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  1. beachnutx6

    Accidental rooster

    I have 11 chickens (7 three year olds and 4 two year olds). I got 4 more in June and realized about a month ago that 1 is a rooster. I"ve never had a rooster before and have not heard it's the easiest to have. I cannot find a home for him, so in the meantime I guess I'm keeping him. I'm...
  2. beachnutx6

    I think one of my new hens is a rooster!

    Thank you! Yes, the one in the background is a salmon faverolle - never had one before.
  3. beachnutx6

    I think one of my new hens is a rooster!

    I currently have 11 chickens. I"ve had them for 3 years. I bought 4 more the beginning of June so they are almost 8 weeks old. Two of them are Rode Island Reds. One is bigger and started growing her comb almost 2 weeks before the others. She has a different stance and just looks bigger...
  4. beachnutx6

    Second sick Buff Orphington - help!

    When I bought them they were vaccinated (this was about 3 years ago) - I don't remember what the vaccines were. I just live on 5 acres with no other animals but our dog. I'm not on a farm.
  5. beachnutx6

    Second sick Buff Orphington - help!

    I have 12 chickens and 2 of them are buff orphingtons. I had one die about 4 weeks ago and now my second one is acting the same way. I was actually out of town the first time and who was watching them noticed she was just laying in a corner. When I finally got to her , her rear end had tons...
  6. beachnutx6

    Tiny Egg??

    Nope. I have 8 that are almost a year old.
  7. beachnutx6

    Tiny Egg??

    I found this itty bitty egg in my chicken run this morning. I haven't cracked it yet, but I can tell there is something "loose" in there. Any reason why this would happen? It has a rough shell, but one of my hens lays eggs like that. The picture makes it look bigger than it is. I just put a...
  8. beachnutx6

    Getting the Mereks vaccine or not????

    Ok, so I guess the question should be, how common is Merek's disease in Virginia?? Does anyone know?
  9. beachnutx6

    Getting the Mereks vaccine or not????

    I have a flock of 8 chickens that were vaccinated. I have an opportunity to get a couple more but they will not be vaccinated. They will be babies coming from a hatchery like my others, but I'm getting them from the local feed store Southern States and they are not paying the extra dollars to...
  10. beachnutx6

    bare rear end - irritated

    I have a chicken with a partial bare butt and we've had really cold temps and she is red as can be, almost chapped looking, very dry. Can I put vaseline on it to help protect it?
  11. beachnutx6

    bright red skin rash

    I don't see anything. The picture does not show it well. It's spotty and then there are large red patches. Someone told me that mites only come in the warm weather?? She had just bare skin for quite awhile....and then this red rash just showed up.
  12. beachnutx6

    Missing feathers on top of head

    I have a 9 month old Dominique who I noticed had a patch on back of neck where feathers are gone and then today, the top of her head looks like she's been shaved? Can other chickens peck feathers here??
  13. beachnutx6

    bright red skin rash

    I have (8) 9 month old chickens(first time owner) that have been doing great with the exception of some feather picking by a couple One in particular has a lot of feathers missing on rear around the base of her tail. I've noticed in the past couple of days how red it has gotten - no blood or...
  14. beachnutx6

    Strange bluish lump on chicken back.

    Hi Everyone - I"m very new to chickens. I have 8 28 week old birds and two have started missing feathers on the backside right before the tail. One of them looks better, but the other has a bald spot with a nasty scabby/bloody spot. I put neosporin on it yesterday but today, there is the...
  15. beachnutx6

    First egg - soft and transparent

    They have layer feed but I have not put out oyster shell yet since I just had one laying and I was told to wait.
  16. beachnutx6

    First egg - soft and transparent

    I'm brand new at this - I have 8 hens (4 breeds) that are almost 24 weeks old. One is laying everyday, beautiful little eggs with very hard shells. I have 3 other hens that seem ready to go also. This morning I found on the poop board under their roost, a soft "egg" that was filled with all...
  17. beachnutx6

    Sugar water and crushed oatmeal for hatchlings?

    I was told if you give them crushed oatmeal it helps with pasty butt. I started them on the oatmeal by day 3 and no more pasty butt!!! I also added ACV to their water (we had one plain water and one with the ACV). Dry oatmeal is still their favorite treat!
  18. beachnutx6

    Beginning to Squat

    I have a variety of birds(8 total), all almost 23 weeks old. One of my dominiques started squatting about 3 weeks ago - she started laying an egg/day for the last 9 days! I have one other that is just squatting. Both are very clingy to me and vocal - is that what you mean by "singing??" They...
  19. beachnutx6

    Beachnut - our first brooder

    This is our first time with chicks. We have 8 - 2 Light Brahma, 2 golden laced Wyandotte, 2 Dominique and 2 buff orpington. My husband is a contractor and has an awesome "right hand man" who built us our brooder which is located in our garage. It's divided in half with a piece of plywood that...
  20. beachnutx6

    Sand for baby chicks.

    I just got my first chicks a week ago and so far, so good. I've read a ton and researched like crazy. One thing that was said was to put a small sand box in there for them. I did that the other day and they love it. I just purchased a bag of sand from Home Depot. I checked to make sure it...
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