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  1. rje ma

    feeding with the seasons

    Hi! I usually give my girls some old fashion oatmeal with a few cranberries on a cold morning. They love it and it coaxes them out of the coop so they can get some fresh air. Mine usually lay through the winter, however this year they have taken a long time to get through the molt. They just...
  2. rje ma

    Will they go back in their coop?

    When I first started to free range I let my girls out close to dusk. That way they won't go to far from the coop. When you want them to come back just keep a little scratch in a plastic jar, shake it and call them then throw a little in their run. They learn real fast and come flying back.
  3. rje ma

    Introducing a new hen to my flock.

    First of all welcome to the backyard family.! In the future I would not combine any outside birds with my flock with out a one month quaranteen. Bio security is top priority. That being said you might want to take your chicken and bring her in and put her on the roost at night when the others...
  4. rje ma

    New Chicks

    You have to wait until they are about 12 weeks old. Last time I put them in a chicken tractor next to the adult girls run so they could see each other for a couple of weeks first.then I put them together and made sure they would be ok. It's also a good idea to have a place in the main run were...
  5. rje ma

    When Will I Know For Sure the Gender

    It's a girl!!!!
  6. rje ma

    Alternatives to wood shavings?

    I have always used sand and it works great. It is super easy to keep clean too. Takes about two minutes a day with a poop scoop. no smell.
  7. rje ma

    Should I start with 2 or 3 chickens? (Minimum flock size)

    :rolleyes:I guess this is a good place to add my two cents. I started this year with chicks. At first I was trying to decide if I should get 6 or 7. I got 7 figuring I might lose one because I'm new to this. Well they were gar ranted to be all hens. My luck I had 3 rosters. They went back to the...
  8. rje ma

    Trouble Training Chickens To Use Nipple Bucket

    Take away the bowl. Then go and work the nipples so they see the water dripping. With my girls they went right for it before I even put water in it. I think it might have been because it was the only outside water. They would have to go in the coop to get a drink. Sometimes chickens are lazy...
  9. rje ma

    newbie mel

    Welcome to the world of chicken lovers! Good luck with your chicks:)
  10. rje ma


    Welcome, I have not been doing this long but two ideas I got here that have worked for me: 1. Use sand not wood chips. 2. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) in the water. 1 teaspoon per gallon. Prevents pasty but. Good luck with your flock:)
  11. rje ma

    Feeding greens

    When I cut my grass I dump a bucket of newly cut grass. They go crazy scratching through it for the bugs!:D
  12. rje ma

    Automatic door problem

    Thanks, that could have been the case that day.the last couple of nights they have gone in on time. Thanks again for the good input hope I can return the favor sometime:)
  13. rje ma

    Automatic door problem

    It was slightly lighter outside than inside but not different than any other night.
  14. rje ma

    Any suggestions on getting a young flock to go back in the coop at night?

    Do you think it might be to hot in the coop?
  15. rje ma

    Automatic door problem

    I have an automatic door that operate on a sensor. It has worked flawlessly for about 2 weeks with my chickens getting into the coop in the evening before it closes for the night. Last night at dusk I looked at the coop and noted my chickens were in for the night at dusk as usual. About 15...
  16. rje ma


    I used sand in my brooder and it worked just fine. Used a kitty litter scoop to clean and it worked great. No smell.
  17. rje ma

    New kid on the block

    I have been like a phantom and a little shy about posting since I became a member of BYC. Back in April of this year when I made the decision to start my flock a friend of mine said I should check out this site. Best advice I got in a long time. I did a lot of reading and research hear before I...
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