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  1. robot rooster

    Can I raise Ducks with chickens?

    Here is the situation... I started out with 8 chickens and slowly they have started dieing. I do not know what has killed them, but I want to start raising ducks instead (this was my third attempt) I heard ducks are virtually disease free, but can I put them in the same cook I had for the...
  2. robot rooster

    Hawk attack left her with half her face.....Very Sad

    I could not find my girls today, they were outside with me the entire day. Then I noticed that only one was walking around. I found the rest of my flock under a big was missing...... I found her still alive with half her head missing. She was still trying to stand up and...
  3. robot rooster

    Pig skins....Help

    This is some much needed info! So what I am understanding is I need to trim the fat from the skin and cook the fat to make cracklin?
  4. robot rooster

    Pig skins....Help

    So I just got one of my hogs back from the butcher and I asked him to save the skins for me. As a child I remember driving home from the beach and getting home made pork rinds, they were crunchy and very good. My question: How in the world do I make these things crunchy? I have baked them...
  5. robot rooster

    Good sources of protien?

    Quote: What else to you use to mix your own feed?
  6. robot rooster

    Made my own feeder...What do ya think?

    Looking for the "like" BUtton!
  7. robot rooster

    Need directions for sugar curing hams. Does anyone know how?

    Quote: Thanks so much! How do you store your hams after they are cured? Thanks! great information! About to take my hogs to the butcher!
  8. robot rooster

    need pics of your hog pen

    Quote: not trying to be mean but thats funny but good luck training them to keep there feeder and water bowls in one spot. This was last year, I went with a more permanent structure this year and they have not moved the feed or water bins, as they cannot move them. Also, can't wait to see...
  9. robot rooster

    Non Genetically altered??

    Thanks for the feedback! I would love to know of more breeds!
  10. robot rooster

    Non Genetically altered??

    I am looking to grow some chickens for consumption. I looked at the cornish hens but they are all "hybrids" We want to go with something more "organic" and natural. Does the fact that they are hybrids mean anything I should be concerned about? Or are they just mutts? Understand, I WILL NO...
  11. robot rooster

    I started my new chicken tractor for my meat birds

    Does anyone have plans for this type of tractor? I would love to Try this for my meat birds I'll be raising in March. I just want to know how many lengths, price, ect. Thanks
  12. robot rooster

    Eating fertililized eggs

    Quote: If you eat sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, corn or even tomatoes you are eating something that could have life........... I think you're reaching on that one. A plant doesn't reason, or have emotions. I'll have to figure it out when the time comes I guess. Plants put out Oxygen that...
  13. robot rooster

    Check out what greeted me this AM

    that D@mn snake came back! i took it far into the woods, hopefully he won't find his way back!
  14. robot rooster

    Check out what greeted me this AM

    During my morning chores I happened to walk by the egg door and opened it up to see the head of a black snake staring right at me. I knew it was too early for them to get an egg, as my girls usually lay later on in the morning, but it was in the egg box that they usually lay in (I have two...
  15. robot rooster

    The Chicken Done! NEW PICS!

    Nice run! how much did you spend on materials? Could you give us a material list? Thanks!
  16. robot rooster

    I hate dogs....

    Quote: Anyone in the Charlotte area have skunks I can trap?
  17. robot rooster

    I hate dogs....

    Quote: Well, I don't want to kill them slowly, so I'll look into something else. I just want something for the next time I am not around. As for Stupid Chicken, update....SHE IS DOING GREAT, She seems to be able to stand now while she eats and drinks. I'll put her back with the others if...
  18. robot rooster

    I hate dogs....

    They already killed a rooster I had about 6 months ago by coming in my yard. She paid me $20 dollars but still, keep the flippin things out. I am seriously contemplating buckets of antifreeze around my property, just in case the come in my yard......part of me feels bad, but I can't be...
  19. robot rooster

    I hate dogs....

    Hey guys thanks for all the replies. She is on my back porch in a dog cage and she has been eating and drinking fine. She even laid an egg yesterday morning. She did not roost the first night, but the second night she did. She still walks with a limp and doesn't want to move too much, but my...
  20. robot rooster

    I hate dogs....

    So I was out of town for a day, and stupid hen (that is her name, poor thing really isn't all there in the head) got out. Apparently the new neighbors let their dogs run free every evening at 7...they did not kill her, but possibly hurt her wing, she is limping and holds her wing out (maybe...
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