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  1. coop410silkies

    Best source of protien to get high Omega 3 eggs

    Scotty, I agree! I free-range my hens (with roosters), and I, too, have noticed their enormous appetites for meat protein; like you, I have wondered why more feed companies - and more flocksters have not noticed or reported on this. I believe feed companies quit using animal proteins in their...
  2. coop410silkies

    Review by 'coop410silkies' in article 'Common Rooster Myths - Clearing Up Rooster Misinformation'

    I have many Roosters and enough experience living with them that I can say this article accurately puts to rest some of the worst misinformation on Roosters. I can confirm that many roosters, with adequate space, can live together and that they protect and serve their hens. I can also confirm...
  3. coop410silkies

    Comment by 'coop410silkies' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    My birds love insects: meal worms, crickets, grasshoppers, grubs, beetles, etc. My flocks are free-ranging and opportunistic feeders; they graze the wild grasses continually. I have discovered recently some large colonies of earwigs, which the chickens went bonkers over. It is possible to...
  4. coop410silkies

    Preventing aggressive behaviour in cockerels/ roos

    I have raised a number of roosters in the five years I've been keeping chickens; some of them turned out to be homicidal maniacs, some became sweet pets, and some are masterful flock leaders. What I can say with certainty is that the rooster's temperament is genetically determined, by both...
  5. coop410silkies

    "California White"

    I purchased 5 of these from Stromberg's a little over a year ago; they started laying in the fall and laid throughout the winter, but it wasn't until this past Spring that they started laying prodigiously. Honestly, these guys are prolific! And some of the eggs are just huge. About their...
  6. coop410silkies

    Best Layers for Newbie

    @ Jed Jackson: This has been my experience as well. really. I DO have sex-links, both BSL and RSL. They tend to be loners and somewhat pushy when it comes to feeding, but the one BSL is a timid little thing around other birds, loves people she knows. She attached herself to the SS chick she...
  7. coop410silkies

    Yellow chunk came out of chickens eye

    You can put a drop of colloidal silver in her eye. It kills most bacteria, fungi, and viruses on contact and is harmless to your chicken's eye.
  8. coop410silkies

    Best Layers for Newbie

    My Barred Rock lives and does well with a mixed flock of RIR and Sussex chickens. She can be a bit of a stink sometimes. I do think many breeds like being with their own kind: my Red birds hang out with other red birds, the black with the black, the white with the white. Last year I tried...
  9. coop410silkies

    Comment by 'coop410silkies' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    Davi, I used to buy these "pinkies" at pet stores where they sell reptiles. My chicks, bearded dragon, box turtle, and Russian tortoise would feast and squabble over them, laid in a pile on a single large plate. It was a sight to behold. They were indeed live, and they are a good whole food...
  10. coop410silkies

    Comment by 'coop410silkies' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    My chickens are committed grass grazers, I am surprised by how much they like to graze, even when offered a continual supply of hi-protein pellets. They come running for snacks, and they are especially fond of meat, eggs, and dairy. Whenever I feed them low protein snacks - like leftover...
  11. coop410silkies

    Comment by 'coop410silkies' in article 'Common Rooster Myths - Clearing Up Rooster Misinformation'

    Hens with roosters behave differently from those without. They get managed by them and seem to have significantly fewer behavioral issues. I have one small flock of thirteen hens with 4 roosters - RIR,SS,& RIRxSS - that all co-exist happily together; they have hierarchies and stations, and...
  12. coop410silkies

    Sussex mauled by a cat, not eating

    Yes, either way is good, but I prefer to feed raw if she will eat it, simply because heat destroys nutrients and I feel it packs a bigger bang for the nutritional buck when consumed raw. My birds like it both ways, perhaps favoring cooked (simmered lightly). I just cut it up into pieces with...
  13. coop410silkies

    Sussex mauled by a cat, not eating

    hi, Brittany, and welcome. I am so sorry to hear of your LS' misfortune. Like you, I have Light Sussex (hens and roos), and like yours, mine have been attacked by a feral cat. I have found the cat inside my coops in the morning, and lurking by the pop doors at other times; I do free range my...
  14. coop410silkies

    Make your own - No waste - 5 gallon (25# feed) bucket feeder for about $3

    My Silkies use it just fine (but I do put a little block for them to stand on if it is set up for - and they are sharing with - LF).
  15. coop410silkies

    Comment by 'coop410silkies' in article 'How To Integrate Your Chicken Flock The Easy Way'

    This sounds like the voice of experience, and it makes sense to me. Some of the techniques I've tried I've found to be good advice; I certainly agree with the choices of aggressive and passive birds. When I raise babies destined for a flock, I always mix a bunch of the flock litter in with the...
  16. coop410silkies

    Winter water?

    Like wamtazlady, I use a large tote with horizontal nipples and a bucket heater. This can be up to 17gallons, and it needs to be for exterior use. I use Sterilite flip latch totes. The bucket heaters do not have be very high in wattage - maybe only 50 - 60 watts, because only the bottom few...
  17. coop410silkies


    y I second this info, jsat , and WELCOME. I did lose one young pullet to cold and snow once, when her flockmates sat on the threshold of the run/coop pop door and prevented her from re-entering the coop. It was tragic, but sometimes that happens. Pays to count. Best of luck with your Mom's...
  18. coop410silkies

    Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

    I have been using a large (16x24") Premier plate for three weeks now, and I am enrolled. I brought 15 egg layer chicks home from the PO, popped them under the plate, and gained instant silence; 10 minutes later they all were back out, making a racket. I raised the plate, and after a short...
  19. coop410silkies

    Heat Plates vs Heat Lamps

    Last year a couple of Broodies hatched some chicks outdoors when the temps were cold, and I watched them a lot. One morning I looked out the window, and OMG, there was frost and mist and cold everywhere, and they weren't even 10 days old, and the Mama had them out foraging. That is the day I...
  20. coop410silkies

    Heat Plates vs Heat Lamps

    I bought and am using for the first time, a Premier 62 watt heating Plate. Let me say right off that I am enamored of this Brooding plate. I purchased it for economical reasons, and, more importantly, for safety reasons: it cannot get hot enough to ignite most things. This plate is sturdily...
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