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  1. Sue Gremlin

    Poop Fecal Egg ID

    Sorry! I am not so great about logging in recently. What's shown here is pine pollen granules, they look like little Mickey Mouse heads. I do not see any sign of coccidia or any other parasite in these photos.
  2. Sue Gremlin

    Worms in my chickens poop!

    These are fly larvae and are not intestinal parasites.
  3. Sue Gremlin

    $80 to put a chicken down?

    Do you take your dogs to this vet?
  4. Sue Gremlin

    Doing Fecal Floats at Home

    Coccidia is a “normal” part of the intestinal flora in chickens. It is when they can’t be kept controlled by the immune system they become a problem, that’s why coccidiosis is generally a disease (and a bad one) of young chickens. Their presence in a fecal sample does not warrant treatment. Not...
  5. Sue Gremlin

    $80 to put a chicken down?

    Criminal sociopaths? Really? Because of what one vet charged you? I am sorry this one vet charged you so much for this euthanasia but painting them all with such a wide brush is unfair at best. Vets are medical doctors who make a fraction of the money physicians make. Honestly this kind of...
  6. Sue Gremlin

    Doing Fecal Floats at Home

    These are coccidia. They have that characteristic iridescent sheen.
  7. Sue Gremlin

    Merry Christmas to you too!

    Merry Christmas to you too!
  8. Sue Gremlin

    Should I take my chickens with me when I move?

    What do you mean by keeping it baited?
  9. Sue Gremlin

    Should I take my chickens with me when I move?

    I am moving from Michigan to Connecticut in a few weeks. Our new property has bears about, we saw some big, big piles of bear scat when we were there. We have had good luck with our coop design in southern MI, but we do not have bears here. Are we going to just move them to have bears attack...
  10. Sue Gremlin

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Free rooster. Any takers? He is a BR x EE cross. Paulie Walnuts is a very sweet boy and is 2 years old now. A little short on brains, but he is very sweet, lets you pet him, eats out of your hand and takes great care of his girls. He lives in a flock with 8 hens and has done a great job...
  11. Sue Gremlin

    SW Michigan Rooster (Barred Rock X EE), free to a good home

    Paulie Walnuts is a very sweet boy and is 2 years old now. A little short on brains, but he is very sweet, lets you pet him, eats out of your hand and takes great care of his girls. He lives in a flock with 8 hens and has done a great job protecting them and is a proven dad--we have a few of his...
  12. Sue Gremlin

    Aviverm for Gapeworm?

    You would have to take some of his fresh feces to a vet and get them to check it. Worms are not generally shed in the feces, but their eggs are. They are very microscopic so you need some special equipment. First things first, I'd get him checked before you give him any more drugs. Whatever is...
  13. Sue Gremlin

    Aviverm for Gapeworm?

    Have you done a fecal flotation?
  14. Sue Gremlin

    Aviverm for Gapeworm?

    It's not sold in the US. What is wrong with your rooster?
  15. Sue Gremlin

    Rooster suddenly aggressive toward one hen

    I have a 3 year old crosssbred (BR x EE) rooster who has been nothing but sweet to us and attentive toward his 8 hens until now. I noticed our Australorp hen, of course our oldest and most favorite, has been isolating herself this week, and when I or any of the other chickens approach her, she...
  16. Sue Gremlin

    Fecal Float Slide

    Since she's sick, I think your plan to treat for 3 days (or 5 days) with fenbendazole is a good one. Treat her and see if that helps her improve. If so, I'd go ahead and treat the rest after cleaning their pen thoroughly. If she doesn't improve, worms are probably not her issue. I don't have an...
  17. Sue Gremlin

    Fecal Float Slide

    Hi! I think the eggs posted in your first post are mite eggs. Whether they are chicken mites or feed mites or environmental mites I cannot say. Just keep in mind they may not be parasitic mites. The one at 100x is an ascaridia, great job with the ID. Note the difference in shape and the...
  18. Sue Gremlin

    Flea treatment - South Africa

    Agree. They need some sort of sand to develop properly. As for your question: This is a question for the vet who gave it to you, I am not in RSA. But the label says it's for environmental spraying and is not for meat birds, but it does not talk about any egg residue. If your vet gave it to...
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