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  1. gunhoney

    April 2021 Hatch - A - Long

    Just set 18 more serama eggs today after moving my last newborns to my ICU to feather out. My last hatch was the most disastrous I’ve ever had so time to get on with hatching some chicks for a friend.
  2. gunhoney

    1st time shipped eggs- advise please!

    Incubate until there is no debate! I had an incubator die as well for longer than that and still hatched plenty of eggs. My broody gets off her eggs sometimes for half an hour, sometimes more, a few times a day. And she is a solid broody. Keep them going until it’s definitely too late. I kept...
  3. gunhoney

    Sticky chicks....

    My recent hatch had an assisted hatch and I missed a spot cleaning her off. Since I only hatch Serama, I avoid bathing for the first few days because the temp loss even for a few minutes can be enough to lose these fragile little girls. After that if it’s bad I will Pre-heat a bathroom, bring...
  4. gunhoney

    Antibiotic ointment question

    Correct. With pain relief, it will say Pain Relief clearly on the packaging. Without pain relief is simply Neosporin or similar brand/generic antibiotic first aid ointment (usually says for minor cuts and scrapes). Hope that helps!
  5. gunhoney

    Looking for birds in Cherokee GA, will pay for delivery

    We are high risk for the virus and have been quarantined since March 1. We have not found any way to get chickens, so I have ordered hatching eggs but that is still probably next year before we have eggs. Our new coop arrives today (this is our second flock - starting over) and it would be nice...
  6. gunhoney

    How to reinforce 1/2 hardware cloth against snakes?

    Our coop has 16ga galvanized hardware cloth, but it is 1/2”. We have a ton of black snakes on our property. I have a few ideas which may be more cost effective than replacing it totally with 1/4”. Would metal window screens fastened along the outside of the mesh work to keep out the baby king...
  7. gunhoney

    When to put Silkies outside

    We have two adult layers who get a heat lamp beginning at 5am. It does get chilly here in GA. I keep parrots as pets so I am very sensitive when it comes to keeping ALL my birds warm. My two adult birds live on our screened-in porch, second story, north facing with the back of their coop to...
  8. gunhoney

    Hi from GA!

    We have quite the bird household. I'd been wanting chickens for years and my husband and I recently got 5 silkies from the Garry farm, 2 adult hens and 5 teenagers. I wanted immediate layers and lucky for us they are within driving distance. We visited and had an awesome time. I have to say they...
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