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  1. av8torcrj


    That was my point. For people to stop, take a deep breath and actually think.
  2. av8torcrj


    Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess but buying essentially ornamental bantams to ward off the coming egg shortage apocalypse is a poorly thought out idea in my personal opinion.
  3. av8torcrj


    I called the other day and they said check back in a week or so that they had “oversold” their stock. Seems like owner weekly posts on their Facebook page pictures of a shipping department in tatters after a “hard shipping day”. Seems like a good problem to have if you’re in business. Anyway, I...
  4. av8torcrj

    Newbie gardener

    I’ve got the exact same thing on some of my purple hulls in Mississippi. They were spotty and I just skipped the pods that were covered. Agreed.. they are gross.
  5. av8torcrj

    Chicks pecking at new chicks feet

    I’ve seen the toe grabbing occasionally. It has usually stopped after the birds realize that toe isn’t a worm. If I understand the story line I think part of the issue was adding the younger smaller birds to the group. Anyway, you definitely don’t want it to result in bleeding because if it does...
  6. av8torcrj

    My new Ginger red OEGBs :)

    This is an ancient thread but I thought I’d comment about ginger reds. I got my foundation stock over a year ago from cackle and they have become some of my favorite birds. These birds have been noticeably different from virtually all others, and I’ve owned hundreds, in terms of their...
  7. av8torcrj

    Heat lamp or Heat plate?

    Plate plate plate plate. Love mine. Never ever again a lamp... ever.
  8. av8torcrj

    Chick is constantly peeping we're worried

    In my experience that’s the sound of a very content young bird appreciating her attention (and saying softly, keep that @$#n cat outta here). Loud peeping.... somebody’s not happy.
  9. av8torcrj

    Ginger red Old English game bantam

    This is an ancient thread but I’ll reply for those who might be researching ginger reds with a brief personal experience. I purchased a set of OEG bantams from cackle summer 2019. Spangled, crele, and ginger reds. I must say the ginger reds proved to be the most curious and friendly of all the...
  10. av8torcrj

    Cackle Hatchery Review

    I’ve always gotten nice birds from cackle and have never experienced a shipping loss. They have gone the extra mile and placed heat packs, feed and a hydrating substance in all of this years shipments. I purchased their exotic island breed assortment weekly special this summer and received a...
  11. av8torcrj

    Red jungle fowl

    I received 7 red jungle fowl from ideal poultry quite by accident. They were supposed to send Saipan jungle fowl but obviously the individual boxing the birds was engrossed in her social media account and only saw “ jungle” on the order form sending these birds instead. Nonetheless, I’m really...
  12. av8torcrj

    What should we do?

    I love my birds. I rush to the post office on delivery day before they even call, often in the dark to get them home, safe and warm ASAP. I buy them the best feed. I spend time carefully watching them hoping all are well and am very sad if any had a difficult trip. I carefully pick the poop off...
  13. av8torcrj

    What should we do?

    Please be *that* person... if not for me, the birds...please.
  14. av8torcrj

    What should we do?

    Give them away to someone with proper housing. Don’t keep any, not even one.
  15. av8torcrj

    Advice on electric fencing for goats

    Premier all they way. Love them. I have lots of Poultry net plus 12/48/3 double spike in green. There is NO way to make the white fencing NOT make your place look trashy in my personal opinion. Green is all but invisible. Patriot p20 charger. Goats touch the fence once... never again. All but...
  16. av8torcrj

    Mcmurray free rare?? What do you guess?

    Yes, we all guessed correctly from the start.
  17. av8torcrj

    Mcmurray free rare?? What do you guess?

    This is what "she" grew up to be, a colorful and somewhat cranky lil rooster.
  18. av8torcrj

    Electric fences and pet dogs

    If you are considering the electric netting from premier, I can personally recommend it if you are willing to maintain it properly (keeping the weeds and grass out of it) and don't live in an area with super hard or rocky soil if you have any plans on moving it more than rarely. I've got a 500...
  19. av8torcrj

    Molting - Broody

    I found this thread after looking up "post broody moult" after noticing that 3 hens that had been summer broody, 2 utterly relentless for months, have gone into heavy moult versus their 65 flock mates that have not. I'm personally convinced that there is an evolutionary propensity for a moult...
  20. av8torcrj

    Mixing Breeds

    I'm not sure where your planning on getting your Sussex but my 2018 birds from McMurray have been a bit disappointing. One was an unimpressive runt for weeks and weeks and is still smaller than the others. One has two extra toes. Further, they have been the bossiest birds in the group, very...
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