gets lumps and bumps, many are benign and cause not issues, hopefully that is what this is. Keep an eye on it, check for growth, pain when touched, any discharge or heat coming from the lump. Is it hard like bone? does it move when touched(cyst) or is it...
  15. etammy

    Hen standing like penguin and very swollen vent she constipated??? Please advise!

    Eating is a good sign. I hope she continues to improve. Maybe she has had an egg stuck for sometime? A bath will help to clean out her vent if any shell remains. Good luck, I hope for the best.
  16. etammy

    Hen standing like penguin and very swollen vent she constipated??? Please advise!

    In my limited experience, it takes 3-4 weeks for a hen to die. Once she stops eating for a week or more then it is time. I had a hen with ascites get better and lived another 6 months, she was a sickly hen. I had to "nurse" her back to good health 4 different times in her life. She lived to be 4...
  17. etammy

    Mysterious limp with foot swelling

    My guess is she may still have some debris or "bumbles" left in the toe areas if they are firm/hard to the touch, soft lumps would suggest swelling or pus. My vet has said that if there is no scab and there is swelling it may be due to aging/arthritis . My hen who has had bumble foot with an...
  18. etammy

    If I don't do anything about my hens' bumblefoot, will it hurt them?

    I have had good luck with soaking the foot in warm water and Epsom salt for a few days in a row and in time you can pull the scab off then massage the foot towards the opening to remove any debris wrap the foot with some Neosporin for a w days.
  19. etammy

    Strange soft egg - should I start antibiotics?

    Maybe some calcium so she can form the shell for her eggs. If she is small, she may not be getting enough feed. I have had hens lay soft shelled eggs and they are fine. I increased their calcium and saw much improvement.
  20. etammy

    Please help! My dog got my hen!

    Do you think there is any chance of a brain injury? are her eyes normal, are the pupils opening to normal size? Is her abdomen swollen-if yes, could be internal bleeding. Are her poops black? Give her time to heal, she can survive the attach if it was not to bad.
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