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  1. StarMeKritten


    The BLRW is a pullet and the partridge is a cockerel.
  2. StarMeKritten

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    He's definitely blue. Those odds won't necessarily be accurate in small batches. You can flip a penny 10 times and get heads 8 times... But you still have a 50/50 chance each time. Flip the coin 100 times and you'll see something a whole lot closer to 50/50. That being said, how old are your...
  3. StarMeKritten


    The sex should be pretty clear by that age but it's always harder to tell from a photo than it is in person. I'm leaning toward the blrw being a pullet. I would suggest posting a couple more photos of them in a week or two.
  4. StarMeKritten

    Blue laced red wyandotte growth!!

    Nothing wrong with keeping the one who's personality you like best. I would never keep an aggressive rooster, even if he was gorgeous. Personality is inherited too. A splash laced rooster would definitely be fun in a mixed breed pen. I had a splash laced rooster in my layer pen for awhile. He...
  5. StarMeKritten

    Blue laced red wyandotte growth!!

    If they were mine, this one would be the first to go. Hackles (and probably the rest of him) are going to be really brassy. I think the lacing is going to be too thin on him too. So far, I'm liking the one on the right in the top photo (and the 3rd photo) best.
  6. StarMeKritten

    What breed and gender are my two chickens

    The tail feathers have a little curve at the end but that's not uncommon in juvenile pullets. The feathers on the back are nice and rounded. The comb and wattles, while larger than the other pullet, are pretty small and pale compared to a typical cockerel at that age.
  7. StarMeKritten

    What breed and gender are my two chickens

    Number 1 appears to be a black sex link pullet. Number 2 looks like an Australorp pullet.
  8. StarMeKritten

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    It's been a busy week and I've fallen behind trying to keep up with all my subscribed threads. Our broody EE hens hatched lots of adorable fluffy chicks. I'm not quite sure exactly how many but roughly 15 little black EE/ Marans mix chicks. These two hens are sisters from the same hatch and...
  9. StarMeKritten

    5 Toed Feather Footed Chicken?

    Regular feathering and white skin, definitely sultans. Silkies would have silkied feathering and the bottoms of the feet would be black instead of white. They are very pretty!
  10. StarMeKritten

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Just a fun photo showing the difference between the new feathers coming in and the juvenile feathers on one of my 8 week old pullets.
  11. StarMeKritten

    Does anyone know which breed this is and if looks like a cockerel or not?

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! But at least they are usually pretty nice guys. I've never had a mean one. I actually have 3 blue laced red wyandotte roosters at the moment. Oddly enough, the meanest rooster I've ever had was also a buff orpington..
  12. StarMeKritten

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    I figured I would join in! I have 12 silkie eggs in the incubator that are due to hatch 5/28 and I just added another dozen silkie eggs yesterday that are due to hatch 6/5.
  13. StarMeKritten

    Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

    How old? The comb and wattles look pretty feminine but the splotchy pattern and incomplete lacing are throwing me off a bit. It's hard to be sure. Do you have any more photos? A nice clear, up close photo of the feathers on the back along with a profile view showing the full body and legs...
  14. StarMeKritten

    Breed guessing help please

    You might have to wait until it's older to be certain. It looks like it will be white. I know that white Plymouth Rock chicks will often be yellow and grayish like that, so that would be my first guess.
  15. StarMeKritten

    The Welsummers

    The one on the right with the light brown feathers on her breast is a pullet. The males will have black feathers there. You should be able to sex them all within the next week or so when they are more feathered in.
  16. StarMeKritten

    First time chicken owner- rooster or pullet?

    And welcome to BYC! Great choices of chicks by the way. Those were the breeds I started out with too. I have mostly wyandottes now though. :)
  17. StarMeKritten

    First time chicken owner- rooster or pullet?

    Post more photos in about 2 weeks. Right now though, I don't see any obvious cockerels.
  18. StarMeKritten

    What is the breed of this chick?

    I'm still going with Easter egger. I had one that looked almost exactly like her that came from one of the big hatcheries (McMurray, I think). Clean faced, pea combed, green legged and with coloring that resembled a blr Wyandotte but with less lacing. She laid huge blue eggs.
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