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  1. crazedguinea

    first done-what a learning experience.

    well, we got our first rooster processed yesterday. was not as bad as i expected, not saying it was pleasant, but by not getting attatched to the roosters, it was a much easier thing to do. i actually liked plucking-it was relaxing in a way. we learned a lot about scalding too and will need...
  2. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    LOVE the pictures-too cute doing the goosey stuff! well, since you placed the rhodies-when are you getting your sebbies?(you'll have more room???)(hope i'm not encouraging your goose addiction too much) looks like the flock gets along well-and your girl definately stands out! mine have been...
  3. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    so, you think the newer/younger ones are likely males?? oh my.... and they are all the same size now too??? wow! i wonder how much larger these geese are going to get, they surely can't be around the adult size at almost 3 months or are they??? i would love to see new photos-i really enjoy...
  4. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    these are probably the most recent photos i have, due to all the rain last week i wasn't out with the camera much. they are still as fun as ever. a bit spoiled i think in comparison to other farm fowl. they still love being around people and are still very friendly and curious. weekly they...
  5. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    any updates on the colors of the younger ones? (wow it's been awhile!)
  6. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    well i learn more and more on this site than by reading. chickenlisa-you getting any honks(mini honks i mean) yet from your older ones? my dumpling is starting to make honks but deuce and debbie aren't yet-i am curiuous if any of yours are honking too. today they had an exciting morning-the...
  7. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    thanks for the further info omni, -but can't the males also have some grey in the tail and wings too(i'm reading from "the book of geese" by holderread) just not a lot like you said under 75% because obviously too much grey is not good(the whiter the better in ganders)? and they will get lighter...
  8. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    boys having some grey feathers by the tail is normal i heard. too much grey is undesirable in show ganders and people have said to get pure white or very close to pure white for breeding to keep the autosexing feature well established, but since we got from a hatchery and not a serious...
  9. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    i agree with wifezilla, it IS definately not something you did wrong at all-my goodness look at the others and how they are thriving! i'm going to turn off my heat lamp again soon too, these last two days have been wretched cold damp and miserable though-and now by friday we'll be in the...
  10. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    oh you posted when i was starting to post elsewhere. i am so sorry about little prissy, that is so sad. my heart goes out to you because i know you care a lot for your babies and how much joy they bring you. i don't know what else to say. i don't know why she was so much smaller than the...
  11. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    that is a tough call to make-they are on one hand lighter in color but on the other hand they were vent sexed by a "professional". i hope they are girls after all you've been through. prissy is very very very petite-has she grown since you got her? she is just really small compared to her...
  12. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    no new postings lately? guess we've all been busy. chickenlisa-how are things going with the baby girls? did you try combining the age groups yet? i am starting to run out of room in the brooder due to the rapid growth. i had them out for a little this am in the coop with the guineas-so i...
  13. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    wow i just went to ideal's website, and they are sold out of pilgrim geese(along with some other breeds) until 2010 and it is still march! glad you got those girls friday!
  14. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    i've been putting bricks under the waterers to raise them higher but not too high so the rhodies can reach the water too, and when they are out of the brooder, they will have a corner bucket so they can dunk their heads in it and i will keep one of the regular waterers for the guineas/smaller...
  15. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    i'm not sure when it will be ok to merge the age groups...???? maybe try it next week when you are around to watch them and separate them if need be; as you said they will be well recovered from their shipping experience, and see how it goes...i've done that with guinea fowl but heck, geese...
  16. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    Yay!! the girls have arrived safely! i got 9 rir's with my shipment too. i know your predicament well , and i really did not need more roos either. i've got one re-homed once he is older, and i'm going to nicely offer the gentleman 2 if he's so inclined. i do think i will end up keeping one...
  17. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    yep, mine are getting the feather stuff under baby fluff now too. i give mine grass, and goodness it IS supposed to be nice up here tomorrow too and i was planning on putting them out in their playpen for fresh air and to PICK THEIR OWN GRASS. i will try to get nicer pictures tomorrow when...
  18. crazedguinea

    You may be a country gal if . . .

    love it, sooo true!!!!!
  19. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    glad things are working out well and more girls are on the way. you crack me up by getting sebastopols next...the goose addiction has struck-i am guessing that they will have the "s" names? can't wait to see the new girls photos posted soon. all is going well with their "d" siblings-growning...
  20. crazedguinea

    Mods- please move to "Geese"?- Growing Goslings!

    love the swimming pictures-cute cute cute! i'm glad you got some answers from people here about the sexes and were able to e-mail pictures to ideal. definately keep us updated and keep the pictures coming too. i'm sure ideal will be cool about it, and i guess you'll just be ending up with a...
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