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  1. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    March chicks I got are all laying. The hens that I got after memorial day are coming along and I'm kinda thinking about labor day weekend to integrate them in with the big girls. Grandma pretty chicky, from Candy's Iowa blue rejects, has been doing well with keeping an eye on the kids. still...
  2. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Kinda debating on going to chickenstock yet this year. would like to go, but its almost one year to the day that Amy lost her father. And while Amy has been taking it fairly well, not sure how well her mom is going to handle the weekend. Did go take my car and ran it through the car wash...
  3. bigmrg74

    Michigan CHICKENSTOCK returns for 2023

    Kinda debating it yet, Amy just happened to stumble across a small animal swap at the Tecumseh FFH over memorial day weekend and got 2 silkie chicks there, which she's been wanting for a while. However, the 17th there is almost one year to the day that her dad died, and her mom has been having...
  4. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Chickenstock??? We're actually having it this year??? Dang, guess I should pop in here more often. Amy has been on me about maybe getting some silkies this year, and I would kinda like to get 2 pullets. Kinda thinking that I need to cull some more of my slackers and maybe go with a second...
  5. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Been noticing some thin shelled eggs lately, that have broken in the nest. Heck, friday I was scrubbing one that I had just collected that morning in the sink as it was kinda poopy and it broke in my hand. Opted to put out some more crushed oyster shells and some grit stones for the girls, see...
  6. bigmrg74

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

    Because I'm sure there's been more dumb stuff said about your chickens or eggs.
  7. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Been depressed, GVSU lost out in the playoffs a week ago to Ferris State, who we beat in the regular season, but Ferris just managed to get past us a week ago, and then handled West Florida easily in Big Rapids to punch their ticket to the NCAA Division 2 National Championship Game this year in...
  8. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I'm sure that he really twisted your arm there RAZ.
  9. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Dustings of snow down here still.
  10. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Yeah, I had to replace my phone last weekend. The power button wasn't working on my iPhone 11, and while I could have gotten it repaired, I was going to be without it for a while, so just made more sense to upgrade to the 13, and trade it in, and then they'll fix it up and sell it to whomever I...
  11. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I mix in straw and leaves in the fall, throw in more straw over the winter. Gets all dumped out on the field in the spring and is good stuff for it.
  12. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Key thing here is having the water line and the drainage area for the hydrants are below the frost line. gravel around the base of the pump will allow water to drain out. if you're going to be using it multiple times a day, you would want to have large area to allow for more drainage capacity.
  13. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Coop is slowly getting buttoned up for winter. Up by the garage so I can plug in the lights and I probably should get the waterer in and plugged in as well. Got a new pallet to rebuild my pallet table for in the coop as the old pallet was just falling apart on me. New one is a heavy duty...
  14. bigmrg74

    Build a Chunnel...

    Might just be possible to hose it down, or take the time to pull it all up to rake it out.
  15. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    for my waterer and feed, I put together a table from an old pallet and sat my feeder and water up on top of that in my coop. I put chicken wire around 3 sides of the table and with 2 panels from a doggy pen I can use it to isolate a chicken for a while, just have to be on it daily with food and...
  16. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Yeah, my girls are down right now, and had to buy eggs this week. Going to have to get my tractor set up soon for winter so that I can get the girls on lights again. Do have some girls molting. Was locking up the girls tonight and I've got one Plymouth Blue rock that's been insistent on...
  17. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Checking in. Have had a pretty busy summer. Amy's dad Mark passed away very unexpectedly Father's day weekend on us, and we've been helping her mom Sally deal with all of that. Thankfully Mark had pretty much everything all set up and ready to go for when the time came. Only real fly in...
  18. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    But chicks are half of the fun!!! Peep Peep Peep!!! Didn't see that this morning, but I was in there this morning getting feed and saw chicks, looked like just meat birds today, but they're all set up for more. Will need to stay strong and avoid the Chicken Math Problem. Also hoping that...
  19. bigmrg74

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Had a fun day. My brother was replacing some boards on a stall today and found a bunch of carpenter ants in the rough cut oak lumber we have stacked up in a small loft in the back. Pretty sure that back before we had the metal roof put on there was a small leak and got some of those boards a...
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