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  1. Boichik86

    Midget White Turkeys

    Why is it necessary to pinion them? I thought only domestic geese needed to be pinioned.
  2. Boichik86

    Mammoth bronze and BB Bronze....are they different?

    No, mammoth and BB Bronze are essentially the same breed. Mammoth Bronze is what they used to be more commonly called, now we've shortened Broad-breasted to BB. They will still mature to weights of 35+ pounds. The heaviest turkey on record was an 81 pound bronze! Good luck with your poults.
  3. Boichik86

    Ocellated Turkey Hatching Eggs

    No they aren't, they are listed as nearly threatened, it's even legal to hunt them.
  4. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    OMG everyone! one of my 2 1/2 week old meaties got trapped outside the brooding pen and stuck in the rain while I was away today. I came home and it appeared to be quite dead; limp, flat, soaked to the bone, and just plain stone cold dead. No pulse, no breathing. I held her my left hand and...
  5. Boichik86

    Broiler Meat Birds: To Brood Or Not To Brood

    I think you are missing the point of why people are upset by this forum, Not only is it deceitfully entitled "Broiler Meat Birds: To Brood Or Not To Brood" when the author makes NO attempt to even mention the topics of brooding or breeding, he also fills his body paragraph with inacurate...
  6. Boichik86

    Broiler Meat Birds: To Brood Or Not To Brood

    I don't know about all of that, as it seems to be in stark contrast to what I have experienced. I put my broiler chicks out on pasture early, when they were 5 days old. They have taken to running, foraging, scratching, flying and hunting like a real chicken. Why, I even make mine roost in my...
  7. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    Normally its colder here in CT this time of year, but we're experiencing an indian summer this year. I imagine its going to get bitter around january/february like it did last year. We had 60 -70 degree days all the way thru december, then, all of a sudden winter hit all at once in Jan with...
  8. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    They look marvelous! I applaud you in free ranging them as much as possible! Not at all the obese, spradle-leggd, sluggish, poop coated, angel winged, monstrosities, described by some. I hope mine turn out half as nice! This is my first time raising broilers. I have cornish x rock, a few...
  9. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    They are Cornish X Rock hybrid broilers. They were born, er..hatched on 9/18. They had their first day free ranging today! they are 5 days old now, and I figured if I want to save on feed, they had better learn to rustle up some of their own grub, literally. I've heard that they do better the...
  10. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    I have a correction to make; I ordered from purely poultry not meyer, they arrived at 10:30 today, none dead and 2 extra! A couple have tan heads or wings, I'm hoping for a surprise breed! I'll post pics soon!
  11. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    I can't wait either, I also have a bantam indian game (cornish), a standard brahma pootra, and a salmon faverolle that i will be using as sires, so the mix will be interesting to say the least, I will be posting pictures.
  12. Boichik86

    Is anyone else raising fall broilers? Our chicks came today: 8/18

    Oohh, ooh I Am! I just ordered 25, they are supposed to get here by the 21st! They are my first cornish x broilers, any advice? I ordered from Myer's. I am raising them in a 10x10x7 ft hoop house with an open top wire mesh run, the run is 70 ft in circumference. the wire mesh is 6 ft tall...
  13. Boichik86

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I LOVE YOUR ROO!!! He's so handsome, I especially enjoy the kind, dignified expression on his face, its not cruel and scowling like so many roosters...Oh yeah, your hens not too hard on the eyes either :)
  14. Boichik86

    Can small, flighty breeds avoid birds of prey?

    Yes that's true, however my experience has been breeds such as leghorns will have a much better chance at escaping predators than a say a fat little cornish rock, or completely flightless bantam cochin... That being said, the poster's question as to which breed has the best predator avoidance...
  15. Boichik86

    Comment by 'Boichik86' in item 'Sussex'

    I have only 1 s.sussex, but its growing up every bit as fast as its Faverolles (a relatively quick growing heritage breed) nest mates.
  16. Boichik86

    Jersey Giant Chickens

    I have heard of Jersey Giants getting upwards of twenty pounds when caponized. Congrats on reviving a lost art!
  17. Boichik86

    Jersey Giant Chickens

    Jersey Black Giants don't fully flesh out until 1.5-2 years old, though you might get a decent carcass before that.
  18. Boichik86

    Hope This Saves A Turkey From Blackhead

    My birds seem to thoroughly enjoy spicy food. I have read, though I can't remember my sources, that wild turkeys in Central America have been observed eating hot peppers... possibly to worm themselves? I have seen my turkeys grazing on garlic and chives, I've read that garlic is a natural...
  19. Boichik86

    Big Chickens

    However, some of the pure-bred heavy, game types I mentioned above do sometimes have to be AI'd.
  20. Boichik86

    Big Chickens

    I do not know, but as far as I know, buckeye roos aren't supposed to have any difficulty mounting.
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