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  1. chickenlver2013

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    Does anyone on this thread breed Wheatens? I am desperately looking for Wheatens. I'm wanting hatching eggs.
  2. chickenlver2013

    Dominique Thread!

    Google white Dominiques. Feather site has a picture of them on there.
  3. chickenlver2013

    Dominique Thread!

    Anyone happen to know where I can get some white Doms?
  4. chickenlver2013

    Dominique x Speckled Sussex

    What would it look like if I bred my Dom roosters to my Speckled Sussex hens?
  5. chickenlver2013

    chicken Hatching eggs

    I have Old English Game Bantam eggs for sale. A Brown Red rooster over BB Red and Black hens. You get Brown Red chicks. Here are the results.
  6. chickenlver2013

    can I house chickens and ducks together

    Duck eggs and chicken eggs.
  7. chickenlver2013

    can I house chickens and ducks together

    Yes, have they been raised together? Since babies? That helps them cope more since they would know each other.
  8. chickenlver2013

    When will my girls start laying?

    Cornish Rocks. Their due date for slaughtering is 8 weeks because tegu get so big.
  9. chickenlver2013

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    Mine don't have names, but here they are. :) accident 1: BB Red x Golden Laced Sebright accident 2: BB Red x Golden Laced Sebright accident 3 BB Red x Golden Laced Sebright.
  10. chickenlver2013

    White Dominique help!

    Thank you. I got my Dominiques from a breeder in New Hampshire. Her name is Amy Rawson. I don't know if hers is show stock.
  11. chickenlver2013

    Dominique Roo x White Plymouth Rock Hen?

    Now this thread gives me a really good feeling because I'll be creating a White Dominique this September. So excited! Now i know they'll come out pretty without messy barring.
  12. chickenlver2013

    White Dominique help!

    Ok, I am anxious to see what a White Dominique would look like. I was thinking of making a new "breed." I'm planning to use either my White Rock pullet or cockerel over one of my Dominiques. I understand that barring will take a while to clean up, but how do I go about doing that? They'll be...
  13. chickenlver2013

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    It's just odd though. Maybe it's the breeds?
  14. chickenlver2013

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Ok, can someone fill me in here? Every pullet I've bought, hatched and raised has had bright bred combs while growing up. I kept thinking I was constantly hatching out cockerels. Aren't pullets combs supposed to be pale and not be getting any color until a bought 18 weeks? Mine start at 3 weeks...
  15. chickenlver2013

    My bantam chick isn't doing well

    I'm so sorry.
  16. chickenlver2013

    hen? what breed?

    Try they have pics of almost every chicken breed in the world. Pics if adults and chicks.
  17. chickenlver2013

    My bantam chick isn't doing well

    Get some electrolytes in her fast.
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