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  1. Frizzll Farm

    Butchering meat birds at home

    Hello, a few of my birds are nearing butcher weight, few are also wheezing, we just gave antibiotics but as they are nearing butcher day we had to stop for withdrawal. How do I know if I were to butcher one at home what to look for if the meat is not safe for human consumption? Any pictures...
  2. Frizzll Farm

    Chicks that are slowly dying,

    They are a week old, I do not see any blood in their poop. looking to possible not treat with anything as in ten weeks if all goes well with the remaining they will be dinner.
  3. Frizzll Farm

    Chicks that are slowly dying,

    Hello I got my batch second batch of meat chickens last Friday at a day old. I do order the White rocks, and in Canada they are the fast growing meat birds. I just am wanting to see what others think. My first batch are 6 weeks old. ALL 153 are still alive and well and steadily growing. my...
  4. Frizzll Farm

    Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana

    Thank you so much again for any input, they are my replacement breeding stock for spring. only doing this as google cant be trusted with images :)
  5. Frizzll Farm

    Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana

    chick 4 she does have nice blue legs as well.
  6. Frizzll Farm

    Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana

    this one is the most concerning to me as its colours are making me feel like the pullet it was supposed to be is going to be a Rooster.
  7. Frizzll Farm

    Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana

    Hello I just have a quick question regarding what Blue Wheaten and Wheaten Ameraucana Pullets, any input would be great.
  8. Frizzll Farm

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Hello a few weeks I added three French Wheaten Marans hens and one Roo to my flock. They are looking great but what age should I expect them to start laying? I know with pure bred heavier birds it could take longer then the Red sexlinks I am used too! Thanks in advance!
  9. Frizzll Farm

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    I had a few pip from the other end of the egg in my last hatch, most of them were able to get out them selves, but one i ended up helping. If you help do it in steps, zip the shell moisten the membrane and put it back, in a couple hours of there isn't any thing, then carefully remove the top...
  10. Frizzll Farm

    Diffences Between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas

    I do sell EE chicks, heritage breed crosses, as well as EE crosses. Feel free to pm me.
  11. Frizzll Farm

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    I just waited 5 months for my first baby Kid to come yesterday :) Chicks is no wait compared!! LOL
  12. Frizzll Farm

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    21 days goes by pretty quickly when you live on a farm with lots of little critters! Lock down snuck up on me this time!!
  13. Frizzll Farm

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    Your welcome! Hope they all hatch out for you
  14. Frizzll Farm

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    I don't know what incubator you have, but in my book of info for all the different eggs, (still air) It says the temp needs to be at 101* for the first 21 days then upped to 102* for the remaining days, most ducks take 28 days but Muscovy takes an extra 5 or so days. They require more moisture...
  15. Frizzll Farm

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    chicks take 21 days and muskovy ducks take 35, and I think with different temps and moisture, hatching them together isnt really a good idea.
  16. Frizzll Farm

    im setting my eggs in my homemade bator at 12 enyone with me ? :D

    I have them on wood shavings, I took the picture on my kitchen floor... I taped up its toes... hope it fixes it, how long am i looking at before they go back to normal ?
  17. Frizzll Farm

    im setting my eggs in my homemade bator at 12 enyone with me ? :D

    What is this from... in the same area as the other chicks, but this is the only one with toes like this.? Is it bad?
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