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  1. DeeAnn5

    flagyl for bumble foot

    Victory!! You all were SO right!! I removed the kernel tonight, it did not even bleed, there was no discharge. I wore the plastic gloves, etc. It just left a giant hole in her foot, I packed it with Bacitrin and wrapped it up so nicely. Louie was a good patient. I can't believe that was in...
  2. DeeAnn5

    flagyl for bumble foot

    Great! Gosh thank you!! I started again last night with the soak/Mg sufate paste and clean bandage. Being in molt seems to make her miserable and I try to minimize handling but we need to move toward a resolution with this bumble foot...The kernel is black and looks like it should be ready to...
  3. DeeAnn5

    liquid calcium gluconate 23% solution

    Can I add this to the water? My hens stopped laying about 1 month ago when I opened the cage at 5 am and a raccoon killed my Brahman.
  4. DeeAnn5

    liquid calcium gluconate 23% solution

    Hi. I was sorting through some old animal supplies and found this 23% Calcium gluconate. I had purchased the bottle when I rescued a battery hen but never opened it and the hen recovered well. I know have 5 hens mostly healthy as far as I know. Is there a way I could/should use this product...
  5. DeeAnn5

    flagyl for bumble foot

    Another question though, and I did already watch one video recently on how to treat bumblefoot by removing the kernel, when do I apply the BlueKote?
  6. DeeAnn5

    flagyl for bumble foot

    Oh gosh thank you so much! I won't use the flagyl. I'm going to start tonight with the daily soaks. I have a Magnesium sulfate paste I bought for a different chicken a few years ago, so I'm going to apply that and wrap a few days to try and soften, then remove the kernel...I know how to keep...
  7. DeeAnn5

    flagyl for bumble foot

    Americauna hen with bumble foot, I've been soaking it in Epsom, applying TAB and wrapping it about every 10 days. The swelling hasn't gone down and there is a black scab on the bottom of her foot. I found some leftover flagyl labeled Metronidazole which had been prescribed for my dog. I have...
  8. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    They are only locked in the tractor from dusk to dawn and are essentially free range during the day (in the dog-free area), so I'm not really following why the coop size is important. The 3 Bigs roost together and one is a Brahma. It's wide enough for these 2 heirloom Bigs and 1 battery hen to...
  9. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    Thanks! they're doing great!! Yes, I'm considering leaving the nest box open and making a ramp for the Bigs, so much easier than building a separate run for the Littles. Then I just close the divider and the Bigs can still have the roost/nest area throughout the day.
  10. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    Ok thanks. This is really helpful! Someone was telling me today about a neighbor who put some young chicks in a coop with an established flock. They were pecking the Little's head so much it was bleeding. The people had to come home from work to rescue it. Fortunately it was okay, but they...
  11. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    How long do you suggest? My 2 Jumbo heirlooms are pretty mellow and lived on a farm, but the battery hen may be the one to watch out for. She's small but she no play.
  12. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    OK so thinking since all egg laying happens in morning, and plenty of safe spaces for Bigs to hide in case of hawk, here is my thought: I will just lock the Littles in the chicken tractor 8 hours/day for 3 days for introductions. Then move the Littles to their safe cage at night. Will this work?
  13. DeeAnn5

    Spraddle leg rescue from TSC

    I'm not familiar with this type of bird, but generally all domestic birds can be kept as an "only" so long as they spend time daily with their people, looks like he is part of the flock now. Good of you to take it. Good luck with the legs!
  14. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    More info about my flock: The tractor is opened first thing in the morning and closed last thing at night, so my girls free roam within the 900 square feet enclosed garden area (dog free zone). We are in Missouri, and it gets pretty cold here. there is a red light on in the roost when it is...
  15. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    So Thanks so much for sharing your experience! So sorry I won't have time to look at this until later tomorrow. Pic of my 3 adult hens, the one in front was a battery hen. The other 2 are large heirlooms.
  16. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    It's a fenced garden area with some raised beds...could theoretically be partitioned but there is only 1 predator proof chicken tractor in that part of the yard. There are several great hiding spaces including an A-frame run through and lots of they can run all around outside...
  17. DeeAnn5

    Introducing 4 Americauna chicks to flock of 3 heirloom hens

    Hi. Impulse buy of 4 chicks mid-June. The photo is when they were about 1 week old. I believe now they are exactly 6 weeks old. I did leave them in a dog crate like 1 hour at a time when they were little to meet the Bigs. The Littles don't like being handled because I kept putting them...
  18. DeeAnn5

    4 Americaunas 2 weeks old

    Ok thanks! They seem healthy and active
  19. DeeAnn5

    4 Americaunas 2 weeks old

    Greetings. Impulse buy of 4 Americaunas at the feed store to one day join my 3 hens in Chicken tractor/garden area. My chicks are now 2 weeks old. I have used a red chicken drop light in their brooder, they are doing great. I am now putting them outside in a predator-proof pen during the...
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