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  1. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    My male Pekin, Luna Ray, constantly attacks my lil pit bull dog, she is three years old. He will run all the way across the yard back and forth to get her. My dog loves that he chases her and will stand there with her butt to his beak to ward off his pecking. Occasionally she will pin him...
  2. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I use an aluminum dog bowl with a heavy bottom. Its about 6 inches in diameter too. It doesn't tip and I have never had a problem with my three pekins pooping in it. I let them free range my yard during the day and I keep their food and water in the shade for them under a tree. I have a 125...
  3. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Probably saying...this is the life lol
  4. suellen123

    Our girls won't eat layer pellets and act like they are starving all the time

    I use Quaker oats or flavored instant oatmeal. I don't cook it, I just add warm water and stir for a nice warm treat on those cold days. I can get a family size oatmeal at GFS for 3.99 and I get about 4 or 5 feeding a for 8 chickens.
  5. suellen123

    Soft shells

    Make sure you check the butt of your female laying soft shells and look for signs like her not coming in at night with the others or being distant from the others. Birds rarely show signs of trouble until 24 hours within death. Its a survival thing they have from being in the wild. You have...
  6. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    After I lost one of my females to Rectal Prolapse I introduced a new female with my existing female and darak, my drake was horrible to her. He had her neck raw from attacking her and having his way with her. I tried very hard to protect her but it was difficult. I have a divided yard and...
  7. suellen123

    Our girls won't eat layer pellets and act like they are starving all the time

    My chickens prefer the crumbles to the pellets and my ducks prefer the pellets to the crumbles. I try not to give the chickens corn due to GMO concerns. I do feed them warm oatmeal on cold mornings though and they love it. In the summer I was lucky enough to get a watermelon source and was...
  8. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I i love to bake with mine. I also use them for batter for chicken. I eat them scrambled too. I love them. Funny how some have a stigma about eating them. Just like chicken eggs but bigger.
  9. suellen123

    Questions about raising Meal Worms

    Don't mealy worms turn into beetles? How do you keep them? Do they reproduce? Where do you order that many? Thanks in advance for your response.
  10. suellen123

    Egg production dropping on organic layer feed?

    I found the answer. They are molting. Its the time of year. Feathers flying and huge drop in egg production or no egg production. What a relief to know.
  11. suellen123

    Comment by 'suellen123' in article 'Helping your flock through molt'

    I have 8 chickens and for a time I was getting 8 eggs a day almost every day. The past month or so production started dropping to 4 or 5 eggs a day and then 2 or 3 than 1 or 2 and now I have had a few days with no eggs. I saw a lot more feathers in the coop than normal and the chickens...
  12. suellen123

    Egg production dropping on organic layer feed?

    My chickens egg production went way down this summer. I have 8 chickens, different varieties. One some days I would only get one or two eggs total from all the chickens. This happened a few weeks in a row. The other week I got 3 and 4 eggs a day and now this week back to 1 and 2. My...
  13. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I have two females and a male in downtown St. Petersburg Florida. I have a small fenced in yard and understand what your going through. My male has a quiet raspy voice. One of my females is somewhat quiet and the other is not. She is constantly bobbing her head saying "drop it down, drop it...
  14. suellen123

    Skinny Chickens?

    My chickens kind of stop and bow and let me pet them and pick them up. They know I am the kibble dispenser so they are very friendly with me.
  15. suellen123

    Skinny Chickens?

    very true. Mine are not meaty either. They run around all day long. They are healthy. We had one bout with mites but we soaked their feet in olive oil and then put Vaseline on them and no more problems. Mine do love the treats though and I feel like Oatmeal is great for them.
  16. suellen123

    Skinny Chickens?

    I like to feed my chickens something besides egg layer every day. I feed them oatmeal and bananas as a favorite treat. They love watermelon and other fruits. I also make them corn bread once in a while. I don't like feeding them much corn because of GMO's. I feel them wheat noodles with...
  17. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Pekins remind me of Dr. Seuss's Thing 1 and Thing 2... They are so funny. Yours is beautiful too.
  18. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    S she imprinted on your dog. My first duck did the same thing with my Pitt bull. I have a male duck that is constantly bullying my dog. He grabs her jowls and pokes her legs and butt. I am constantly telling him Lunar Ray leave the dog alone. Then I pick him up and hug him and ask him why do...
  19. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    you might put aloe vera on the area. It is very bitter tasting and maybe that will keep the male from biting into her. Just a thought and it cant hurt her.
  20. suellen123

    Pekin Duck Club!

    My male was getting very rough with my females and hurt one of their eye lids one night when I put them up. Since then I put the male in a separate hut at night as the females could not get away from him locked up together. During the day they can escape his grasp a little easier and at night...
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