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  1. Chickenmaven

    Are these two roosters?

    Yes, they are both roosters. When a silkie's poof grows in "blown back" like that, it is very, very likely a roo. The good news is that he will be handsome & prolly easy to rehome.
  2. Chickenmaven

    piercings and tattoos for them or against them?

    I employ a number of tattood and pierced people. As long as an individual's "decorations" are not a distraction or a safety hazard, I don't have a problem with them. Only once have I rejected an applicant due to a piercing. This was 10 or 12 years ago, when tongue piercing was all the rage...
  3. Chickenmaven

    Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

    I have been veg and found it easier to be an omnivore. Yep, I eat meat because I am that little bit lazy. It is easy to grill a piece of fish, steam some rice & nuke broccoli. It is time-consuming to prepare all the yummy, wholesome things that make a healthful vegetarian diet. I do love...
  4. Chickenmaven

    What makes you proud of where you are from?

    I've lived all over the Midwest, but I am proud of Michigan and its people. We are down to earth and caring. We are hanging in there in this crappy economy. We are turning our manufacturing jobs into clean energy jobs. Michigan is a truly beautiful place: All that shoreline and no tsunamis.
  5. Chickenmaven

    Who's your least favorite type of difficult person?

    This "thing" confuses CHARACTERISTICS with people. As others have pointed out, individuals can have several annoying characteristics. Thus, there is no one way to react to someone's behavior. As a grad student, I researched anti-social behavior with the editors of this book -...
  6. Chickenmaven

    Blue Andalusian thread!

    Quote: I got some Andalusians from Meyer. They came as part of a pullet assortment. The cockeral was true-blue. However, the pullets were black & splash. I did not keep the roo for long - too aggressive for my small set-up. I still have the hens. They are the smartest, most interactive...
  7. Chickenmaven

    Silkie expert needed.What pullet or cockeral Pictures are now numbered

    Number 4 is a showgirl pullet. I think your white silkie is a pullet as well. It's the roundness of the poofs.
  8. Chickenmaven

    Coop Cleaning... How Often??

    My method sounds vile, but it works. I have a large coop (14x12) and a large run (12x30). We use pine shavings in the coop. We clean out the coop by raking the dirty shavings into the run about once a month (and replacing). We shovel out the run a couple times a year and use it as hot...
  9. Chickenmaven

    Do some people think free range = no food?

    Back to the OP's question: Do people think that free range = no food? I believe that some people do. I heard a story about a woman that bought several chicks at the local mill. When prompted to purchase the feed for the chicks, she replied that she planned to free range them!?! The...
  10. Chickenmaven

    Nail Polish Designs!!

    This thread reminded me that it has been TOO LONG since I have done my nails. DH loves to see my toes painted. I never go to have a mani/pedi ... mainly due to the cost, but also because I HATE to have my feet touched.
  11. Chickenmaven

    So what's on your list?

    Christmas? Yikes! I think about it the first week of December, approx. the same time I declare that I am sick of hearing the Muzak carrols in the stores. I never want a thing, thus I am a terrible recipient. I suppose I would take candy, wine & a silk scarf or two. Hey! And a day off...
  12. Chickenmaven

    No eggs at 22 weeks. Could be MY fault!

    Your birds will lay when they are ready. I am certain you have done them NO HARM WHATSOEVER. I wish my fellow BYCers would have a little more faith in themselves and in the hardiness of poultry. Oyster shell or ground egg shell? Grit or gravel? Free range or covered run? These are all...
  13. Chickenmaven

    Warning: These pictures may be too cute for children under 13! UPDATE!

    How about the name - Jet? Perhaps, it'll be a girl? We always find that when we give a gendered name, we are WRONG. Thus, Angel became MR. Angel. Frank is just Frank Hen. Raven became MR. Raven. And so on... Cute chick!
  14. Chickenmaven

    No Shell Egg

    We had a hen that passed shell-less eggs, then she passed a rough looking lump. It looked like fake tree bark, made of rubber. Unfortunately, she died a few weeks later. I am not reporting this to upset anyone. It is just that there seems to be an emphasis on "cures" in this forum (and...
  15. Chickenmaven

    We gave the chickens our bedroom! Pic Heavy!

    Yay Chicks! : Ha! The title of the thread totally grabbed me! Me, too! I was, like, "I guess I am not the crazy one."
  16. Chickenmaven

    Contraband Rooster and his Homemade Timer Box **Pics**

    I would be more concerned about this set-up come Winter. He is really gonna need to roost with his girls to stay warm.
  17. Chickenmaven

    Galvanized waterer ?

    I place my heater & waterer on a large board. That keeps it level. It also keeps shavings away from it.
  18. Chickenmaven


    CricketYang - that there's a roo! Sorry. I have had to rename many a silkie: Angel became "Mr. Angel". Paula became "Poe". I think I will have to find a name for Luna, there's some wattles starting. Perhaps Luna could be renamed Lunar or Lunatic?????
  19. Chickenmaven

    Are they too thin?

    16 weeks? They are "teenagers" & will be a bit slim. It's good. You are watching for all the right things.
  20. Chickenmaven

    DS's Punishment

    This issue is SERIOUS. I would not trust a kid like this to babysit. Face it: He is too immature to operate the vehicle safely. I urge you to hold out on him. Do not give him the 4-wheeler next week or next month. Don't! You are in danger of setting a terrible precident. I know a...
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