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  1. apteryx

    GAMES FOR EGGS and other fun prizes

    Poop bingo #3
  2. apteryx

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I agree - peroxide is not advisable for a number of reasons. The most relevant reason is that it can actually damage the tissue that you are trying to heal. Betadine is the brand name of povidine iodine - I wasn't thinking last night and only went with what was on the generic brand bottle I...
  3. apteryx

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I was surprised at how deep the wounds were on my rooster. I found that squirting the iodine into the wounds and gently massaging helped a lot as it forced the deep maggots out. Like you, I hadn't noticed anything wrong until he was standing with his tail down. I am guessing that he was...
  4. apteryx

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Kimmy, Based on the description, they are maggots. The dog attack most likely left small weepy wounds that created the perfect environment for fly larvae (maggots) to grow. I had a similar thing happen to a rooster (possum bite on the tail). My suggestion would be to trim back the remaining...
  5. apteryx

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    He had his chance, and then a few more. Sometimes it is better to be a person down, than to drag everyone down carrying dead weight. Being able to kill chives is a pretty bad sign.
  6. apteryx

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    It has been too quiet in here.... I am hoping that it is just because Oz is busy, and not something dramatic.
  7. apteryx

    Dixie Chicks

    It's not you, it's the phone...
  8. apteryx

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    What I have read suggests that the breeds used included malines, New Hampshire, welsummer, Rhode Island Red, amrock and Wyandotte. There may have also been other breeds.
  9. apteryx

    The Old Folks Home

    New Zealand All if this talk of bees is bringing back a lot of childhood memories. Pretty much every farm in our area had groups of 15 - 20 hives. In summer you could hear the steady hum of the bees through the hedges that were common in our area. On our farm I think we had 15 hives. When I...
  10. apteryx

    The Old Folks Home

    This is scary - you pretty much described my big city/small town/wilderness perspective perfectly. And the background (growing up on a farm/spending a lot of time on a farm and going to school in a city) is pretty much my childhood. Just in a different country....
  11. apteryx

    Dixie Chicks

    3mm is about 1/8th of an inch - or barely enough to keep the dust down.
  12. apteryx


    If you were closer, I would take it!
  13. apteryx

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    Stay safe Oz. That image doesn't make comfortable - even from thousands of miles away. Every time I see an eye that clear, it reminds me of Hurricane Katrina. Here is an image of that one:
  14. apteryx


    Whoa! Greenfire has dropped their prices to $29 and $19. Of course they still have their $35 shipping and you have to deal with the whims of USPS....
  15. apteryx


    Are they any good - this depends on your objectives (almost sounds like the tagline for this thread!). At the moment I have not committed to a particular breed as I want to get a feel for what works in my area/system, etc. Here is my take on this breed compared to other breeds. - Bielefelder...
  16. apteryx

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    Mine are quiet - even after laying. I find my wyandottes, bresse, and half of my legbars to be much louder.
  17. apteryx

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    8 pm tonight. I am guessing that is EST given the location of the seller as listed in their profile.
  18. apteryx

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    Congratulations on the sales Oz! It is certainly a long way from the original goal of having eggs for breakfast from your own chickens. I have a couple of questions that have been rolling around in my head for a while now. First, what did Mrs. Oz originally say when you decided to work on...
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