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  1. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    Does anyone know how to protect a roosters comb from frost bite
  2. farmgirl360

    turkey pacing

    My 3 turkeys are with a Pygmy goat and only do this if a person comes near or feed but nothing different has changed and is is winter and I am concerned about the feather loss they do not have grass in there pen I haven't ever really let them out due to my last flock was ate by dogs when I came...
  3. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    I apologize that I haven't been on here I have had stuff going on and frankly I forgot to and I been so busy with school I been missing sleep and thanks Birdrain92 it seems you have been keeping this thread active
  4. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    I could give you the measurement of my pen tomorrow and it dosent have to be a barn just a fence and a shelter or hut
  5. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    they are so cute I wish you could ship me one lol and well the turkey died its a long story I think he got dehydrated from the medicine and I was watering him but he was down during 4h fair so I didn't get much time with him
  6. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    hey hows everyone doing sorry I haven't been on here in so long but I am getting ready for my 4-h fair and one of my turkeys feet is in bad shape and I am not sure what to do with it because he cant walk one it real well any ideals?
  7. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    its good to be back I have just been so busy that I haven't had time to get on here
  8. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    good and darn theres always next year and I didn't run I thought about it but I decdide I have a lot that goes on so I would be streached to thin even though I am now and congrats
  9. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    ye I hada great time at the banuet sadley I am now down to duck
  10. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    Me and my twin sister, Madison Me and my friend Morgan My Ag teacher/ FFA Advisor Officers...Left to right.... Advisor, secretary, president, V.P, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel Me handing out award to treasurer Me handing out award to Reporter
  11. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    that's not a bad office postion I just read on it and it sounds fun
  12. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    cool and o I don't think we do interviews.... or maybe we do , what officer would you want to be
  13. farmgirl360

    Let's talk pig!

    send a pick and I could since I raise them
  14. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    cool how many people is in your ffa club
  15. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    glad to see everyone sharing pictures and talking about there animals wish me luck Tuesday its FFA banquet and I am reciving my greenhand pin and I am giving chapter pins out so wish me luck!!
  16. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    welcome member new to this for forum
  17. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    that is a pretty calf
  18. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    wow that's great I love the baby he looks so cute!
  19. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    its ok photobomb us all you want ! I love looking at the photos everybody post on here
  20. farmgirl360

    all farm animals

    and o ok got it an wow sounds like she is keeper for being that fertile really cool congrats on all those degrees and remind me again how you get your chapter degree
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