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  1. bigrob83

    Jumbo Corturnix Quail Paper Egg Cartons

    actually I provided a link to cartons on ebay and then saw you avatar with the "boycott ebay" thing so no help there lol
  2. bigrob83

    Jumbo Corturnix Quail Paper Egg Cartons

  3. bigrob83

    Please I need help quickly. Quail eggs won't fit into my quail rails!

    havent seen it mentioned so I am going to mention it you do know that quail eggs go in the rack small end down right? I had to look at some eggs to think about how in the world they would be so big as to sit on top and took some of my jumbo eggs and set them big end down in the hole and just...
  4. bigrob83

    Montgomery County Texas (Conroe,Tx.) Trade Days.... when exactly is the next one?

    got there a little late size wise it was maybe 80% of the last one getting to the point of not sure if its worth the 2 hour drive any word of where they are possibly moving it to?
  5. bigrob83

    This is why predators have such an easy time with quail

    I have lost one quail through hardware cloth they took his head off your pictures go to show he walked up there and offered it to them heard the chickens this morning and found the neighbors cat laying next to the quail house stalking the chickens quail all lined up next to him "look at this"...
  6. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    wait.... you have a light on them also? it hasnt been long enough for your male to heal he still looked funny and smelled funny and to them was a new guy so they attacked him if your other male is doing fine then i would let it be and take the light away
  7. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    like I said watch him a bit of messed up feathers on the neck is fairly normal if he has them pinned down with their head twisted around and they are screaming then get rid of him if they have sores where he is grabbing them get rid of him
  8. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    I just dont think your gonna cure his aggression sure maybe it works for a week but he wont stop about the only cure for aggression is to wrap him in bacon
  9. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    generally speaking he wont stop after a time out perfect time of the year to find a new roo
  10. bigrob83

    Live bird price

    as mentioned market drives the price I get $4 for adults I live in a area where people sell them for $2.50-$3 people tell me this all the time.... and I tell them I produce nice birds and put a bunch of my time into them thats great that they can sell at that price but I cant some people...
  11. bigrob83

    noisy hen how do I stop her from screaming her egg song

    not only do I have two bantam hens who lay at the exact same time they "have" to use the same laying spot so bantam #1 lays while bantam #2 stands next to her belting out the egg song at the top of her lungs lucky for us and our neighbors they are afternoon layers so far I tried moving nesting...
  12. bigrob83

    Weird things chickens eat

    my favorite is when they grab something good and then run off yelling about it if you dont want them stealing your treat, dont tell them about it I have searched and they say they will stop this but so far they havent our chickens loves bees once they take a few stings supposedly they will...
  13. bigrob83

    One quail alot smaller than the others

    1/4 size is a little odd, with that size difference it will get picked on so as mentioned keep him seperated I have a runt male who is at least a year old now he is about 80% normal size but is a excellent roo I wouldnt keep him but my wife thinks he is "cute"
  14. bigrob83

    Quail Rooster Insessent crowing

    Any neighbor within range possibly? If they hear another they will call like that I have had a few males just be odd Had one call 24/7 when he matured He had to go
  15. bigrob83

    Processing quail- Best type of scissors?

    It only takes once for it to go bad to change your mind. I use Gerber game shears Available at Walmart or any sporting goods store that sells hunting supplies I even had two pair of game shears that were junk one wouldn't cut through anything the other dulled quickly Personally i use a small...
  16. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    guess I should have been more specific grab them by the back of the head? normal chase them down and snatch them up by the back of the head with force while the hen is protesting? not normal
  17. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    if I count back right you got them just after breeding season was over and breeding season is just barely starting.... so your just now seeing this that is "normal" aggression they peck the eyes out or the back of the head until they hit the brain stem however, give him a day or two the eyes...
  18. bigrob83

    Help - (Gross pics) Blood on quail head

    you have aggression going on that causes stress... stress causes aggression and now you have everybody pecking the weak guy watch them from a distance and find your culprit its not always a male but in this case probably is 1 male can "service" up to 5 females just fine how much space do...
  19. bigrob83

    help with possible first quail pen please (: (coturnix)

    when they are juvenile to teenager age they are in a certain spot where they are light enough and strong enough they can fly easily a few more weeks and they can only pop up and glide a bit I once had one fly off into the sunset... if I hadnt have witnessed it, I would have never believed a...
  20. bigrob83

    Dove with laying issues

    good advice on letter her lay on them its at least easier on them without constantly "needing to make a egg" doves are smart in the fact that they know exactly what a egg should be so fakes rarely make the cut let her lay eventually she will kick the egg out because she knows it bad but at...
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