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  • Users: Jena
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  1. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Opa, so glad you and Hope are making your trip at last, I hope you have a wonderful time. Highlander, How is the weather up with you now, glad that hurricane slipped past you, but I am amazed at all the rain you have had up there. Now it seems like our turn, Last night it was coming down...
  2. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    all best wishes, just keep your head down and let us know when it has passed.
  3. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    HI Everyone, I just popped in thinking of Highlander tonight, I have spent the day battening down the hatches and they say it will not be too bad down here, so I am really thinking of her. We will see what tonight brings to us all over here, I have also been watching all of the things on TV...
  4. Jena

    anyone in England ?

    Welcome, I am in South Wales. This is an excellent site and you will get loads of assistance here. I have had chickens now for 3 years and still love it. Have been out today preparing my garden for winter and my girls have all been with me enjoying all the lovely worms I have dug up...
  5. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    It is good, I am very busy, and all of the birds and dogs are fine, and my sons, and my garden is coming along nicely. But I am constantly running, I have to go now and get a new bag of dog food, I have been working all day so I couldn't get out. Now I am going to go cruising around the...
  6. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Quote: I'm good. My depression is being treated, I've found more things that I'm interested in, school is fine (Even Biology, because we're doing genetics now!), and I have a boyfriend! Good to see you too, Highlander! Boyfriend, that sound good and I am pleased you are getting the help you...
  7. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Lol.... well you could have bought a big yacht and sailed around the world? Moved to America or Australia and started a chicken ranch or something more exotic. anything to escape this miserable country ( having said that the last 2 days have been good)
  8. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Princess, How are you? I have been offline for a long time, and just got back yesterday really. Sorry I thought my day was over and then I had a myriad of calls about work, busy busy again. It is good to find you all here.
  9. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Good Afternoon Everyone, I am just reaching the end of a chaotic day, but the sun is finally shining in the UK and the tomatoes are ripening, so I am having a good day and I have lots of work on for next week. Always a good thing these days. I hope you are all having a great day and...
  10. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    I am hoping all the gardening will take care of the waistline but I am pretty sure I am only dreaming again.... well finally today my work has picked up and the phone keeps ringing so I will have to go and prepare some jobs, will drop back in later today, when it all goes quiet again. Hope...
  11. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    lol... indeed, 5' 3". Small country Wales and we are usually small here especially the old ones.... lol...
  12. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Fantastic, I only had the one which was supposed to be a dwarf, but it is bigger than
  13. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Quote: Hiya, I am so glad you survived this awful storm, it must have caused considerable disruption, I have one large sunflower in the garden and that is almost lying sideways at the moment, not due to a weather storm but entirely due to a PUPPY, lol... Sufi is now a big girl and really does...
  14. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    You are so right, I am loving it, and my cooking is more enjoyable. I have frozen my main crop of peas and beans, but I am still finding new ones growing, so as soon as there are a few ready to pick they are being added into whatever I am cooking on the day. Both of my sons are now looking out...
  15. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    It makes such a difference to things Opa, I have peppers growing now in the polytunnel, and loads of herbs, I have grown red and green basil, fenugreek and coriander, and have enjoyed them all summer in my cooking. I also grew some cucumbers, but mine were not as successful as some I had...
  16. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    I have been lucky this year Opa, my tomatoes are doing well, late but coming good now, and I have had a good crop of peas, beans and beetroot. I have cabbage coming along well and loads of rhubarb. I have also just put in some late lettuce and radish and so far they are doing well. I have...
  17. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    LOl.... I know that feeling, it has been another lousy summer down here, and Spring was so promising. The Polytunnel was the greatest buy ever and has saved me this year. I live in hope of a decent summer next year.
  18. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Hiya! Yes indeed, so do I. It should be ok now, James has had to do a lot of work on it and finally brought it home 2 days ago, then he was setting it up and last night was the first time I could get back online. Hope the rain has finally stopped up there.
  19. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Good Morning Opa, Hoping you are well today, and Hope and Granny and Daisy too, I have thought of all of you many times during my absence, and it is good to return to hot coffee a warm fire and familiar faces. Best wishes to you all.
  20. Jena

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Good Morning all, I have just managed to get back online after several months with no computer, so I know all about geek children, my son is home for a few days and has finally set everything up for me again. Ranchie, I have been thinking about you through all of the news about Irene, so...
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