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  1. doghamstyluv95

    What to do??

    My 3 year old RIR has recently become sick. There are no avian or farm vets anywhere around here. This first started about 2 or 3 weeks ago and has been progressively getting worse. She is very lethargic, she tries to eat and drink however. I have been monitoring her and I haven't seen her poop...
  2. doghamstyluv95

    please help!!!!

    my golden campine has been acting sick lately. It started about a week ago when her face around her eyes became swollen. However she was still eating and drinking so I figured it would go away. But within the past 2 days, it has still been swollen and she hasn't really been eating but she is...
  3. doghamstyluv95

    Something is wrong.......

    Ok well I slowly took the egg shell out(it was a soft one) and along came some poop. She seems to be a little better, we gave her a little tomato and yogurt and she also drank some water. She then proceeded to bite the only hen lower than her. So she is more normal but not completely. She still...
  4. doghamstyluv95

    Something is wrong.......

    My hen has tried to lay an egg, the egg yolk has come out but we cannot see a shell any where and a whitish liquid like an egg white is kinda just there. Her butt is also kinda sticking out a little and she is puffed up and doesnt look too good. Please help!!! It is not her first egg
  5. doghamstyluv95

    Really strange behavior.......

    oracasislandchickens- Thanks for the reply! I am pretty sure she is not being pecked at. Like I said before she is at the top and other chickens run away from her but she also runs away from them. It is so puzzling. I will try to check her out, though she doesn't like humans too much especially...
  6. doghamstyluv95

    Really strange behavior.......

    My hen Rubooshka who is a Barred Rock is acting really strange. She recently started moulting. And at the same time she does this strange thing. Its like she feels really open to everyone because she has no feathers. She walks really low to the ground. She sorta circles around her food dish. She...
  7. doghamstyluv95

    Broody hen, trying to stop her.

    Thanks but thats not exactly what I asked. Anyone else?
  8. doghamstyluv95

    Broody hen, trying to stop her.

    One of my hens, Apple, a golden campine has gone broody a few days ago. We are desperately trying to stop her because she is not eating at all. She refuses to eat. When I try to feed her, she thinks I am attacking her and starts pecking at me like mad. When I try to take her off the nest she...
  9. doghamstyluv95

    Our Coco has died and we don't know what the reason is!

    Thanks to both of you! Well he is only a year old so it was definitely not his time. It wasn't too hot today, like 85 degrees maybe. It has gone up to 100 but they still survived that day so I don't think its the heat. I'm not sure about the toxic thing. I mean they stay in the run all day so...
  10. doghamstyluv95

    Our Coco has died and we don't know what the reason is!

    Our roo Coco has sadly passed away today We have no clue what the reason is. There was no blood or anything to suggest a predator has gotten in. He was perfectly healthy today and cockadoodledooing away but when we came to put the chickens to bed, he wasn't there so we went into their run and...
  11. doghamstyluv95

    Can I seperate him during the day?

    Thank you! My mom and I will soon be building something to keep the little rascal in during the day.
  12. doghamstyluv95

    Can I seperate him during the day?

    My roo has been overmating our babies especially Blackberry, one of our Australorps. She is completely bald on her head and all over her back. I feel horrible for her. She isn't bleeding but her whole body is red. Can we fence in a part of the coop and just lock the rooster in there for the...
  13. doghamstyluv95

    Aggressive and nicest breeds of chicken?

    My Speckled Sussex roo is horrible! He will attack anything and has given me a small hole in my leg. My Silkie roo is awesome! He loves to be picked up and held for hours and is just a little sweetie. My meanest hen would be one of my Golden Laced Wyandottes. She picks on the other hens a lot...
  14. doghamstyluv95

    Starting to not think this is a moult anymore..

    Thanks for the advice and I'll try to update on how things are going but the problem is if I put my hand anywhere near him, he will start attacking. I can not get any hand or foot near him or else I am a goner. So I'm not sure how pushing him on the ground will work out because he will win. I...
  15. doghamstyluv95

    Starting to not think this is a moult anymore..

    We have 2 roos and 9 hens. We weren't supposed to get any roos but you know hatcheries One of our roos is a silkie. He is my baby boy. Such a little sweetheart. But our other roo, who attacks us everytime we come into the coop is a Speckled Sussex. I could care less about him. We have to walk...
  16. doghamstyluv95

    Starting to not think this is a moult anymore..

    One of my hens, Rubooshka went through a moult a few months ago and fully grew back her feathers. Then some of my others started loosing feathers and I figured it was a normal moult but Blackberry, my Australorp has not had any feathers on her back or head since February and I don't think they...
  17. doghamstyluv95

    Broody hen that we don't want to go broody

    Well our Australorp, Millie has recently gone broody but the thing is that first of all, she is sitting on no eggs and second of all we don't want more chicks. I know this sounds strange but we live in a very urban area and if we get more roo's we would need to get rid of them. Also we don't...
  18. doghamstyluv95

    this is cute.....

    That is too cute!
  19. doghamstyluv95

    Do Chickens Get Bored?

    I think chickens most certainly can get bored! It has been raining like crazy here and my chickens were locked inside all day and boy were they bored out of their minds! They did many laps around the coop.... I'm wondering, how big are the bells that you got?
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