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  1. Silver Bantam

    Is Aviverm Safe for Chicks?

    Thanks for that, @caboodleschicks I don't think the chicks have worms, just the mummy hen really needs to be dosed asap. I feel so bad they all got left for that long with so many worms without us even realising What I might try is just putting a waterer up high so the chicks can't reach...
  2. Silver Bantam

    Is Aviverm Safe for Chicks?

    Thank you very much for your help, @coach723! I really appreciate it I'll make sure to get a different wormer next time- didn't think about that. Hopefully this will be ok for now though, as they really need to be dosed.
  3. Silver Bantam

    Is Aviverm Safe for Chicks?

    Just discovered my chickens have a heavy worm burden (poor things! ), so we bought some Aviverm bird wormer stuff to pour in their water. I have a hen with four chicks at the moment though, and was just wondering if it's safe to worm them along with the hen? I really need to, or find a solution...
  4. Silver Bantam

    Is Aviverm Safe for Chicks?

    Just discovered my chickens have a heavy worm burden (poor things! ), so we bought some Aviverm bird wormer stuff to pour in their water. I have a hen with four chicks at the moment though, and was just wondering if it's safe to worm them along with the hen? I really need to, or find a...
  5. Silver Bantam

    Chicks Aren't Eating

    Hi @azygous, thanks for you reply :) The chicks are currently six days old, and are living (temporarily) in a large dog crate in my rabbit shed. The Pekin hen was only actually sitting on them for about a week before they hatched, as I had a different (and larger) hen on the eggs until that...
  6. Silver Bantam

    Chicks Aren't Eating

    So I have a Pekin Bantam hen that recently hatched her first batch of chicks, four in total. I bought some chick crumble for them, the same brand I usually give broodys with chicks- but they won't eat it! The poor wee hen is so thin after incubating them, and now it seems as though she is...
  7. Silver Bantam

    Leghorn Colour

    Hello :) I have a (very) small flock of Leghorn Bantams, currently consisting of a white rooster, white hen, two black hens, and a blue hen. I have four eggs under a broody Pekin at the moment, and was just wondering what colour possibilities I have? I think I've read somewhere that white is...
  8. Silver Bantam

    Lethargic Rooster, Wont Eat or Drink Anything!!

    Our roosters are bother kept in separate pens with their own little flocks, so he hasn't had anyone to pick on him at all. He has no signs of injury, either. I have been spending the last half an hour or so spooning water for him. I found that by tilting his head back gently and opening his...
  9. Silver Bantam

    Lethargic Rooster, Wont Eat or Drink Anything!!

    Also forgot to mention that the tips of his comb are a sort of purple colour, and the rest of his comb seems to be changing to that colour too.
  10. Silver Bantam

    Lethargic Rooster, Wont Eat or Drink Anything!!

    Just tried to give him some scrambled eggs, but he wont eat that either. Any advise would be much appreciated!
  11. Silver Bantam

    Lethargic Rooster, Wont Eat or Drink Anything!!

    One of our two roosters, a leghorn bantam, has become extremely lethargic. I went to give him and his flock some bugs only a little earlier today, and he was sitting on the ground with his wings at an awkward angle. I walked over to him and he just sat there, so I picked him up. He is very...
  12. Silver Bantam

    Pekin Bantams- Colours?

    I was swapped a batch of Pekin Bantam eggs for a rabbit a few months ago, and was just wondering what exactly you would call the resulting chicks colours? I was told they were Spangled, but the cockerels have always been much more white then the three pullets. Are there different variations of...
  13. Silver Bantam

    What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

    Welcome, Spickes! I'm sure you'll find plenty of information on this fantastic forum, with loads of knowledgable fellow owners and breeders c: But of course, due to the unspoken rule, we simply must have a photo or two of your rabbits first. ;)
  14. Silver Bantam

    The Q&A Game!

    Two horses (<3), two dogs, one cat, four mice, ten rabbits, five guinea pigs, three quail, and twelve chickens (five of which are chicks, but this doesn't include the twelve leghorn bantams eggs I've currently got under a hen). If you had to chose, which would be your favourite animal that...
  15. Silver Bantam

    Hai :o

    Hai :o
  16. Silver Bantam


    They are gorgeous! Gotta love them ears. What are your plans for them? :)
  17. Silver Bantam

    Help Needed for a Newbie Please!

    Thank you both very much for your replies! Very helpful :) @Teila ; The two hens have only been on the nest with commitment for two days (I think), so would that be alright then? I have heard of the marker thing, and I will make sure to do that if I do end up getting some hatching eggs. I...
  18. Silver Bantam

    Help Needed for a Newbie Please!

    So I am currently considering ordering some Buff Orpington, or Leghorn Eggs. Can't quite decide which ones at the moment because the Orpingtons down here are from good show stock (Not that I'm looking into showing at all at this stage, but as a rabbit fancier the purebreds do appeal to me) and...
  19. Silver Bantam

    ~*Silver Bantams Chat Thread Of Epic Awesomeness*~

    Not really, but between maths, animals, sports and going into town every other day, life tends to take over a bit cx I guess you guys are starting another round of school at the moment? Yea, this thread tends to go up and down allot cx Thankfully I managed to dodge the flu, but I did end...
  20. Silver Bantam

    ~*Silver Bantams Chat Thread Of Epic Awesomeness*~

    Sorry guys, it's been hectic around here lately! With birthdays and sick people etc., as lame and pathetic as it sounds, I haven't had much time to think about replying. But yes, Coppertop, I have managed to check in a few times :P
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