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  1. flickerloo

    Hen laying two separate eggs (weird)

    But even if it is some weird oxidation, it’s two eggs in one day...two days in a row, a green one in the morning, tan in the afternoon. The woman who was looking after the hen has years of experience with chickens and had no idea either.
  2. flickerloo

    Hen laying two separate eggs (weird)

    Hi.. it’s been quite awhile since I’ve last posted. A client of mine was looking after a hen who was getting bullied. Turns out the hen (is a Dominique as far as I can tell) lays two different eggs sometimes on the same tan/pinkish and one green. Uh...I’m stumped. My daughter...
  3. flickerloo

    best brand of chicken feed?

    S&P is Scratch and Peck, which is a loose dry mash feed, non pelletized. Some people hate on it because of the consistency. They do not pelletize it to avoid heating the feed, which is what happens in the pelleting process. It is designed to be wetted or fermented. The company actually...
  4. flickerloo

    best brand of chicken feed?

    I guess I don't really see how a feed with whole grains and pelletized extras is going to be much more effective than the regular feed. They are still going to pick out what they want and ignore the rest unless you only allow them a certain amount each day. Maybe it makes sense for really...
  5. flickerloo

    best brand of chicken feed?

    The unmilled feed, such as Scratch and Peck, is designed to be wetted, soaked, or fermented. There is no efficient way to feed it dry to the chickens. I use S&P and ferment it. Not any extra work really. I can't imagine feeding my hens anything else, and it is local (company is in my town)...
  6. flickerloo

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3/11 yesterday. Easter eggers stopped laying, an australorp molting. Those are chickens that I got this spring, and I don't get why they've stopped laying or molting, as they aren't even a year old. Most of the older hens I have are molting. Do easter eggers normally quit laying for the...
  7. flickerloo

    best brand of chicken feed?

    I think S&P is $28 for a 40 lb sack of corn-free, soy-free 18% layer. It's pricey, but it's worth it. I get it at the local farmers co-op here.
  8. flickerloo

    Scratch and Peck Organic Layer Feed (no corn/soy)>>

    Yes, and actually I ferment it too. Really healthy chickens and eggs with huge yolks. A friend of mine has three year old hens that are still laying like crazy, and she thinks it's due to the S&P food because she's never had older hens lay so well before.
  9. flickerloo

    Locally grown and milled feed

    Looks quite similar to the consistency of the Scratch and Peck feed. It should be fine. When in doubt about the digestibility of it, try fermenting it, which will make it more digestible. My main concern is that it is mostly corn and soy. But I guess that is what is in most standard feed.
  10. flickerloo

    Locally grown and milled feed

    It does look like quite a bit of hulls. Is it like that all the way through. And is it just hulls,or is it whole oats with the hulls on? I uses Scratch and Peck, which is a mash feed like what you have. I ferment it, and that seems to take care of any problems with the fine particles that...
  11. flickerloo

    feeding Chickens Black pepper

    Maybe just a lash.... Hen's reproductive tract sloughed off some tissue and it got processed like an egg. It happens. Weird eggs aren't uncommon when hens are starting to lay again after stress or a molt or the winter.
  12. flickerloo

    Do baby chicks just sleep really sound??

    I found mine crashed out in the weirdest places and positions. Sometimes it seemed like they would fall asleep while eating! Come to think of it, my kids did that too when they were babies!
  13. flickerloo

    Chicks don't go in coop on their own and aren't sleeping on roosts

    Mine are almost 9 weeks old and they still sleep in a little pile. They can find the perches and there are no nest boxes in their's just a grow-out coop. In the morning, they are on the perches, so I'm not sure if they eventually go to roost after I lock them up or if they roost in...
  14. flickerloo

    Scratch and Peck Feed

    If you sift out S&P mash, you basically have only scratch. It is really a food designed to be moistened, soaked, or fermented. I ferment it, and my hens eat nearly every last bit of it every day. They are far healthier than when I got them (at 18 months old), and every one of them had grown...
  15. flickerloo

    How to tame chicks (teaching them to not be afraid of you)

    With all my babies, I scooped them up one by one and held them, stroked the side of their necks gently until they dozed off. I did this every day, and they learned to associate my hands with comfort and safety. I also offered them chick scratch from my hand every day, so even now, as they are...
  16. flickerloo

    Review by '' on item 'Naturally Free Layer Chicken Feed, 25lbs'

    When you first open a bag of Scratch and Peck, the sweet smell is the first thing you notice. It's almost enough to make me want to taste it. I only feed my hens Scratch and Peck. All of my adult birds came to me from other places at about 18 months old, in varying degrees of health. All had...
  17. flickerloo

    Scared chickys! Help!

    The day after I got my chicks, and they were maybe four days old, I picked up each of them, one at a time. They were scared, but I cupped my hands around them and gently stroked the side of their head/neck. After a few minutes, they would fall asleep. When they woke up, I'd lower them back...
  18. flickerloo

    Which size Brinsea ?

    The 20 will fit 12 babies with no problem. They only sit under there when they are tiny. As long as you have them in a room with an ambient temp of 70 or so, they won't spend much time under it after a couple of weeks. I have my chicks in a box with a 40 watt bulb over it for light and a...
  19. flickerloo

    Feeding chicks medicated starter feed or not?

    I have six chicks, not doing medicated feed. I add Chick Booster to their water though, and it contains probiotics.
  20. flickerloo

    How to help small flock cope with loss of flockmate.

    I pulled two hens out (I have six total) last night and put them in a broody-breaker cage in my basement. This morning, my four remaining hens, especially the head hen, are going crazy, calling out and making a huge amount of distressed racket. They definitely miss their flockmates!
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